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Prop 98: Non Profit Housing Developers May Be Selling Out The Poor

by Lynda Carson (tenantsrule [at]
The cancellation of a meeting meant to teach people about the disastrous effects of Prop 98 at Housing California's annual conference, leaves many to believe the poor have been sold out!
Prop 98 - Non Profit Housing Developers May Be Selling Out The Poor

By Lynda Carson April 15, 2008

Oakland - Housing California, a non profit organization which claims to be the leading voice for affordable homes and an end to homelessness, is holding their annual affordable housing conference called "Reframing Affordable Homes." The annual conference is held on April 28/29/30 in Sacramento, CA.

Housing California expects more than 1,200 developers, business leaders, affordable-home advocates, government officials, service providers, and consumers to show up for their convention that will hold at least 78 meetings, workshops and training sessions during their 3 day conference.

A twenty page pamphlet titled "Reframing Affordable Homes," and mailed out by Housing California, details the agenda for the conference, while promoting their event for those that may be interested.

In the twenty page pamphlet, out of all 78 meetings, training sessions or workshops scheduled, only one of them has been cancelled. This was the meeting that was meant to teach people about the disastrous effects of Proposition 98, the California Property Owners and Farmland Protection Act or (CPOFPA), which if passed by the voters in June would kill rent control, tenant protections, and inclusionary housing laws.

People in Berkeley and Oakland received copies of the pamphlet from Housing California as recent as April 14, 2008.

On page 5 of the pamphlet, which had scheduled a meeting called, "Session 1" for Tuesday April 29, from 10:40am till 12:10pm, it states that the meeting called, "June Ballot Measures Prop 98 and Prop 99," has been canceled.

The Housing California annual event called Reframing Affordable Homes is being sponsored by Citi-Bank, Wells Fargo, Wa-Mu (Washington Mutual), US Bank, Union Bank of California, Wachovia and Community Economics, among others.

Grass roots housing activist's who are not housing developers are already crying foul and are questioning why this important meeting has been cancelled by Housing California, and it's sponsors.

The banks and lending institutions have been involved in evicting millions across the nation due to homeforeclosures, and many believe that so-called non profit housing developers are so cozy with the banks and lending institutions, that Prop 98 is too hot for them to handle or to controversial for them to speak out against.

Meanwhile the fate of millions, including the poor, elderly and disabled are being placed at risk by Prop 98 if passed, and many are wondering if the non profit housing developers in California are going to sit back and watch the poor be flushed down the toilet by the proponents of Prop 98.

Lynda Carson may be reached at tenantsrule [at]

See links below for more...

Housing California's 2008
Annual Conference!

Reframing Affordable Homes

April 28 - 30, 2008
Sacramento Convention Center
Sacramento, CA

Housing California -- About Us

Home » About Us » About HCA

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by Lynda Carson
From: Just Cause Oakland, posted by Lynda Carson

7 Weeks To Go!

IN THIS ISSUE:                                            

No on 98 Landlord Action!

Calling All Volunteers!

No on 98 Coalition

98 in the News

Want to Make Money Fighting Prop 98?

Pledge to Help!                                             

No on 98 Landlord Action!

Who: People Who Hate Prop. 98
What: No on 98 Action at the Landlord's "How to Evict Tenants" Workshop
Where: Oakland Airport Hilton - 1 Hegenberger Rd
When: 9am on Friday, April 25, 2008
RSVP: Call Dawn at 510-763-5877 or email dawn [at]
Let him know if you need a ride from the BART station or can give rides!

On Friday, April 25, The Apartment Owners Association is having a training in Oakland called "How to Get Through the Eviction Process." St. Peter's Housing Coalition, Just Cause Oakland and our allies will be there to highlight who is behind Prop 98.

The Apartment Owners Association has donated nearly $300K to pass Prop. 98.  Dan Faller, the president and founder is rallying up his troops by calling politicians "suicide bombers" and that "the bombs and explosives they are throwing at us [landords] are rent control, eminent domain, inspection laws, building codes, requiring 60 day notices so tenants can steal more time from you, eviction laws ..."

Don't let these greedy landlords take away tenant rights. We have the opportunity to shine the light on the practices of one of Prop 98's major proponents, get media coverage and highlight our efforts to save rent control.... plus it will be loud and fun!

Click here for a report in Beyond Chron or here for original article.

Calling All No on 98 Volunteers!

Who: YOU and your FRIENDS!
What: No on 98 Volunteer Orientation
Where: Just Cause Oakland Office - 1611 Telegraph, Suite 415 in Downtown Oakland
When: 5:30-7:30pm on Wednesday, April 16, 2008
RSVP: Contact Lauren at 510-763-5877 or lauren [at]

Learn more about the No on 98 Campaign and how you can help save rent control!
We'll be gearing up to begin phonebanking and doorknocking to reach absentee voters during the last week of April! Come to the orientation and bring your friends!

