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Indybay Feature

Walnut Creek Critical Mass Riders Assaulted By Local Youth

by Crystal Math
At 730pm tonight, Walnut Creek Critical Mass riders were met with physical assault as two youth driving an SUV accidentally hit a rider. Assault ensued once riders and driver/passenger met face-to-face.
After making a right turn onto Newell Avenue from S. Main Street heading east, Walnut Creek Critical Mass riders experienced the usual honking from cars and yelling from their respective drivers.

However, when one cyclist Brian L. slowed to dodge other riders in front of him, a green Isuzu bumped into Brian's back tire. He stopped to let the driver know she had hit him, at which point the Isuzu's passenger exited the car and made many verbal comments concerning the cyclist's orientation, in addition to other expletives.

The driver argued with cyclists from her car for awhile and then exited the car herself. Driver Julia Adkerson confronted Brian L. They exchanged a few words about who hit whom and the speed they were going and then Adkerson slapped Brian, at which he raised his arm in self defense to prevent her from hitting him further. The passenger, Adkerson's boyfriend Robert Balmy, then charged at Brian and proceeded to punch, tackle, and headlock Brian. Several other riders attempted to stop Balmy from hitting Brian, but were hit and elbowed by Balmy in the process.

Balmy then headed back to Adkerson's vehicle, punching and kicking two other cyclists, punching one in the side of the face and sending his sunglasses falling to the ground. Balmy continued hitting the youth with the sunglasses (who didn't throw any punches, only guarded his face in self-defense) until Brian attempted to split the two up and Balmy threw a few more punches at Brian until Brian walked away, blood on his face and chest.

Cyclists placed themselves in the front and side of the vehicle while police and medics were being contacted.

A little dialog engaged the cyclists and Balmy; he did not apologize for hitting Brian and driver Adkerson did not apologize for instigating the fight by slapping Brian. Her reason for this was that "I felt threatened [by Brian]."

Adkerson parked her car on Newell St. before police and medics arrived; an older couple driving a white SUV parked behind Adkerson. They saw the entire incident and remained throughout to give a statement to police.

Both Adkerson and Balmy rode away in cop cars that night.

**WALNUT CREEK CRITICAL MASS is reaching its two-year anniversary, and still has only a handful of riders as well as some of the most violent examples of road rage witnessed. Although it is less accessible by BART than Berkeley or San Francisco, the support is still needed, the numbers still wanted. And, especially, the camaraderie of experienced riders and bicycle activists still desired. Walnut Creek Critical Mass occurs the third Friday of every month and meet at 6pm at the Walnut Creek BART station.**
§Brian L. in ambulance
by Crystal Math
Brian L. gets treatment after being hit repeatedly by Balmy at tonight's Walnut Creek Critical Mass ride.
§CA license plate of WC youth who assaulted Brian
by Crystal Math
§Adkerson (center) and her mother (right)
by Crystal Math
§WC police taking statements from witnesses
by Crystal Math
§Citizen's arrest of Adkerson.
by Crystal Math
§Citizen's arrest of Balmy.
by Crystal Math
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by Shelby
Crystal Math, you should be ashamed for writing such a biased untrue story. Coming from someone that knows these kids personally and heard the story from A COP ON SCENE as well, this is an entirely false report. The only truth in this story is the general facts. The driver, Julia, did indeed bump the Brian's bike. However, you fail to note that he cut in front of her and stopped without notice. If bikers want to be 'acknowledged as cars' then they too need to abide by the general road rules. As you state, "He stopped to let the driver know she had hit him" you again fail to say that he slammed on the front of her hood with his hand purposely and began to yell continuously, 'fuck you bitch' and more.

The reason Julia got out of the car is because the outraged kid would not get out of the way. He was perfectly okay, unhurt, and untouched at the time. However, he would not stop the remarks to Julia. I, as as a female, would feel just as threatened as she did. By the pictures you put up you can see Julia is a small girl, so if a male is screaming at her and calling her names and she slaps him and he proceeds to not "raise his arm in self defense" as you state, but instead to grab both her arms with a tight grip. I would hope my boyfriend would step in at the sight of that as well.

