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Democrats back $162 billion more war funding

by Yosef M.
[The U.S. must leave by air, sea, and land as quickly as possible. U.S. imperialism has created a horrible situation, but that is no excuse to stay, and U.S. troops, Halliburton, etc. are only making matters worse. Over a million Iraqis are dead. These deaths are not just caused by the civil war that the U.S. has ignited, nor are they just caused by the death-squad government that the U.S. has put in power. U.S. guns and bombers are also the direct cause of a large number of deaths. Iraq needs to be turned over to the Iraqi people through immediate withdrawal. -Steven Argue]
Democrats back $162 billion more war funding

by Yosef M

News sources on the Web report that on Thursday, June 20, the US House of Representatives approved Iraq and Afghanistan war funding of $162 billion. The legislation was passed without any timetable for US military withdrawal from the two conflicts. The bill, supported by the US House Democratic leadership Pelosi and Hoyer, will fund US wars in the two Middle Eastern countries through the middle of 2009. House Democrats, who were sent to Washington with a single mandate from the US electorate in 2006, to extricate the US from the two wars in the Middle East, consistently support legislation to continue those very wars. The vote is instructive; it reflects the same pattern we saw in the passage of the government spying bill the next day. If the Democrats had voted as an opposition, against war funding, the bill would have failed to pass, with 188 Republicans in favor and 235 Democrats opposing. And there would have been nothing Bush could have done: he can veto what Congress passes, but no President can veto what Congress refuses to pass.

What happened instead is that 80 Democrats joined the Republicans to approve the funding and continue US wars of aggression against the long-suffering peoples of Afghanistan and Iraq. As has already been noted in the press, Bush's popularity has fallen to historic lows; it is also true that a majority of US residents have opposed US intervention in Iraq for many years, a fact not reflected in the US press until after the Democratic sweep of Congress in the 2006 elections. As other people have noted, there is no way the thoroughly despised lame duck Bush can hurt Congressional Democrats now. If the Democrats go on funding Bush's wars, and they are and will, it is because they want to. All of which makes it inexplicable that most of the US "left" is ga-ga over the Democrats and their candidate this election year.

Distributed by Liberation News

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by Make them stop it
This can be stopped in the Senate; the bill is in 2 parts. Approve vets GI bill and filibuster the war $.

The AP reported:

The 416-12 roll call Thursday by which the House approved spending for revised GI Bill college benefits, a 13-week extension of unemployment checks and other domestic programs as part of the war-funding bill.

Voting yes were 230 Democrats and 186 Republicans.
Voting no were 3 Democrats and 9 Republicans.

Republicans voting no: ARIZONA Flake, N; Franks, N; CALIFORNIA Royce, N. FLORIDA Weldon TENNESSEE Duncan, N TEXAS Brady, N Paul, N; WISCONSIN: Sensenbrenner, N.

Democrats voting no: OREGON: DeFazio, N TENNESSEE: Cooper, N; WASHINGTON: Smith, N. [Lee voted yes]


Republicans voting no: AZ Kyl, Jon [R] CO Allard, Wayne [R] ID Craig, Larry [R] OH Voinovich, George [R] OK Coburn, Thomas [R] SC DeMint, Jim [R]

Democrats voting no : none [Obama, Byrd, and Feingold all voted yes]
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