In addition to phonebankers and doorknockers, we also need lots of other help, including rides and other logistics, data-entry, and web assistance! Let us know what you can do to help!

No on 98 Coalition

Renters across California are threatened by Prop 98 and we aren't fighting this alone!   Just Cause is working with local, regional and statewide allies to say no to 98 and yes to rent control and tenant protections!

Oakland Rising, a group of progressive Oakland organizations including Asian Pacific Environmental  Network, ACORN, Ella Baker Center, EBASE and Urban Habitat. We are coordinating some precinct walking mobilizations and recently brought other organizations to learn about the fight and plug into fieldwork!  Thank you to Public Advocates, Greenbelt Alliance, Wellstone Democratic Club, East Bay Community Law Center, PILA and others for showing up and signing up to get the word out!

We are working regionally with our allies across the bay as we join with St. Peters Housing Coalition and the Save Rent Control coalition in San Francisco to pull together the action on April 25.

Statewide, we're connected to the official No on 98, Yes on 99 Campaign and all of the endorsers listed here! We're also coordinating with our allies from the Right to the City coalition in the Bay and LA to oppose Prop 98 and fight for the right to stay!

Prop 98 in the News

Without rent control, landlords can bump up the rent so people can't afford their homes and are forced to move.  All the work to pass Measure EE and win the Just Cause for Eviction Ordinance in 2002 would be for nothing.

We need as many people as possible to know what Prop 98 will do. Watch KRON 4's news coverage on how Prop 98 would wipe out rent control here.

Want To Make Money Fighting 98?

Just Cause Oakland's No on 98 Committee will be hiring paid canvasers for one week in May to make sure we get the word out to as many people as possible!

Contact Dawn at 510-763-5877 or dawn [at] if you're interested.

Pledge to Help!
Pledge to defeat Prop 98- sign up to be a phonebanker or precinct walker!

Go to

Just Cause Oakland • PO Box 3596 • Oakland, CA 94609
Phone: 510.763.5877 • Fax: 510.763.5824 • Email: victory [at]

At the up-coming Housing California annual convention in Sacremento, meeting #47 titled Project-Base Vouchers, on page 11 (on-line version of above mentioned pamphlet), has also been cancelled.

by Lynda Carson (Lynda Carson)
(No on 98, Yes On Prop 99)

Why Prop 98 Proponents Are Angry

By Lynda Carson

Prop 98 proponents are so angry they have gone off the deep end, and have even attacked homeowners with their Prop 98 measure which is on the June ballot, as a means to eliminate rent control and tenant protections.

Prop 98 targets building codes and zoning laws that protect homeowners, clean water, the environment, and nature at large.

If Prop 98 passes, whats to keep someone from placing a "pig sty," next to someones home, or a porn shop next to a grade school?

Prop 98 is really bad, and everybody should vote against it!

In addition, non profit housing organizations should not be allowed to ignore the plight of renters being placed at risk by Prop 98. Some non profit housing organizations have been involved in a few deals with government officials that have involved eminent domain takings.

These deals may have helped to create affordable housing, but they may have also helped to anger what few property owners there are who have lost their property through eminent domain takings, as a result.

Non profit housing organizations throughout California must do the right thing and do every thing possible to defeat Prop 98, as a means to save rent control and tenant protections.


Eminent Domain Deal In Oakland That Angered Many During 2004

In Oakland, CA, the Uptown Project deal made with City Officials, non profits, and Forrest City Enterprises (owned by 3 billionaire families) sucked up over $60 million in affordable housing funds that were originally meant for the poor in Oakland. The money originally meant for the poor, was diverted and used to subsidize Forrest City's Uptown project to build high end condominiums, as part of Jerry Browns 10 K Plan.

A number of non profits were involved as part of the deal with Forrest City Enterprises and the City of Oakland, which resulted in eminent domain proceedings being used to grab land from Prop 98's current poster child John Revelli.

The Uptown Project was bad to begin with, and myself and others spoke out against it. No one payed attention to us.

However, the Uptown Project should not be used as a means to eliminate rent control and tenant protections. Millions of lives in California are being placed at risk of losing their housing if Prop 98 passes.

The Uptown Project Was A Bad Decision

One non profit housing developer even tossed in as much as $7 million in cash as part of their involvement in the Uptown Project scheme, which landed them Preservation Park in the process. The Uptown Project displaced many poor residents in the area, including many residents in a low-income hotel.

We need non profit housing developers to create housing for the poor, but these few shady deals with city officials that have unfairly taken property from people who are now very angry, have to stop. The few shady deals that have occurred, have brought the wrath of BIG MONEY down on all tenants in California, and non profits have to step up to the plate to help defeat Prop 98, on behalf of the poor, elderly and disabled who are now being threatened by Prop 98.

