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Indybay Feature

FCC Hearing: Internet Freedom Under Attack (Pt. II)

by Grannies Fight Back (info [at]
RAGING GRANNIES THANK THE FCC for coming to the west coast in skit outside the hearing.

FCC commissioners Michael Copps and Jonathan Adelstein called for the agency to strengthen its power to prevent Comcast and its competitors from unfairly discriminating against select customers. Out of the five commissioners they are the only two Democrats. Both commissioners thanked the Raging Grannies for joining in the public voice for internet neutrality at the April 17, 2008 hearing. During the public comment period, not even ONE person came to the defense of ISPs.

At issue: should we trust the phone and cable companies at their word that they will not block or slow down content or services that does not happen to be offered by their favorite content partners? Or, for that matter, by those broadband Internet access providers themselves?

In tests conducted late last year, The Associated Press proved that Comcast was throttling the broadband connection of subscribers who were sharing files over the Internet.

The Raging Grannies absolutely do NOT believe it will do to just “take big Telecom's word”. We testified on behalf of all internet users from all political spectrums.

One of the most interesting panel members who spoke in favor of network neutrality was Christian Coalition's Michele Combs. She argued that the cable companies would be happy to let the porn industry pay for access to consumers, whereas "grassroots" organizations like her own would be silenced. Raging Grannies Ruth and Gail congratulated Michele when we met up with her during the break and had photo (below) taken with her.

During the public comment period, "Tiny" Lisa Gray Garcia from Poor Magazine brought up the issue of the digital divide and how a tilted Web playing field would restrict access to Internet adoption among disenfranchised communities, including immigrant communities, who are starting to get online to speak out for their causes.

An eloquent Latina spoke with a translator for the needs of the Spanish-speaking community. When cut off after 90 seconds (the maximum time set per speaker) the crowd shouted, "Let her speak! Give her more time!" Clyde, the FCC moderator, hesitated at first until one of the Grannies shouted out, "This is California, and it's how we do it here!" Upon hearing this he relented and allowed an additional 90 seconds. The representative of the Latino community finished her statement and many in the audience cheered with "Si, se puede!"

As one blogger said: "No wonder Comcast didn't show up — public opinion was stacked against them!". All the big telecoms were invited to appear; not ONE came. The FCC announced that big telecom DID, however, suggest speakers for the panel. One George Ou, who is most certainly on the payroll of big telecom (we hear it's AT&T) was on the panel and was heckled with: "Who paid your way, George?" The FCC asked the entire panel shortly after that interjection if any of them were paid, even if just for travel expenses. Mr. Ou answered, "I drove myself here", avoiding the question as best he was able. Later in the day, one of the Grannies and George Ou got into heated discussion outside the hearing and things looked dicey until Granny defender Byrd Hale of KZSU told Ou, "Don't mess with the Raging Grannies if you know what's good for you," to which the Grannies added, "That's right, when you are at Stanford you are in Raging Granny territory."

More coverage here:

More songs and chants from Granny performance in front of Dinkenspiel Hall:

Marchin' for Neutrality
tune: Saints Come Marchin' In

When we have net, neutrality
When we have net, neutrality
how I want to be in that number
When we have net, neutrality

**When corporate greed, no longer rules

**When no one can, block my email

CHANT: Listen Comcast, can you hear?
Internet Freedom
Is that clear?

We need Internet Freedom
Tune: God Bless America

We need the internet, It must be free
No more screening Or blocking
We are here to instruct the FCC
Say to Comcast, to Verizon
and to A T an-and T
Hands off the internet It must be FREE
Hands off the internet It must be Free

§FCC listening in skit
by Grannies Fight Back
FCC role played by Granny fan Brent Turner
§Granny Gail offers hand-made cookies
by Grannies Fight Back
For real this time, because it's true when we tempt military recruiters into discussion with cookies they are often secretly store bought...shhhh!
§Granny Mary's sandwich board says it all
by Grannies Fight Back
§Veterans for Peace joined our demo
by Grannies Fight Back
Portraying the Statue of Liberty is Vetgranny Sharon Kufeldt who is also National Vice-President of Veterans for Peace. Center is Granny Evie and on the right is Veterans for Peace Chapter 101 member Bernard Greening.
§Press is always happy to see the Grannies create a photo op
by Grannies Fight Back
Victor from the Palo Alto Daily