You put in a few paragraphs what "happened", however, you YET AGAIN leave out the threats the other obnoxious boys yelled. I don't care what their age is, after the way they reacted they are childish and immature and only deserve the title of a hoodlum. This is one 19 year old against how many other hood rats? They swung their bike locks at him and just because he managed to 'dodge their hits' he becomes some sort of out of control hulk?

This is a disgrace. As a Walnut Creek residence, living about two miles from the incidence, I have had to deal with these children first hand. I am an active bike rider but I would NEVER taunt a car and 'play games' with one. Bikes are much more mobile than a car and can get out of situations faster than a car can react. These children feel they can be as outrageous as they want and because they are on bikes they get away with it. This is a wonderful program, don't get me wrong, but it gives no excuse for the actions and vandalism I personally have witnessed of these kids.

As well how dare you put a 17 year olds' first and last name in such a demeaning manner. She is a straight A student going to a top UC this coming fall and you put her down like she is just a menace to society.

I am astonished that you would write such an incorrect piece of work. It is one thing to have an opinion on an incident don't lie so it makes your story better. Get your FACTS straight next time because YOU are the menace Crystal.
by bikers should be respectful
if shelby's comment has truth to it, then this guy asked for it possibly. i say that as a staunch supporter of critical mass. if someone went off on me, i might deflect it. however, being a male, i'm privileged in that sense. if he was yelling at her, then he provoked the situation. it'll play out in court.

frankly, critical mass shouldn't be taunting cars. its asking for trouble and u need to hold the better position in these scenarios and be the bigger person and if someone taps your bike because you didn't provide a hang signal that you are going to stop, then how is someone driving suppose to know your stopping.

use some common sense.
by a cyclist
you weren't there, and showing that the police did not arrest any bicyclists, i kinda would take this story a face value.
by a cyclist
why are you coming on to an independent media site to harass reporters?
by a witness
Being there at the cite, as a witness to the whole thing. Shelby is speaking the thruth. you people are the opposite of "peace makers".
The reason the cyclists were not arrested is because Adkerson and Balmy did not request a citizens arrest. The Walnut Creek Police did give them the option.
by frenzy
So, Shelby, i agree that the verbal comments were left out of this report, but all in all, it was the driver who chose the escalate the situation. Before she slapped Brian, it was just an argument, she chose to hit him with no provocation, and is now enjoying a weekend in jail. If she felt so "threated" then why would she hit someone twice her size? She got out of her car, and she got in his face well after her boyfriend was taking care of the situation (by getting in Brian's face). Seems like some one who is fearless to me..
It seems like we are going back to kindergarten, remember "sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me"? This is a motto this driver could take some hints from.

Her boyfriend also made it a point to jump out of his car, and proceed to call the cyclists "pussys" and "fags" (Fag and proud of it!) prior to any violence or argumentative situation. He was looking for a fight, and got one. This was a case of road rage, made worse by fearful youngins.

I am not saying the cyclists are not at fault, but one can not deny that the situation was escalated by the people in the car. If the driver and the passenger instead decided to have a dialog with the cyclists, as opposed to flexing their muscles, we would not be here. Words are just words, but when you decide to meet someone with violence you most definitely cannot call "victim".

