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Moore-Alexander Seeks PFP Presidential, V.P. Nomination
The State Convention for Peace and Freedom Party will convene on Saturday, August 2 and 3 at the Hawthorn Suites, 321 Bercut Drive, Sacramento California. At the convention Brian Moore, Gloria La Riva, Ralph Nader, and Cynthia McKinney will be seeking the Peace and Freedom Party’s presidential nomination. A debate among the four presidential candidates will be at the same location on Friday, August 1 at 7 p.m.
Stewart A. Alexander
Vice Presidential Nominee Socialist Party USA
Candidate for V.P. Nomination Peace and Freedom Party
July 27, 2008
It was October 19, 2007 that Brian P. Moore and Stewart A. Alexander met for the first time at the National Convention of Socialist Party USA; in St Louis, Missouri. Less than three days later, the two men were joined together as presidential running mates representing the Socialist Party USA, and joint partners to lead in the socialist movement nationwide. During the convention, Brian Moore was nominated for President and Stewart Alexander was nominated for Vice President.
With less than a week before the State Convention of the Peace and Freedom Party, both Brian Moore and Stewart Alexander are hoping to capture the nomination for president and vice president of the California socialist party; to expand the party’s mission and socialist agenda nationwide. There are three other presidential candidates besides Brian Moore that will be attending the convention in Sacramento, California; they are Ralph Nader, Gloria La Riva, and Cynthia McKinney. The hope of all four candidates will be to secure the party’s nomination for president.
The Peace and Freedom Party of California, founded in 1967, is committed to socialism, democracy, ecology, feminism and racial equality. As stated in the party’s platform, the party is organized toward a world mission where cooperation replaces competition, where all people are well fed, clothed and housed; where all women and men have equal status; where all individuals may freely endeavor to fulfill their own talents and desires; a world of freedom and peace where every community retains its cultural integrity and lives with all others in harmony.
Brian Moore and Stewart Alexander believe the mission of the Peace and Freedom Party and Socialist Party USA are closely related and both socialist parties have worked for decades to protect the rights of working people; for better conditions in employment and better wages, affordable health care for all, affordable housing, and better benefits for seniors.
Within the past three years, millions of working people have seen a steady decline in living standards; the Peace and Freedom Party is offering short term and long term solutions in a capitalist system that continues to fail working people. Short term, Peace and Freedom Party wants the minimum wage double and index to the cost of living, the party is calling for the guaranteed right of all workers to organize and strike, and equal pay for equal work and for work of comparable worth. The PFP is also calling for a guaranteed dignified income for those who cannot work, and a Universal Basic Income that will alleviate poverty and homelessness.
Brian Moore and Stewart Alexander fully support the position of Peace and Freedom Party to tax the income and assets of the rich to meet human needs. Alexander says, “Under capitalism, the income of the workers is taxed to meet the needs of the capitalist ruling class; as we now see with the bail out of big banks, financial institutions, private investors and big corporations.” Both socialist parties are calling for all financial and insurance institutions to be socially owned and operated by a democratically-controlled national banking authority, which should include credit unions, mutual insurance cooperatives, and cooperative state banks.
The Moore/Alexander campaign fully supports the position of the Peace and Freedom Party and Socialist Party USA regarding international trade agreements. The PFP Platform states, “International trade agreements must guarantee the protection of workers and the environment in all participating countries; abolish NAFTA, GATT and the World Trade Organization (WTO).” Similar to the platform of the Peace and Freedom Party, the platform of Socialist Party USA “demands the immediate withdrawal of the United States from the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA), and oppose the creation of a widened Free Trade Area of the Americas.”
Alexander says, “The trade agreements that are now in existence in the U.S. are assuring that this nation will continue to lose jobs abroad and will leave working people without work, here in the U.S. and in their own countries. These agreements will force the emigration of millions across the U.S. boarders for food, clothing and housing while robbing millions of working people from having the ability to maintain a decent standard of living in their own countries.”
Most of the national opinion polls are indicating that the economy is the number one concern with most voters, and the economy is a top campaign issue for Moore and Alexander; however, the number one concern of the Moore /Alexander campaign is ending the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan and ending U.S. imperialism. Moore and Alexander have been strong opponent to the illegal war and invasion and both candidates are strongly opposed to the ongoing U.S. threats against the Iran government.