Click on link below for details of Forrest City deal and local non profits who were involved....

John Revelli is the Poster Child for Prop 98
Because Of The Oakland Uptown Project

According to a recent KGO story: His name is John Revelli.

Revelli owned a tire store in downtown Oakland, it was in his family 56 years. But the city wanted his property and an auto shop next door for a redevelopment project.

"Nobody cared. We were just two little guys in the way on 20th Street," said Revelli.

The city demolished the two businesses -- using the power of eminent domain to force Revelli and his neighbor to sell. Now a private developer is building apartments and retail shops where Revelli's tire store once stood.

Click below for story about Prop 98, and John Revelli detailing why property owners are so mad that they want to support Prop 98... It was the Uptown Project involving non profits and Oakland Officials that have angerd John Revelli so much...

Tenants, homeowners, the environment, and our health and safety laws are now all caught up into the middle of the battle over Prop 98 and Prop 99...

No on Prop 98, Yes On Prop 99
by ------------
Click below to find the following paragraph in regards to the Uptown Forrest City Deal...

(2) The sale of Preservation Park will generate cash of up to $7 million for the Agency, which will be available towards the financing gap of the proposed Forest City Uptown Project, or other capital projects in the Central District.
Wed, 16 Apr 2008 02:46:51 -0700 (PDT)

"Lynda Carson"   Add Mobile Alert
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FW:Breaking Story:Prop 98 & Non Profits: Conference Update

mcallahan [at], jspezia [at], jsnyder [at], zolmstead [at], dsmith [at], knaungayan [at], nbonakdar [at], ssimpson [at], jhunter [at], tscott [at], dlgallo [at], jbell [at], dferrier [at], nbell [at], hcohen [at], edennis [at], hfernandez [at], egordon [at], grao [at], mschwartz [at], mtawatao [at], pzimmerman [at], toconnell [at], joel [at], sean [at], staff [at], contactrcd [at], ljunglee [at], eisana [at], info [at]

willie.monroe [at], laura.marquez [at], steve.bunner [at], rosenheim [at], saiers [at], owen [at], hitch [at], kelly [at], tim.bollinger [at], [at], fxlaudon [at], jay.martinez [at], sherry [at], sbrown [at], mdavies [at], programming [at], lwasowicz [at], rhalstead [at], pstinnett [at], dlattin [at], bpayton [at], clee [at], berry [at], jgdc [at], nprservices [at], questions [at], newstips [at], contact [at], newsrelease [at], editor [at], bgrady [at], calreport [at], pressroom [at], forum [at], editor [at], BCNEBAY [at], eastbay [at]

To: Meghan Callahan

From: Lynda Carson

Re: Housing California Conference, and Pamphlet
Stating The Cancellation of the Prop 98/Prop 99

Hi Meghan

[[[Meghan writes; I wanted to let you know that
Housing California is actually making a big deal of
Prop. 98 at their conference. Brandon Castillo, one
of the lead consultants on the No on 98 campaign, is
giving a presentation at their general session. That
session has 1200 attendees - I think the workshop
would have had less than 100.]]]

Thank you for the clarification in regards to the
cancellation of the Housing California conference
meeting pertaining to the "June Ballot Measures Prop
98 and Prop 99.

[[[On page 5 of the pamphlet, which had scheduled a
meeting called, "Session 1" for Tuesday April 29, from
10:40am till 12:10pm, it states that the meeting
called, "June Ballot Measures Prop 98 and Prop 99,"
has been canceled.]]]

People including myself will be relieved to know that
there will be a presentation about the disastrous
effects of Prop 98 at the conference.

Many people were concerned that pressure may have came
about to cancel that workshop on Prop 98 and Prop 99
thats listed as cancelled in the 20 page pamphlet that
was mailed out, and most poor people including myself
cannot afford the $400 or more to get into the
conference to speak out against Prop 98.

Prop 98 has many people very much concerned...

Many were wondering what it would take to get the Prop
98 and Prop 99 workshop to be uncancelled, at the

Thank you again for clarifying the situation.


Lynda Carson

Subject: FW: Breaking Story: Prop98-Non Profits May
Sell Out The Poor

Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2008 21:01:56 -0700

From: "Meghan Callahan"
  Add Mobile Alert

To: tenantsrule [at]

Hi Lynda,

I'm with the No on 98/Yes on 99 campaign and your
e-mail was forwarded to me. I wanted to let you know
that Housing California is actually making a big deal
of Prop. 98 at their conference. Brandon Castillo,
one of the lead consultants on the No on 98 campaign,
is giving a presentation at their general session.
That session has 1200 attendees - I think the workshop
would have had less than 100. I think what probably
happened is that they cancelled the smaller workshop
after they decided to reach more people by doing it at
the larger session. We also will have a booth there.