Let's put this behind us, let bygones be bygones, and hopefully this will teach both drivers and cyclists that road rage has a price. I hope that drivers that read this post learn to put their unplaced anger in check and remember: YOU are the one driving the two ton killing machine, not me.
by but?
I think the person on the bike that punched the hood and started yelling obscenities at the driver was the one that started to escalate the situation. : )
basically, critical mass is "making a point through annoyance to civilized people" as my old teacher stated it and i cant find a better way to put it. i ahve seen you guys do laps around cars just to piss them off. now, correct me if im wrong but do you see cars doing laps around little emo kids on bikes? no but thats besides the point. brian was hit by the car. yes but you make is sound like he knocked on the window and said "excuse me ma'am you just hit me" ....... lets try "FUCKING BITCH!!!" ya that sounds more correct. and il tell you right now balmy was in the clear because any guy who cares for their girlfriend will do exactly as he did. i know if someone was hitting the hood of my girlfriends car i would do the exact same as he did. and for brian to grab her ams which he DID do by the way, any guy that puts his hands on a girl should have his face in the pavement anyway. c'mon lets be realalistic, the critical mass got what the wanted and are trying to make it look like there in the clear. o and by the way, the cops hate you guys just as much as we do :-)
by mr.
You say we are harassing you independent reporters, on a public site, that allows comments???? What about the harassment people in there cars get with you people flooding the streets taunting them??? haha i dont remeber which person left a comment saying that Balmy and Adkerson are at fault because they were the ones driving a (2 ton killing machine) lol thats bullshit! OMG!!! the evil cars!!!! ohhhh NOOOO!
stop riding in the street get as far away from the "killing machines" as u can. And dont cry about it when your friends start a fight, then get there faces smashed. have a good day.
by mateo
look, cars are terrible death machines. accidents, climate change, cancer, alienation, etc. sure, they are useful at times, but overall, the negative impacts that cars create on society far outweigh the positive.
OF COURSE people should be angry at those members of society who drive cars.
when you look at all the negative impacts that cars have on the world, i am shocked that people do not sabotage and attack automobiles all the time.
cars kill more people per year than 9-11. look at how much outrage there is to terrorism. there should be even more outrage to people who drive cars.
by Same as it ever was
How many times have I seen this scenario out of critical mass? Enough that I've memorized the plan:

A) Start a ride.

B) When you've got enough riders to have slowed traffic to a point that a bike rider won't be seriously injured, instigate a minor accident. (Preferred methods include a sudden stop or swerve).

C) Scream bloody murder to incite your fellow riders to action.

D) Wait for usual response of anger or fear from the car driver involved in the "accident".

E) Use that reaction as justification to scream at said driver, bash their car in.

F) Take lots of pictures and distribute the name and license of involved car driver as a thinly veiled threat, but leave bike riders identity anonymous.

G)....wait till case is thrown out of court due to conflicting evidence that refutes c.m's initial claim that it was all the car drivers fault.

F) Repeat ad nauseum.

Seriously; so transparent its laughable.
by enola d!
For once, it seems like a victory. I want to congratulate everyone on the ride for remaining non-violent while seeing this happen. Were the motorists arrested? It sounds like they were.. Great!
by Uncle Ken
The one-sided truthiness of this article is astonishing. Who wrote it, Brian L's lawyer? And what's with this anonymous "Brian L" when full names and licenses are given for the motorist and her passenger? To say nothing of "Crystal Math" - grow a spine and give full names all around if you're going to give any at all.

As for Critical Mass, tactics like these make me embarrassed to be a bicyclist. My wife and I ride to work several times a week and try to get our co-workers to do so as well. To encourage people out of their cars is laudable if somewhat impractical, but to indulge in petty assholery in pursuit of your idea of the greater good is to take a page right out of W's playbook. Can't say I blame Julia or even Robert for responding the way they did.
by friend
neither Balmy or Julia went to the cyclist wrote that's why they're 'spending the weekend in jail'.

get facts straight...yet again.
by Not a Yuppie or Hippie Cyclist
Shelby, why should it matter this girl gets A's or is going to college? If some drug dealer hit a bicyclist they should be more heavily punished based on some pretense that has nothing to do with the incident? The fact is this girl hit a bicyclist and should be paying close attention to the road. Whatever the bicyclists are doing was her fault for hitting him, she should be watching what is going on. She hit someone with her car, then proceeded to assault them! If she was scared of this person then why would she hit them? The last thing I would ever do to someone that scares me is provoke them further. She HIT a person while driving, something that is extremely dangerous. I feel she should lose her license and hopefully next time ditzy little chicks might pay attention to the road. GOD there are some bad drivers and raising awareness is helpful.

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