Brian Moore and Stewart Alexander believe their campaign is offering the socialist parties a national voice to speak on the many issues that are presently affecting working people. During a time when the Democrats and Republicans, Barack Obama and John McCain, have failed to address the needs of working people, Moore and Alexander firmly believe it is time for working people to take control and responsibility of their lives and their communities.
The 2008 General Election will become a turning point in American politics and will reshape the political landscape for third party candidates. The up-coming election is another turning point for the socialist parties and socialists candidates such as Brian Moore and Stewart Alexander; it has been more than 100 years since Eugene Debs first entered the race for president as a socialist candidate at the beginning of the 20th Century.
The State Convention for Peace and Freedom Party will convene on Saturday, August 2 and 3 at the Hawthorn Suites, 321 Bercut Drive, Sacramento California. At the convention Brian Moore, Gloria La Riva, Ralph Nader, and Cynthia McKinney will be seeking the Peace and Freedom Party’s presidential nomination. A debate among the four presidential candidates will be at the same location on Friday, August 1 at 7 p.m.
For more information search the Web of: Stewart A. Alexander; Independent Voters Rejecting Democrats and Republicans.
Vice Presidential Nominee Socialist Party USA
Candidate for V.P. Nomination Peace and Freedom Party
July 27, 2008
It was October 19, 2007 that Brian P. Moore and Stewart A. Alexander met for the first time at the National Convention of Socialist Party USA; in St Louis, Missouri. Less than three days later, the two men were joined together as presidential running mates representing the Socialist Party USA, and joint partners to lead in the socialist movement nationwide. During the convention, Brian Moore was nominated for President and Stewart Alexander was nominated for Vice President.
With less than a week before the State Convention of the Peace and Freedom Party, both Brian Moore and Stewart Alexander are hoping to capture the nomination for president and vice president of the California socialist party; to expand the party’s mission and socialist agenda nationwide. There are three other presidential candidates besides Brian Moore that will be attending the convention in Sacramento, California; they are Ralph Nader, Gloria La Riva, and Cynthia McKinney. The hope of all four candidates will be to secure the party’s nomination for president.
The Peace and Freedom Party of California, founded in 1967, is committed to socialism, democracy, ecology, feminism and racial equality. As stated in the party’s platform, the party is organized toward a world mission where cooperation replaces competition, where all people are well fed, clothed and housed; where all women and men have equal status; where all individuals may freely endeavor to fulfill their own talents and desires; a world of freedom and peace where every community retains its cultural integrity and lives with all others in harmony.
Brian Moore and Stewart Alexander believe the mission of the Peace and Freedom Party and Socialist Party USA are closely related and both socialist parties have worked for decades to protect the rights of working people; for better conditions in employment and better wages, affordable health care for all, affordable housing, and better benefits for seniors.
Within the past three years, millions of working people have seen a steady decline in living standards; the Peace and Freedom Party is offering short term and long term solutions in a capitalist system that continues to fail working people. Short term, Peace and Freedom Party wants the minimum wage double and index to the cost of living, the party is calling for the guaranteed right of all workers to organize and strike, and equal pay for equal work and for work of comparable worth. The PFP is also calling for a guaranteed dignified income for those who cannot work, and a Universal Basic Income that will alleviate poverty and homelessness.
Brian Moore and Stewart Alexander fully support the position of Peace and Freedom Party to tax the income and assets of the rich to meet human needs. Alexander says, “Under capitalism, the income of the workers is taxed to meet the needs of the capitalist ruling class; as we now see with the bail out of big banks, financial institutions, private investors and big corporations.” Both socialist parties are calling for all financial and insurance institutions to be socially owned and operated by a democratically-controlled national banking authority, which should include credit unions, mutual insurance cooperatives, and cooperative state banks.
The Moore/Alexander campaign fully supports the position of the Peace and Freedom Party and Socialist Party USA regarding international trade agreements. The PFP Platform states, “International trade agreements must guarantee the protection of workers and the environment in all participating countries; abolish NAFTA, GATT and the World Trade Organization (WTO).” Similar to the platform of the Peace and Freedom Party, the platform of Socialist Party USA “demands the immediate withdrawal of the United States from the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA), and oppose the creation of a widened Free Trade Area of the Americas.”