I hope this clears up any misunderstandings. I know
that Housing CA is very much supportive of our
campaign and wants to get the word out to as many
people as they can at their conference.

Meghan Callahan

Published on Indy Media News Wire...

Prop 98: Non Profit Housing Developers May Be Selling
Out The Poor
by Lynda Carson ( tenantsrule [at] )

Tuesday Apr 15th, 2008 4:06 PM

The cancellation of a meeting meant to teach people
about the disastrous effects of Prop 98 at Housing
California's annual conference, leaves many to believe
the poor have been sold out!
Prop 98 - Non Profit Housing Developers May Be Selling
Out The Poor

By Lynda Carson April 15, 2008

Oakland - Housing California, a non profit
organization which claims to be the leading voice for
affordable homes and an end to homelessness, is
holding their annual affordable housing conference
called "Reframing Affordable Homes." The annual
conference is held on April 28/29/30 in Sacramento,

Housing California expects more than 1,200
developers, business leaders, affordable-home
advocates, government officials, service providers,
and consumers to show up for their convention that
will hold at least 78 meetings, workshops and training
sessions during their 3 day conference.

A twenty page pamphlet titled "Reframing Affordable
Homes," and mailed out by Housing California, details
the agenda for the conference, while promoting their
event for those that may be interested.

In the twenty page pamphlet, out of all 78 meetings,
training sessions or workshops scheduled, only one of
them has been cancelled. This was the meeting that was
meant to teach people about the disastrous effects of
Proposition 98, the California Property Owners and
Farmland Protection Act or (CPOFPA), which if passed
by the voters in June would kill rent control, tenant
protections, and inclusionary housing laws.

People in Berkeley and Oakland received copies of the
pamphlet from Housing California as recent as April
14, 2008.

On page 5 of the pamphlet, which had scheduled a
meeting called, "Session 1" for Tuesday April 29, from
10:40am till 12:10pm, it states that the meeting
called, "June Ballot Measures Prop 98 and Prop 99,"
has been canceled.

The Housing California annual event called Reframing
Affordable Homes is being sponsored by Citi-Bank,
Wells Fargo, Wa-Mu (Washington Mutual), US Bank, Union
Bank of California, Wachovia and Community Economics,
among others.

Grass roots housing activist's who are not housing
developers are already crying foul and are questioning
why this important meeting has been cancelled by
Housing California, and it's sponsors.

The banks and lending institutions have been involved
in evicting millions across the nation due to
homeforeclosures, and many believe that so-called non
profit housing developers are so cozy with the banks
and lending institutions, that Prop 98 is too hot for
them to handle or to controversial for them to speak
out against.

Meanwhile the fate of millions, including the poor,
elderly and disabled are being placed at risk by Prop
98 if passed, and many are wondering if the non profit
housing developers in California are going to sit back
and watch the poor be flushed down the toilet by the
proponents of Prop 98.

Lynda Carson may be reached at tenantsrule [at]
by ------------
From: jb [at] | This is spam | Add to
Address Book

To: "'Lynda Carson'" , "Brown,
Jerry" , ed [at]

Subject: RE: 50 Low-Income Renters Targeted For
Eviction... has nothing to do with the Uptown Housing

Date: Tue, 6 May 2003 19:11:04 -0700

Let keep it honest. The Forest City development is the
most viable project for Uptown in more than a quarter
of a century.

Ask yourself: why has this area been virtually dead
for so long? If it could have been developed in the
manner you propose, the city council would have done
it by now.

Construction costs/capital costs are such that the
falling rents in the city make it even harder today to
finance this Uptown project--which, in fact, includes
a substantial number of affordable units. If the
opponents win and kill this project because they can't
get the one they want--which is totally
impractical--that would be tragic.

The billionaire line is great rhetoric but for what
purpose? Do you want only small corporations to invest
in Oakland? If you do, you wish to wipe out tens of
thousands of jobs and force thousands of layoffs from
the City of Oakland.

I really find it counter-productive to throw out
imaginary plans in order to kill real ones that could
revitalize downtown.

Finally, the evictions you mention in the email below
have no relationship to Forest City. Let's keep
diffent problems distinct so that people of good will
can work on solutions.

Jerry Brown


To: jb [at], ed [at]

From: "Lynda Carson"  | This is spam | Add to Address Book

Subject: (YNPN) Thanks for your attention Mayor J. Brown...

Date: Wed, 7 May 2003 00:41:17 -0700 (PDT)

Hello Jerry

Thanks for your response about the 50 rental units
of low-income housing at the Pacific Renaissance Plaza in Oakland.
But, they still need your support, which you are not offering.
Give Lawrence Chan a call to request a very long extension for the
people facing evictions.

