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An open letter from Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic Club

by Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic Club (info [at]
A open letter from Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic Club to the LGBT communities and their allies regarding Human Rights Campaign
An open letter to the LGBT community & our allies, from the Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic Club

June 12, 2008 -

After much consideration by our board and members, it is with regret that we write this letter announcing our decision to forgo this year's Human Rights Campaign (HRC) dinner in San Francisco, scheduled for July 16, 2008. We also encourage others in the LGBT community and our allies to forgo HRC’s gala event this year, due to HRC’s ongoing refusal to advocate for federal legislation that protects all Americans from discrimination based on gender identity and expression – as well as sexual orientation.

At the end of the last century, the LGBT community arrived at a consensus: that the full membership of the LGBT community would be honored and embraced, regardless of differences among us, be they based upon race, class, gender, gender identity and expression, or other factors. What was once called a "gay" community in the past, now self-defines, and is known internationally, as the LGBT community. United, the LGBT community works diligently to ensure that all LGBT community members are protected from discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, and/or gender expression.
It is especially important that our leading civil rights institutions, like HRC, uphold our shared commitment to diversity and inclusion, and lead our movement in a responsible and forward-looking manner.

Unfortunately, last Fall HRC betrayed its own legacy and values, and betrayed the LGBT community, when the organization’s leadership reversed its long-standing commitment to inclusive legislation, suddenly advocating passage of a federal Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) that, for sake of expediency, deliberately excluded gender identity and expression protections. This cynical move left millions of Americans vulnerable to gender discrimination in employment, and implied that, while discrimination based on sexual orientation was unacceptable, bias and intolerance based on gender identity or expression were negotiable. Even worse, HRC’s leadership made its decision in secret, breaching its collaboration with every other national LGBT organization, including PFLAG, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, the National Center for Lesbian Rights, the Stonewall Democrats, the National Center for Transgender Equality, the Transgender Law Center, and over 350 other national, state, and local LGBT organizations – including the Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic Club.

Since that time, HRC has made little effort to reverse course on this issue. HRC’s Executive Director, Joe Solomonese, now asserts that his prior statements about HRC’s unwavering commitment to inclusion were simply "misstatements". In fact, even to this day, HRC remains uncommitted to introduction of an inclusive employment non-discrimination bill – even though Congress must introduce an entirely new bill during its next session in January 2009.

As the nation's oldest LGBT Democratic club, Alice and its members are deeply committed to inclusion within our community, and expect other LGBT organizations to uphold this commitment as well. While we have supported HRC in the past and look forward to doing so in the future, in light of the above we cannot in good conscience support this year’s HRC gala fund raiser and, regrettably, feel compelled to ask our fellow San Franciscans, also, to forgo the HRC gala this year – until such time as HRC reaffirms its commitment to inclusion, especially with respect to introduction and passage of an inclusive employment non-discrimination bill.

Particularly at this point in time, it is important that we support LGBT organizations working actively, on all of our behalf, against non-discrimination and for full equality – and especially those organizations working for passage of an inclusive ENDA. Instead of attending this year's HRC event, we kindly ask that you consider investing in an explicitly trans inclusive organization, such as the Transgender Law Center, or any of the 350+ other local, state, and national organizations working toward this end (listed at

Many thanks for your time, attention, and continued commitment to diversity and inclusion in our community.

Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic Club
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by old time SF gay guy
Sorry, Alice, but I disagree.

Sorry, Alice, but you are way out of the mainstream here.

I came to SF in 1973. I saw it all. And believe me, we have come a long, long way from that time.

Sorry, Alice, but it's still "gay". Only professional homosexuals such as yourselves would ever refer to oneself as "LGBT". No living person in the real world does, or cares.

Sorry, Alice, but ENDA is a huge bill that will stop the firing and other travesties that are used against GAY people all over the country. And you want to hold it up due to "transgender" issues. I don't think you have much support for that out here in the real world.

Pass ENDA first. Congress can always add "transgendered" later, if that is needed. But I think you will find that there is little real support out here in the real world for "transgendered" types; indeed, most of us find the whole ideal ridiculous when looked at from a point of view of what life was like for US thirty years ago for GAY people like me.

Sorry, Alice, but I will not be held to politically correct standards. ENDA will help REAL people with their lives. Holding it up for this silly issue is...nuts.

Sorry, Alice, but you have again shown how irrelevant you are.

by marc
This is another attempt by mainstream Democrat party homosexuals to deflect responsibility from Nancy Pelosi and her Democrat caucus in the House to the HRC.

The HRC added T to the bill in the early 1990s but it turned out that 90 odd members of congress were not consulted and opposed it.

The HRC has no power to compel members to vote. Nancy Pelosi has the power as speaker. Pelosi declined to use it.

Typical of professional activists as always, we see a case where they were falling all over one another to prove how committed to the cause they were even as doing so would ensure that tens of millions were denied basic civil rights.

Everyone deverves full civil rights now. But LGB cannot be expected to forgo our rights simply because the self-appointed leadership is incompetent and the Democrat Party inept when it came to T rights.

by Free
I'm very happy to see this decision from Alice, and sad to see the comments opposing their decision. It's become a cliche, but it's true: None of us are free until All of us are free.
by (a reply to old timer)
It's become accepted practice in the Castro, to go around openly hating on the homeless. The community "leadership"of MUMC notwithstanding (and it doesnt), others of us have insisted that the defense of the human rights of homeless people matters just as much as those of the comfie, hateful, gay-geoisie who profess to speak in "our" name but only and always for their own (and sometimes exclusive) benefit.

So much for "equal" rights. Likewise, we will not abandon our Trans friends, families, and lovers, just because "they" are an impediment to your "progress."

Rather, the battle for full inclusivity has revealed the real enemies of progress, right in our midst. And to think it used to be a scandal to advocate denying other people their rights, for the sake of begging for one's own. I openly wonder why and how that came to be the kind of "change" people are wont to "believe" in.
by Rose
What about our youth? This mess is creating more damage for them than it is for us. Why aren't we promoting their involvement in this movement? If anyone has a voice in this, it should be them...

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