Alexander says, “The trade agreements that are now in existence in the U.S. are assuring that this nation will continue to lose jobs abroad and will leave working people without work, here in the U.S. and in their own countries. These agreements will force the emigration of millions across the U.S. boarders for food, clothing and housing while robbing millions of working people from having the ability to maintain a decent standard of living in their own countries.”
Most of the national opinion polls are indicating that the economy is the number one concern with most voters, and the economy is a top campaign issue for Moore and Alexander; however, the number one concern of the Moore /Alexander campaign is ending the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan and ending U.S. imperialism. Moore and Alexander have been strong opponent to the illegal war and invasion and both candidates are strongly opposed to the ongoing U.S. threats against the Iran government.
Brian Moore and Stewart Alexander believe their campaign is offering the socialist parties a national voice to speak on the many issues that are presently affecting working people. During a time when the Democrats and Republicans, Barack Obama and John McCain, have failed to address the needs of working people, Moore and Alexander firmly believe it is time for working people to take control and responsibility of their lives and their communities.
The 2008 General Election will become a turning point in American politics and will reshape the political landscape for third party candidates. The up-coming election is another turning point for the socialist parties and socialists candidates such as Brian Moore and Stewart Alexander; it has been more than 100 years since Eugene Debs first entered the race for president as a socialist candidate at the beginning of the 20th Century.
The State Convention for Peace and Freedom Party will convene on Saturday, August 2 and 3 at the Hawthorn Suites, 321 Bercut Drive, Sacramento California. At the convention Brian Moore, Gloria La Riva, Ralph Nader, and Cynthia McKinney will be seeking the Peace and Freedom Party’s presidential nomination. A debate among the four presidential candidates will be at the same location on Friday, August 1 at 7 p.m.
For more information search the Web of: Stewart A. Alexander; Independent Voters Rejecting Democrats and Republicans.
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Brian Who?
With all due respect to Mr. Alexander, why should the PFP nominate an old white guy in this historic election rather than an African American or Latina woman or the most qualified candidate, Ralph Nader? If Moore is the nominee, I'll consider re-registering Green and work to get out the vote for McKinney. The PFP chose to be irrelevant in 2004 in denying the nomination to Nader when we could have used an infusion of independent energy [although I did vote for Leonard Peltier]. Nader or McKinney on our ballot line would make PFP relevant again; Moore will be ignored and do for us what David Cobb (who?) did for the GP in 2004.
With all due respect to Mr. Alexander, why should the PFP nominate an old white guy in this historic election rather than an African American or Latina woman or the most qualified candidate, Ralph Nader? If Moore is the nominee, I'll consider re-registering Green and work to get out the vote for McKinney. The PFP chose to be irrelevant in 2004 in denying the nomination to Nader when we could have used an infusion of independent energy [although I did vote for Leonard Peltier]. Nader or McKinney on our ballot line would make PFP relevant again; Moore will be ignored and do for us what David Cobb (who?) did for the GP in 2004.
I wouldn't support Brian Moore not because he's a ''old white guy '' but because he's unknown even within the small Florida Left let alone Nationally .
I was recently in Miami and i asked several Socialist Union activists about him . All except one had never heard of him . One woman said that she thinks he had ran for City Council several times in Washington DC as a Democrat and once as a independent in Florida . She never had heard him described as a '' Socialist '' of any stripe . She thought he was simply a well meaning liberal for whom the Democrats had dissappointed once too often .
In other words the type of guy you might want to be in a anti war coalition with but support for President ? Puh leeze ! Check your ego at the gate Mr. Moore ! It's too big to carry aboard.
I will support either Nader or McKinney . Neither may be fully developed Socialists but their programs are objectively anti-capitalist and both have some national name recognition . Nader does have far more than McKinney . But on the other hand it might be tactically a good idea to run a truly progressive Black woman against Mc Cain and Obama .
Gloria La Riva ? It would be hard to find a more dedicated activist. But she is a quasi-Stalinist in her Global worldview . That could be a big problem even in purely educational campaign like any Pand F candidate will run .