His assistant is named Amy Choi, and both may be
reached at 415/ 392-8000. Ask for Amy Choi, and you
will reach Lawrence Chans office to reach him...I hope
that everyone will follow suit and ask Lawrence Chan
to let the poor people of Pacific Renaissance Plaza
remain housed....

It would be wonderful if the community managed to
save 50 units of low-income housing just by simply
giving a call to the office of Lawrence Chan! Give him
a call Jerry, and join the others with a heart to
support those people in their time of need!

With all due respect, it's you who are not being
honest. Those are real people about to be tossed upon
the streets from the Pacific Renaissance Plaza, and
it's your 10 K Plan that targets every last one of
them; including the 74 units of real people at the
Alice Arts Center, & another 34 units of low-income
housing being lost at the Western Hotel.

Jerry, thats a lot of poor people being dumped
upon the streets of Oakland...

You want the poor to be replaced by the well to

It's a fact that the 3 families controling Forest
City Enterprises are Billionaires, not, rhetoric. Your
plan to give them a 60 million dollar subsidy is the
Robin Hood scenario in reverse. The poor in Oakland,
give up needed dollars to the rich in your fantasy. In
this case, 3 families of BILLIONAIRES worth over 4
billion between the 3 of them. How much money could
they ever want in a lifetime? If a $billion$ for each
family is not enough, forget it! They will never be
rich enough, and theres no point in nourishing their

Yes, I want small local Oakland business's to
thrive in this community, so that the dollars
generated remain within this community. Theres no
point in large off shore corporations coming into
Oakland to suck it dry, when local non-profit housing
corporations can stretch the most out of Oaklands 60
million subsidy being proposed to the billionaires of
Forest City Enterprises.

Whats been tragic & counter productive to the
citizens of Oakland, is the 2 bit entertainer talk
show host from KPFA who hood winked the public into
voting for him, and then sold them down the river to
the likes of Forrest City Enterprises....We The
People? Really?

Do the world a favor, and get off of the backs of
the working class and poor folks of Oakland, and give
them a break...You of all people know better...Stop
abusing the People...Whats wrong with you?

I liked you a whole lot better when you actually
gave people hope once upon a time...It's not to


Lynda Carson
by Tom Scott
I am the President of Housing California, the leading advocate in the state for affordable homes for the homeless and low income families, seniors and the disabled. One of our top priorities is the DEFEAT of Proposition 98 and the Passage of Proposition 99.

Proposition 98 will eliminate rent control, inclusionary zoning and the use of eminent domain to acquire blighted commercial properties for redevelopment. It may also give NIMBYS tools to stop affordable housing by claiming damages to their home values in court.

Proposition 99 will prevent the use of eminent domain to take owner occupied single-family homes for private redevelopment. More importantly, if both Prop 98 and 99 pass but Prop 99 receives more votes than 98, then the provision of 98 will be nullified.

Our Housing California Conference will feature a discussion of this at one of our General Sessions.

Tom Scott
San Diego Housing Federation
Housing California Conference To Have Bush/McCain Supporter As Speaker On Prop 98 & Prop 99

By Lynda Carson April 20, 2008

Oakland, CA - Housing California has been scrambling to clear up some recent controversy over a pamphlet sent out recently that upset many because it stated that a workshop on Prop 98 and Prop 99 for their upcoming annual housing conference, has been cancelled.

Numerous sources have recently appeared since then to declare that Brandon Castillo, from the No on 98, Yes on 99 campaign, will indeed be appearing as a speaker at a plenary meeting of the Housing California conference called Reframing Affordable Homes, in Sacramento, April 28-April 30, which expects a turnout of around 1,200 people.

A fast background check on Brandon Castillo turned up documentation showing that Castillo is a Bush/McCain supporter, and has donated several thousand dollars to the presidential campaigns of both rabid Republicans.

The documentation reveals that; "$3,500 was given by people who identified their last name as "CASTILLO" and first name as "BRANDON". ($3,500 from 1 person to Republicans - $0 to Democrats).

Strange Bedfellows In Both Prop 98 and Prop 99 Campaigns

Brandon Castillo, a Bush/McCain supporter, is also a consultant with Bicker, Castillo & Fairbanks, a public affairs firm specializing in issues management, grassroots advocacy and media relations, and is closely connected with the No on 98, Yes on 99 campaign. Supporters of the Prop 99 campaign may not feel real comfortable knowing that a Bush/McCain supporter will be representing them at the upcoming Reframing Affordable Homes conference.

In another puzzler, a deeper look in search of an address for the campaign headquarters for the No on 98, and Yes on 99 campaign, reveals that the No on 98, Yes on 99 campaign actually shares the same exact address, phone number and fax number as does the location of Bicker, Castillo & Fairbanks, a public affairs firm specializing in issues management, grassroots advocacy and media relations, which includes Brandon Castillo, in Sacramento.

