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Indybay Feature

Crisis at KPFA/Pacifica Forum II 5/18 - speakers now listed

Sunday, May 18, 2008
2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Event Type:
Location Details:
North Berkeley Senior Center
1901 Hearst Avenue at ML King Way, across from KPFA
close to Berkeley BART, AC Transit buses 15, 43, 51

A follow-up to our Forum of April 6, attended by almost 100 people, this forum will continue to address the current challenges to the first community radio station in the country: including finances, election problems, derecognition of the unpaid staff bargaining unit by interim management, and weakening of the Program Council.

If you attended the first forum, we need you to help continue your work!
If you didn't come, this is your chance!

Join the Fair Elections Committee, Media Alliance, Coalition for a democratic Pacifica, Media Alliance and many others to decide what we can do to keep KPFA strong and on track.
The program: Three speakers, 4 workshops, food and socializing afterward.

Free/donations accepted/wheelchair-accessible
Also endorsed by: People's Radio, Voices for Justice, Peace & Freedom Party of Alameda County, SF Green Party, and others
IndyBay article: see attached URL
Added to the calendar on Fri, May 16, 2008 2:18PM
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