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Indybay Feature

Spokescouncil Against the Conventions (RNC/DNC), July 27th

by U.A. in the Bay
The next U.A. in the Bay organizing meeting for the Republican and Democratic National Conventions is set for July 27th in the East Bay. Come and learn about what's already planned. Bring proposals and ideas. Network and plan with other groups in the area who are going.
On July 20th at the "DNC/RNC Bay Area Consulta" in San Francisco, the first meeting of local activists interested in participating in direct actions against the Democratic and Republican national conventions, plans and logistical concerns from both DNC and RNC organizers were presented.

In discussions that followed at the consulta, the clear majority of Bay Area and Santa Cruz participants favored directing their efforts toward the RNC actions.

The RNC Welcoming Committee has come up with a "Swarm, Seize, Stay" strategy of dividing St. Paul, Minnesota into sectors to facilitate coordination of blockades and other creative resistance on September 1st, 2008, the first day of the Republican National Convention.

U.A. in the Bay participants adopted Sector 4 for the RNC actions. At the next organizing meeting, individuals and affinity groups are encouraged to get involved in planning for the taking of Sector 4 in St. Paul. Proposals/ideas for actions are welcome. Transportation and housing will be discussed, as will a proposed skillshare and benefit scheduled for August 10th.

Time and/or space will also be made available for those interested in participating in the disruptions at the DNC Convention in Denver August 25th -28th.

Organizing Meeting
Sunday, July 27th, 11am - 7pm

Long Haul Infoshop
3124 Shattuck Ave., Berkeley, CA

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by Sean
i think that prioritzing the RNC is ass backwards. I think the DNC should be emphaized more. Why ? I do not believe that Dem pols are our friends. But many people do have illusions in that party . Many really believe that Obama will quickly end the war in Iraq. They also believe that he will be far more progressive across the board and we all often heard that'' He's just saying that (Iran, Palestine, Afghanistan, supporting the death penality etc. ) because he has to . Once he's in the White House he will show what he really believes''
That's bullshit of course but what better way to educate people than by getting 50, 000 plus in Colorado to loudly , forcefully raise all those ''inconvienient truths '' that Obama wants to ignore .I think we could contribute to a real political polarization by making Denver our top priority not St. Paul . My two cents .
it's silly and I hate linking to a corporate site, but that's where they posted it
by Reb
I can feel their clubs beating people up already. Why do this? Protest the RNC? Didn't y'all learn from the New York RNC?

All those hundreds of dollars spent traveling to Minnesota could be better spent elsewhere for radical political change. That's what many felt like in 2004 and especially now in 2008. None of this challenged the Republicans and their agenda.

But I don't wanna come off all righteous. Maybe there's a good idea in there about organizing with and mobilizing poor and marginalized communities in the St. Paul area against the RNC. That I can dig. But showing up to the gates of the RNC like a freaking PETA protest at KFC, please, please, not that.
by Reb
I agree with Sean about putting efforts into the DNC. In fact, I dig the Cynthia McKinney Green Party campaign's idea of being at the DNC to protest and to recruit voters towards building the Green Party (an OPPOSITION party! For God's sake, the rest of the world seems to have arrived at this already!). It may not be the perfect leftist political ideals in the GP, but it sure as heck beats anything the Democrats are fooling and setting us up for.

But those Republican ass Denver cops, they are some sh*t too. Watch out!
by NoRNC repost
From the RNC Welcoming Committee

Organizing- or wanting to- within the “Swarm, Seize, Stay” strategy developed at the pReNC 5.3? Check out this new 3S Sector Map of Downtown St. Paul:

Per the request of pReNC attendees, we’ve divided Downtown St. Paul into sectors based on its topography. The motivation of mapping sectors was to provide reasonably-sized areas in which various groups- large and small, public and private- could start to plan 3S actions, with the idea that they could coordinate amongst themselves within these sectors. This removes the need for any existing organizing body to act as a central point of coordination for September 1st, while still avoiding needless overlap and haphazardry. This map is meant to be descriptive, not prescriptive, and should be understood as a working model with the potential to grow and change organically from here on out. We welcome thoughtful input, as well as information about developing public plans whose incorporation into the map would help in organizing efforts. Watch this site for updates to the map.

Sector One: Northeast corner of Downtown St. Paul. Mostly condos, with a few churches and small businesses. Contains several freeway off-ramps and overpasses.

Sector Two: Southeast corner of Downtown St. Paul. Contains two bridge entrances, Kellogg Blvd. E., Shepard/The Great River/Warner Rd. Bordered on the South by the Mississippi River; Includes the bluff and and the narrow riverfront area just below it.

Sector Three: Southwest riverside section. Includes Eastbound Shepard Rd., and many parking ramps and lots, back allies, and parks. Primarily residential, with lower-income area starting as you head West from Irvine Park.

Sector Four: Southwest I-35E section. Contains several freeway off-ramps. Also contains a hospital, with some businesses around that service it and the surrounding neighborhood- primarily residential off main streets.

Sector Five: Northwest corner of Downtown St. Paul. Contains several freeway off-ramps, and on a normal day traffic from Minneapolis would enter via this sector. Borders the “Free Speech Zone,” contains the Dorothy Day Center (homeless shelter), a hospital and the Cathedral. Sits on a downward slope toward the Xcel.