Supporters of Prop 99, who are working hard to defeat Prop 98, may find all of this to be just a bit strange, but in the world of politics it appears that anything may be possible.

See documentation below for more...

Bicker, Castillo & Fairbanks
1121 L Street, Suite 803
Sacramento, CA 95814

Phone:  916-443-0872
Fax: 916-442-3510
mail [at]

[Headquarters for No on 98/Yes on 99 Campaign?]

Contact Us
(Address, phone, and fax number for the No on 98/Yes on 99 Campaign
is exactly the same for Bicker, Castillo & Fairbanks)

No on 98/Yes on 99 Campaign


1121 L Street, Suite 803

Sacramento, CA 95814

info [at]



Brandon Castillo

[[[ $3,500 was given by people who identified their last name as "CASTILLO" and first name as "BRANDON". $3,500 from 1 person to Republicans $0 to Democrats]]]

Brandon Castillo
John McCain
Sacramento CA 95835

George W. Bush

George W. Bush

SACRAMENTO, CA Political Contributions by Individuals

Higgins, William S (League of California Cities/Attorne), ...... (BICKER CASTILLO & FAIRBANKS/POLITIC), (Zip code: 95835) $1100 to BUSH-CHENEY '04 (PRIMARY) ...

Bicker, Castillo & Fairbanks

Bicker, Castillo & Fairbanks is a public affairs firm specializing in issues management, grassroots advocacy and media relations.  The firm’s principles, Gwyn Bicker, Brandon Castillo and Kathy Fairbanks, have collectively managed more than a dozen successful local and statewide ballot initiative campaigns, and have been involved in numerous issues management, crisis communications and legislative grassroots and media support projects in the past decade. Issues addressed by the firm include: the environment, taxation, bonds, transportation, growth and development, government regulation and reform, local government finance, education, gaming, health care, energy and insurance, to name a few.

Subject: FW: Breaking Story: Prop98-Non Profits May
Sell Out The Poor

Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2008 21:01:56 -0700

From: "Meghan Callahan"
  Add Mobile Alert

To: tenantsrule [at]

Hi Lynda,

I'm with the No on 98/Yes on 99 campaign and your
e-mail was forwarded to me. I wanted to let you know
that Housing California is actually making a big deal
of Prop. 98 at their conference. Brandon Castillo,
one of the lead consultants on the No on 98 campaign,
is giving a presentation at their general session.
That session has 1200 attendees - I think the workshop
would have had less than 100. I think what probably
happened is that they cancelled the smaller workshop
after they decided to reach more people by doing it at
the larger session. We also will have a booth there.

I hope this clears up any misunderstandings. I know
that Housing CA is very much supportive of our
campaign and wants to get the word out to as many
people as they can at their conference.

Meghan Callahan

About Meghan Callahan...

Meghan Callahan has been with Bicker, Castillo & Fairbanks since 2003.  In her tenure at BCF, Ms. Callahan has worked extensively on communications strategy and message development; grassroots advocacy, mobilization and communications; third-party ally recruitment; media support; and organization of press events for a wide range of issues including housing, land use, local government finance, education, telecommunications and healthcare.

Ms. Callahan recently served as the day-to-day grassroots coordinator for the successful No on 90 Campaign (eminent domain/regulatory takings, November 2006), No on Prop. 82 Campaign (universal preschool, June 2006),  the Yes on 1A Campaign (local government finance initiative, November 2004) and the Yes on 55 Campaign (statewide school bond, March 2004).  In this capacity, Ms. Callahan was responsible for keeping the coalitions informed through frequent communications, organizing speakers bureaus, coordinating GOTV efforts and responding to general requests for information and materials.

Prior to joining Bicker, Castillo and Fairbanks, Ms. Callahan was associate director of government and public affairs for the Building Industry Association of Superior California.  Working with elected officials, local government staff, chambers, low-income housing advocates and environmentalists, Ms. Callahan represented the association’s interest on a variety of public policy issues including habitat conservation, affordable housing, water delivery, air quality and growth.

Ms. Callahan also worked for the California Building Industry Association as their legislative policy manager.  In that role she researched industry issues; developed communications surrounding association legislation and policy objectives; and managed the association’s involvement in the Job-Center Housing Coalition (a diverse coalition of business leaders, housing and community activists who work to increase housing availability and affordability in California).

Ms. Callahan graduated from the University of California, Davis with a degree in Rhetoric and Communications and a minor in English.

Policy & Legislation

Home » Policy & Legislation » Prop 98/99 Campaign Expert to Speak at Housing California's Annual Conference

Prop 98/99 Campaign Expert to Speak at Housing California's Annual Conference
April 02, 2008

Defeating Proposition 98 and passing Proposition 99 on the June ballot are high priorities for Housing California this year. To help our community understand how we can participate in the campaign, public affairs expert Brandon Castillo, a partner in the firm leading this effort, will appear as a General Session speaker at Housing California's Annual Conference 2008: Reframing Affordable Homes.

