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Indybay Feature

Operation Ultimatum Screw The U.S. Military Job

Sunday, June 22, 2008
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Event Type:
Barbi Camoflaj
Location Details:
San Diego

The U.S. Military destroys the sanctity of marriage. Our military member husbands are part of a govt approved gang that kills others for the profits of WarBiz, Inc. This immoral action null and voids our marriages. The isolation, conjugal deprivation, the neglect! Look what our husbands are becoming. This is not something that we can be proud of or teach our children. We are against war, bullying, murder, lying, stealing, exploitation. Yet this powerful U.S. Military organization with endless resources to include a multi billion dollar ad campaign, corrupt elected officials who profit from war zone private contracts in Iraq and War Biz, Inc work to mass program America and lie to our military members about the military mission today. Its not about terrorism or freedoms . What in the hell is happening to our military officer husbands and our families? Why is this happening? We did our part , paid our dues , for years on end to take care of our families and support our husbands faithfully. But the U.S. Military lied to us, our military husbands and the American people. They are dying and getting maimed based on the profits of WARBIZ, Inc. Our husbands have been weakened and destroyed at the hands of this violent, dangerous , deadly career. They no longer stand up or fight for what is right or for justice. They are afraid. Wounded. Weakened egos. No pride. Just sadness remains. A great sense of loss. No one cares or is dealing with the problem. Childlike dependence on the military cult and mindless obedience. That obedience is taking them to their graves or maiming them , loss limbs, insanity from ptsd... strange dense uranium diseases or worse! We're nothing but mere lab experiment rats. Our VETS are thrown out like trash. Benefits delayed, denied! What in the hell is going on? What decent law abiding loving wife deserves the American horror that is the U.S. Military life? This is NOT the American dream we deserve. WarBiz, Inc, the selfish arrogant corrupt elected officials who make lots of money as a side hustle on these no bid war zone contracts and the U.S. Military stole our American dreams!

Military wives can cheat and abandon this military life based on FRAUD , lies, greed, corruption, racketeering, murder, intimidation, bullying and imperialism. Run, don't walk. Our military members are part of a dangerous and deadly military mind controlled cult that destroys our families, weakens our military members and returns them as damaged goods and empty shells of the people we once knew and loved! This is modern day slavery. Get out and get away as far as you can from this demoralizing lifestyle. Don't believe us? Ask the wounded VETS benefits delayed, and denied...homless or addicted VETS waiting to receive help from the VA and their govt. We trusted our government and a few powerful corrupt elected officials that didn't care about us used us to do their bidding and that is that. Ask the legions of divorced military members. Don't believe the govt stats. Wives are bailing by the busloads! This job SUCKS. There must be peace. The military career must NOT destroy the sanctity of our marriages ever again. We must at all costs prevent this from happening to future generations. This will inevitably destroy the fabric of decent American culture and good , law abiding citizens who want to do good and have peace and live comfortable lifestyles and have a generation of highly intelligent children that can compete to become the next generation of world leaders. If we as wives do not stand up to this and continue to let them keep our military husbands in the killing fields of these manufactured war zones for back to back deployments for years on end, if we don't stand up and speak out , if we allow them to get away with these blatant lies then we are also destroying the sanctity of our marriages. Our children deserve consistent positive interaction with their fathers. Not just getting the opportunity to see Dad when he's in a damn body bag, wounded, limbless , insane from ptsd or suicidal! We must at all cost hold the U.S. Military, the VA and the U.S. Govt accountable for destroying the sanctity of our marriages. Ultimately destroying our next generations.
Added to the calendar on Fri, Jun 20, 2008 5:20PM
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