Sector Six: Northern section of Downtown St. Paul. Contains several overpasses and freeway off-ramps, and part of the march route. Also contains a hospital, some elderly care apartments, and high-rises.

Sector Seven: Central section of Downtown St. Paul. Gridded traffic from all directions. Contains part of the march route. Mostly high rises, and includes the police station.

More information:
by Bernadette
I gotta agree with Sean. People from Minnesota and neighboring states should engage in actions in the Twin Cities . No doubt.
But any national mobilization should focus on Denver . No one with a iota of humane consciousness believes in the GOP . (except for maybe a dwindling number of Christian Coalition fanatics )
But sad to say many believe the DP is a progressive alternative . My sister in law is one of them . She is a delegate to the Democrat . She is a working class Chicana . A union worker who makes a decent (50k ) salary but in the Bay area that sure doesn't make one '''middle class ;;.
She hates the war and wants ALL the troops brought home from Iraq and Afghanistan . I have pointed out that Obama waffles on Iraq and proclaims that if elected he plans to ''win '' In Kabul . She responded that bothers her but as Sean pointed out , is one of many that feels that shouldn't be taken seriously and will be changed once he's elected .
I think she and other delegates and observers that aren't hardened party hacks should be challenged in Denver . My sister in law doesn't believe in crossing picket lines and is very dubious about the police .
So if thousands of people were to form a solid picket line wall (and or mass sit in ) demanding that Obama pledge to bring all troops back from the '' War on Terror '' (No bases, no brigades guarding embassies , no troops period ) that could have a very educational impact on both the decent though misguarded delegates and millions watching on TV .
Now that's my three cents .
by Rene M(a)gritte
This is wonderful conversation! People who feel like the DNC should be focused on should come to the spokescouncil as well(there is a planned discussion for the DNC) and organize a bay area cluster for that convention. Instead of sitting on the internet simply criticizing(which is often all that happens unfortunately), if folks feel like they have a good plan for the Bay's involvement in the DNC they should organize it!
by @
from last October
by Bernandette
I take the point of the last post and i will try to attend this weekend's council. I do have a question . I walked into the ''Long Haul ''once and i felt that i walked into a center for Teenage Post-Punk runaways !
I'm a forty something Half Mexican Mom that is neither a anarchist nor into 'alternative'' lifestyles . Would i be welcome and have a voice if i came ? Please give me a honest reply .
by deanosor (deanosor [at]
Actions at both conventions are important for different reasons. The DNC (which is first) is important to show that the Democrats can't get away all the sit they pull (supporting wars, repression, and ecological destruction) without havign a penalty to pay. Peopel must show them that we will not support Republican-lite in the nme of the lesser of two evils. The Democratic Party and every waiting for it to do something gets in the way of real social change in the country. And, they are awful capitallst pigs (no insult to real pigs) in their own right. The convention is being sponsored by ATT, a privacy violating collaborator with Bush's spy on everybody plans. And protesters are needed strongly in Denver, with some people buying the myth that a Black man can save us (along with some infuriating divisions amongst demonstrators), and with Denver being fairly isolated, less people are expected to show up than should ,and everybody is needed. As it was said 40 years ago, "no one can take your place'.

Now why the RNC? Becuasethe republicans are bastards. 'Nuff said. And because the people in Minnesota have a great paln to shut down the conventions. Any good plan requries people to implement it.

So how can you do both without spending an arm and a leg? Good question. First step: Get to Denver. Southwest and Frontier airlines happen to have sales right now. Go to the website of Southwesat Airlines. If you go at certain hours, you get a flight for about $80-90. That's cheaper than Greyhound or gas driving unless you're taking a bus (if you are and you have space for others, post it up here). Then when Denver's over, there will be a caravan from Denver to St. Paul,. Look at unconventionaldenver's website for more info on this. Then when St. Paul's over, get a flight for less than $200 back to the Bay on either Northwest or Sun Country Airlines.

Where to stay. Many of the anti websites have housing boards 0r housing coordinators. Try, www. and others. If that doesn't work register at I's a wonderful website to find willingto put people up (and not just at the convention).
Good luck and hope to see you in Denver and St. Paul on the barricades (as they say.)
by deanosor (deanosor [at]
The first silly video (hte later in time) is just badly produced--poor production values, lighting is terrible, it's hard to hear and understand. In my opinion, it shouldn't be used as a promotional piece. The second, but earlier one, is great. Even wih it's inside jokes, ewveryone should watch it.
by Fed UP
We need to show a strong show of resistance at both conventions, because the two parties essentially have the same agenda, and that is to keep the same repressive system and government in power.
by not a punk
Bernandette raised an important point. I'm an anarchist, but I don't have the anarchist "look", and even as a long term activist who's been in the direct action scene for quite some time, i still get wierded out by the vigilant security culture vibe that's put out on anyone who doesn't look punk enough. it's an ongoing problem, and i wish I could say to Bernandette 'no, don't worry, please come to the spokescouncil and no one will give you funny looks or eye you suspisiously."
chances are it will be a little alienating.
by gabba gabba hey
There were all types of folks at Consulta and it will likely be the same at Spokescouncil.

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