Prop 98 is the Hidden Agendas Scheme, which will wipe out rent control, mixed-income zoning, and key tenant protections. Prop. 99, the Homeowners Protection Act, will create reasonable limits on the use of eminent domain by public agencies.

Contact: Julie Spezia, (916) 447-0503 x 104 or jspezia [at]

Kathy Fairbanks

Coalition Opposed to Proposition 98 Files Lawsuit

Feb 25, 2008
Kathy Fairbanks, (916) 443-0872

Lawsuit Contends Rent Control is Most Significant Provision in Prop. 98 and Should Be in Title. Prop. 98's Provisions Interfering with Land-Use & Environmental Protections Also Significant and Should Be In Title & Summary.


"The Eminent Domain Reform Now Coalition is in full swing collecting signatures to place real eminent domain reform on the June ballot. The ‘Homeowners Protection Act' would prohibit the taking of a home to transfer to a private developer.

"Our coalition has secured funding to qualify the measure and internal polling shows extraordinarily strong voter support for the measure's provisions. Unlike the deceptive counter-measure funded by wealthy apartment and mobile home park owners, ours has no hidden agenda and no adverse consequences.

"Our research shows voter opposition to the counter measure. That's not surprising since it's nothing but a deceitful attempt to abolish rent control and includes provisions that could stop future water projects, destroy local land-use planning and erode environmental protections.

"We've put together a successful campaign team with a proven track record and are confident voters will support the Homeowners Protection Act and defeat their counter measure in June."

Winner & Mandabach Campaigns: Lead campaign consultants, coordinating campaign strategy and paid media.

Bicker, Castillo & Fairbanks: Campaign strategy, earned media, and grassroots/coalition outreach.

Nielsen, Merksamer, Parrinello, Mueller and Naylor: Campaign strategy, legal

Fairbank, Maslin, Maullin & Associates: Campaign strategy, opinion research

Bicker, Castillo & Fairbanks
1121 L Street, Suite 803
Sacramento, CA 95814

Phone:  916-443-0872
Fax: 916-442-3510
mail [at]
by Lynda Carson (tenantsrule [at]
---Gwyn Bicker of Bicker, Castillo and Fairbanks---

According to the website for Bicker, Castillo and Fairbanks...
Prior to forming Bicker, Castillo & Fairbanks, Ms. Bicker served as Managing Director of Public Affairs in California for Burson-Marsteller, the world's largest public relations firm. In that capacity, Ms. Bicker opened Burson-Marsteller's Sacramento office and established it as the premier go to firm for issue advocacy, earned media and grassroots outreach for statewide ballot campaigns in California.

See profile on Burson-Marsteller further below...

No on 98, Yes on 99 campaign, the spokesperson is Kathy Fairbanks

Kathy Fairbanks (Partner) with Bicker, Castillo and Fairbanks

(Kathy Fairbanks used to be the public affairs manager for Burson-Marsteller. See (B-M) profile further below)

According to the website for Bicker, Castillo and Fairbanks...
For more than 10 years, Kathy Fairbanks has specialized in developing, managing and implementing media relations and communications strategies for a broad range of clients whose policy concerns include education, healthcare, public safety, local government, insurance, housing, environmental and business issues.

Prior to the California Chamber, Ms. Fairbanks was public affairs manager at the Sacramento office of Burson-Marsteller. There she developed and carried out public affairs and communications programs for many of the firm’s clients.

Some of Burson-Marsteller's current clients include:
3Com Corp., Accenture Technology Ventures, Alcatel, Applause LLC, Avanade Inc., Boeing, Harris Interactive,, Ltd., ICN Pharmaceuticals, IdeaEDGE Ventures, Ihalal, Lord, Abbett & Co., M7 Networks, McDonald's, New World Network,, Inc., PC On Call, Peregrine Systems, Inc., Qualcomm CDMA Technologiesm, R.R. Donnelley & Sons Co., Sony Electronics Inc., Sulzer Orthopedics, Sun Microsystems Inc., Switch and Data, Teresa Earnhardt, Texas Electric Choice, Thayer Hotel Investors, TrueLink, Unicredito, University of North Carolina, UNX, Verizon[5]