§Filmed for TV, documentaries too
by Grannies Fight Back
Press coverage included Business Week, the UK Register, NYTimes, more. Business Week declined to interview the!
§Free Press was there!
by Grannies Fight Back
Granny Gail with General Counsel Marvin Ammori
He came from DC to be with us and the voice for Net Neutrality. Free Press had a speaker on the panel too.
§LEFT and RIGHT come full circle
by Grannies Fight Back
Granny Ruth with Michele Combs of Christian Coalition. We couldn't be further apart on most issues, but on Net Neutrality we agree!
§FCC moderator listens to the Grannies
by Grannies Fight Back
When we called out to let the latina speaker have more time, Clyde listened! We met up with him in the parking lot later and he hugged us. What a sweetie! And that southern accent, well, it can just set a granny heart a'flutter.
§As the hour draws late the crowd thins
by Grannies Fight Back
It was a long day. The hearing started at noon and was still not done by 7:30pm. Here we see that the crowd in the auditorium is thinning as the public members who have had their chance to speak have mostly left. Peter Maiden is on the left filming for Indybay coverage. Granny Gail in white hat stands and waits her turn to speak
§Granny Gail on the big screen, a short skirt on stage on the left
by Grannies Fight Back
Those are Commissioner Tate's legs. We would have liked to have told her to cover up a bit, as her skirt was indelicately hiked up most of the time. Sometimes the left-wing Grannies show better demeanor than Republican ladies! She was by far the most right wing commissioner and took a purposefully distracting tour of the issue with a rant about "Missing and Exploited Children". It was pointed out to her many times during the panel discussion that we are asking for net freedom in the arena of LEGAL applications and that illegal pornography, child-napping sites, etc. could still be removed. Grannies called her out on this after the hearing as she was leaving saying, "Commissioner Tate, we Grannies are very concerned about children and are working on children's health care as one of our top priorities." To which she replied, "that's so nice."
§Commissioner Adelstein's Legal Advisor thanks Granny
by Grannies Fight Back
That's Scott Bergmann Sr. Legal Advisor to FCC Commissioner Adelstein. He points to Granny Gail's Free the Internet Button and tells us that the Commissioner actually sang with us before the hearing (we, of course, hadn't recognized him). Granny Gail gives the hand gesture for "Granny Power"! Shortly after this photo was taken the Commissioner himself waved and thanked us in the parking lot. And earlier in the day FCC Commissioner Michael J. Copps' right hand guy thanked us on behalf of Copps. At least we have TWO commissioners who are with the cause!
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by George Ou
First of all, you're not even quoting me correctly. I said I didn't get paid by anyone AND I drove their with Richard Bennett (Network Architect who also doesn't get paid). I decided to commute with Richard and save some gasoline and parking fees.

Marvin Ammori of Free Press likes to libel Richard Bennett as a Comcast shill when the only money flowing between Comcast and Bennett is Bennett paying his Cable Broadband bill to Comcast. Now you people are libeling me claiming you somehow know I get paid by AT&T based on something you’ve heard. Now unless you got some facts to back that statement up, I’d suggest you retract that statement and STOP libeling me.

I'll say it to you people one last time, I have NEVER received money from any company other than my former employer CNET Networks and Fujitsu. I was Technical Director for CNET's ZDNet and I was a network engineer and consultant for Fujitsu.

Now it’s fairly obvious the Grannies were told and prepared to shout down my testimony as soon as I started speaking since they couldn’t have known who I was or what I was going to say. You people don’t even have any specific statements that you disagree with me on yet you’re a bunch of mindless attack dogs. Now at least have the decency to quote me correctly.

As someone moderately well-informed on the Net Neutrality issue, I attended the Stanford hearing to learn more. I found your testimony to be laughably pro-corporate and remarkably uninformed -- so did everyone sitting around me. I really shook my head at your assertion that sending "reset" packets around the network is a common and standard thing. We were all wondering who in the world had invited you to be on the panel -- maybe you could clear that up for us.

Of course, I just had to look you up when I got home, and found many others sharing my viewpoints. Some of the first links I found refer to you as an Ignorant Microsoft Shill...others laugh at your uninformed commentary... and still others take serious issue with your security "advice."

I hope the FCC Commissioners were as smart as the audience members sitting around me and won't take seriously anything you told them.
by Go Grannies!

The entire hearing on webcast
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