Santa Cruz IMC
Santa Cruz IMC
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Indybay Feature

Anti-Gentrification Action in Santa Cruz

by Neighborhood Watch
On the 4th of July, amidst the tourist frenzy and sounds of fireworks, at least 8 windows were broken on a condominium that is being built in the lower Ocean neighborhood.
The homes that once stood there housed primarily Latino families. These families were evicted to make way for more expensive housing. This type of development raises the property values, which in turn, forces out more low-income and working poor people from the area. It is a clear example of gentrification in our town.

We will continue to attack the sites of gentrification when and where we see them.

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by A Realist
Look at HUD's website. Gentrification is a good thing. Bring it on. Less crime, poverty, blight, and multiple families living in small apartments.
by JFW
Perhaps the vandals could focus their attention on helping the Latinas pull themselves up financially so that they, too, might live in these newer, nicer homes.
by cp
Should the vandals join a socialist movement? The current system sort of depends upon keeping a poorer class. Evidence of this abounds. Prices for housing and everything else result from this tall earnings pyramid or gap. If everyone suddenly earned $60,000+, everyone wouldn't be able to go get a nice house at the current price levels.
by jojo
You won't be able to stop 'gentrification' in this country. So why don't you try to help these "poor families" in some other way? Are you going to go around destroying buildings and committing property damage thinking it is helping anyone??
by Tired
I am so tired of this fucked up government and general apathy. Tare it all down. but start with City Hall, recruitment centers and large corporations. You will gain more sympathy along the way. They may have committed gentrification, but you have no idea who lives behind those windows or if they were even aware of how they came to be.

by nr5667
Wow... Good job, do you twits realize that with every act of vandalism, someone somewhere gets to inflate the threat and damage caused by these indifferent acts?

There's a real estate developer out there who is now going to say that vandals caused 10,000 dollars worth of damage on July 4th, that's 10,000 less of taxable income... You think that tax revenue is going to result in less police funding, or less social funding?

Why don't you morons do something that might actually make a difference.
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