The following have been clients of B-M and may still be (Burson-Marsteller no longer publishes lists of its clients):
ARCO, British Gas, Boots, BP Chemicals, British Nuclear Fuels, Cadbury Schweppes, Chevron, Ciba-Geigy and Sandoz (now Novartis), Citicorp, Coca-Cola, Dow Chemical, Deutsche Telecom, Eli Lilly, Fisons, Ford, Gallaghers, General Electric, Glaxo, Grand Metropolitan, Hoescht Roussel, Hydro-Quebec, IBM, ICI, Johnson &Johnson, Johnson Matthey, McDonalds, McDonnell-Douglas, Nutra Sweet, Ontario Hydro, Perrier, Phillip Morris, Pioneer, Proctor and Gamble, Quaker Oats, Repsol, Rhone-Poulenc-Rorer, Sainsburys, Scott Paper, Shell Oil, SmithKline Beecham, Tetra Pak, Unilever, Warner Lambert and Zeneca[6]

A Corporate Profile

By Corporate Watch UK
Completed July 2002

1. The Company
1.1 Overview
1.2 Market Share/Importance
1.3 History
1.4 Products & services
1.5 Clients

1.1 Overview

Burson-Marsteller (B-M) is one of the largest public relations (PR) agencies in the world and also the most reviled due to its mercenary attitude in choosing clients and contracts, and its frequent run ins with activists for environmental and other progressive causes. When helping its industry clients to escape environmental legislation or sprucing up the image of some of the most repressive governments on Earth, B-M brings to bear state of the art techniques in manipulating the mass media, legislators and public opinion.

In spite of B-M’s claims that the best way to deal with problems is to put one’s own house in order, the usual effect of PR is to maintain the status quo. By manipulating public opinion PR diverts attention away from difficult issues and creates the illusion of change so that a company or government can go about business as usual without having to worry about its reputation. By lobbying government and creating Astroturf campaigns PR helps to maintain a legislative environment on which industry can avoid real change.
A little bit more about Burson - Marsteller

(Bicker, Castillo and Fairbanks of No on 98, Yes on 99 campaign all worked for Burson - Marsteller)

A little about Burson - Marsteller, according to an article in The Nation...

Burson-Marsteller is hardly a natural fit for a prominent Democrat. The firm has represented everyone from the Argentine military junta to Union Carbide after the 1984 Bhopal disaster in India, in which thousands were killed when toxic fumes were released by one of its plants, to Royal Dutch Shell, which has been accused of colluding with the Nigerian government in committing major human rights violations. B-M pioneered the use of pseudo-grassroots front groups, known as "astroturfing," to wage stealth corporate attacks against environmental and consumer groups. It set up the National Smokers Alliance on behalf of Philip Morris to fight tobacco regulation in the early 1990s. Its current clients include major players in the finance, pharmaceutical and energy industries. In 2006, with Penn at the helm, the company gave 57 percent of its campaign contributions to Republican candidates.

A host of prominent Republicans fall under Penn's purview. B-M's Washington lobbying arm, BKSH & Associates, is run by Charlie Black, a leading GOP operative who maintains close ties to the White House, including Karl Rove, and was a partner with Lee Atwater, the consultant who crafted the Willie Horton smear campaign for George H.W. Bush in 1988. In recent years Black's clients have included the likes of Iraq's Ahmad Chalabi, the darling of the neocon right in the run-up to the war; Lockheed Martin; and Occidental Petroleum. In 2005 he landed a contract with the Lincoln Group, the disgraced PR firm that covertly placed US military propaganda in Iraqi news outlets.

Black is only one cannon in B-M's Republican arsenal. Its "grassroots" lobbying branch, Direct Impact--which specializes in corporate-funded astroturfing--is run by Dennis Whitfield, a former Reagan Cabinet official, and Dave DenHerder, the political director of the Bush/Cheney '04 campaign in Ohio. That's not all. B-M recently partnered with lobbyist Ed Gillespie, the former head of the Republican National Committee, in creating the new ad firm 360Advantage, run by two admen for the Bush/Cheney campaigns. Its first project was a campaign against "liberal bias" in the media for the neoconservative Weekly Standard magazine.

At Burson-Marsteller, we believe that communications is far more critical in business than simply generating awareness, disseminating information or enhancing reputation. The role of communications is to manage perceptions in order to motivate behaviors that create positive business results. We are completely focused on this idea as our mission, and we believe it assures that our disciplines create value for our clients. Join the successful team at Burson-Marsteller.

The Sacramento office of Burson-Marsteller is now seeking interns who will learn the public affairs business from the ground up- everything from grassroots advocacy, issues management and legislative strategy to media relations and crisis communications.

Strong writing skills are necessary, and a general knowledge of government and policy is encourage. Hours are flexible. Internship is paid.

For more information, please contact Brandon Castillo at (916) 341-1000.
Resumes and cover letters may be sent to:
Burson-Marsteller 1121 L Street, Suite 401
Sacramento, CA 95814
Or via fax to (916) 341-1081

75 offices in 35 Countries and an internship waiting for you in Sacramento. Visit our website at

AAPC Pollie Conference

( Rookie of the Year (in 2000), Brandon Castillo of Burston Marsteller )

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