I was recently in Miami and i asked several Socialist Union activists about him . All except one had never heard of him . One woman said that she thinks he had ran for City Council several times in Washington DC as a Democrat and once as a independent in Florida . She never had heard him described as a '' Socialist '' of any stripe . She thought he was simply a well meaning liberal for whom the Democrats had dissappointed once too often .
In other words the type of guy you might want to be in a anti war coalition with but support for President ? Puh leeze ! Check your ego at the gate Mr. Moore ! It's too big to carry aboard.
I will support either Nader or McKinney . Neither may be fully developed Socialists but their programs are objectively anti-capitalist and both have some national name recognition . Nader does have far more than McKinney . But on the other hand it might be tactically a good idea to run a truly progressive Black woman against Mc Cain and Obama .
Gloria La Riva ? It would be hard to find a more dedicated activist. But she is a quasi-Stalinist in her Global worldview . That could be a big problem even in purely educational campaign like any Pand F candidate will run .
I agree with Andi Collins and urge the PFP delegates to reject Mr. Moore.
RE: "Gloria La Riva ? It would be hard to find a more dedicated activist. But she is a quasi-Stalinist in her Global worldview . That could be a big problem even in purely educational campaign like any Pand F candidate will run ."
Another problem is whether LaRiva, or Nader or McKinney, will really run an 'educational campaign'— one that includes educating voters about the Peace and Freedom Party and its slate (such as it is). The LaRiva-Puryear 'campaign' seems to be more about promoting their faction (PSL) rather than P&F. Any nominee at the top should pledge to support and publicize all the other PFP candidates (whether they are PSL, SP, independent) and help organize and fund voter registration drives and develop candidates for 2010, to make sure we don't lose our ballot line (again). The PFP obviously needs more candidates than the two or three we'll have for Congress or state legislature this year. But we aren't going to inspire new potential candidates, activists, or voters with Brian Moore as our candidate; we could with McKinney or Nader/Gonzalez.
Nader may have an edge to win the PFP nomination since he won the party primary and also put forward a slate of delegates for the state central committee. Then we'll have Nader vs McKinney as GP nominee, which will be interesting. If P&F nominates McKinney, will she be on the ballot as PFP and GP, or do ballot access rules rigged by the democrats and republicans disallow that kind of 'fusion'? Hopefully, delegates will not take the safe route and nominate the unknown Brian Moore but a strong nominee who is part of a national movement like Ralph Nader or McKinney with the Reconstruction Party/Green Party.
RE: "Gloria La Riva ? It would be hard to find a more dedicated activist. But she is a quasi-Stalinist in her Global worldview . That could be a big problem even in purely educational campaign like any Pand F candidate will run ."
Another problem is whether LaRiva, or Nader or McKinney, will really run an 'educational campaign'— one that includes educating voters about the Peace and Freedom Party and its slate (such as it is). The LaRiva-Puryear 'campaign' seems to be more about promoting their faction (PSL) rather than P&F. Any nominee at the top should pledge to support and publicize all the other PFP candidates (whether they are PSL, SP, independent) and help organize and fund voter registration drives and develop candidates for 2010, to make sure we don't lose our ballot line (again). The PFP obviously needs more candidates than the two or three we'll have for Congress or state legislature this year. But we aren't going to inspire new potential candidates, activists, or voters with Brian Moore as our candidate; we could with McKinney or Nader/Gonzalez.
Nader may have an edge to win the PFP nomination since he won the party primary and also put forward a slate of delegates for the state central committee. Then we'll have Nader vs McKinney as GP nominee, which will be interesting. If P&F nominates McKinney, will she be on the ballot as PFP and GP, or do ballot access rules rigged by the democrats and republicans disallow that kind of 'fusion'? Hopefully, delegates will not take the safe route and nominate the unknown Brian Moore but a strong nominee who is part of a national movement like Ralph Nader or McKinney with the Reconstruction Party/Green Party.
If you want an alternative to McCain and Obama come Nov. go to Sacramento this weekend . while you can't vote unless you're an elected delegate you can make your feelings known to those that can . I'm a little torn between between McKInney and Nader. i want to see how they handle tough questions friday night.
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