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Indybay Feature

Nazi-Dalai Lama Connections; Sanity in SF Torch Route

by $
SF Mayor Gavin Newsom's presidential ambition prevailed over the CIA-Democratic Party's attack on China for its oil-rich province of Tibet as he had the route for the Olympic torch in San Francisco on 4/9/08 changed at the last minute, thereby saving lots of lives as the CIA "pro-Tibet" thugs viciously attacked torchbearers on other countries. Their CIA agent leader, the Dalai Lama, has well-established connections to Nazis.
SF Mayor Gavin Newsom's presidential ambition prevailed over the CIA-Democratic Party's attack on China for its oil-rich province of Tibet as he had the route for the Olympic torch in San Francisco on 4/9/08 changed at the last minute, thereby saving lots of lives as the CIA "pro-Tibet" thugs viciously attacked torchbearers on other countries. Their CIA agent leader, the Dalai Lama, has well-established connections to Nazis.

The CIA, which is to say Wall Street or the capitalist class of which Democrat Gavin Newsom is a member, is conducting its latest terrorism in the name of "human rights" against China to obtain the oil, gold, uranium and copper of Tibet, as well as the oili of Sudan, the oil of Iraq, the oil of Afghanistan and the oil and othe rminerals of Yugoslavia, all of which countries were originally demonized as violators of human rights. THERE IS NO COUNTRY THAT HAS A WORSE HUMAN RIGHTS HUMAN RECORD THAN NAZI USA, including but not limited to genocide of Native Americans, enslavement of Africans, the exploitation of the labor of all nationalities, lynching of African-Americans and Mexican Americans and the current death penalty, the current prison-concentration camp system, and the illegal imprisonments and admitted torture of the people all falsely imprisoned at Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib and the many secret prisons around the world. Those Democrats who are looking for a job, like SF Supervisors Chris Daly and Aaron Peskin, and warmongering Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein and her husband, UC Regent Richard Blum led the San Francisco CIA contingent demanding oil-rich Tibet and more of China's terrirtory be given to the CIA agent, the Dalai Lama. Tibet has been part of China for over 700 years and will remain so forever.

AS WE GOT OFF THE JAM-PACKED BUS ON MARKET STREET GOING TOWARD THE PLANNED RALLY AT MARKET AND EMBARCADERO AT NOON ON APRIL 9, 2008, A HUGE RED FLAG GREETED US, a sight this writer has wanted to see for many decades in my hometown of San Francisco. THERE WERE TENS OF THOUSANDS OF CHINESE AMERICANS attending, waving Chinese, American and Olympic flags of small sizes, and LOTS OF VERY LARGE, GLORIOUS RED FLAGS. The handful of provincial peasants claiming to be suddenly concerned about "human rights" in China and Sudan were in a clear minority numerically and ethnically, as most of these peasants were middle class white Americans either profoundly ignorant or acutal CIA agents, and many were reported to have flown here from across the country. Unfortunately, the same kind of thugs which attacked Olympic torchbearers in Europe were throughout the planned Embarcadero route and the ruling class, of which Gavin Newsom is a member, realized that the WHOLE WORLD WAS WATCHING AND THEY COULD NOT AFFORD TO ALLOW CIA TERRORISM IN SAN FRANCISCO, thus forcing the route to be changed to Van Ness, with the closing at the airport. IT WAS OBVIOUS WITH THE CIA ORCHESTRATED TERRORISM THAT WE RESIDENTS OF SAN FRANCISCO WERE WITNESSING FOR AT LEAST A WEEK THAT THE ROUTE WOULD HAVE TO BE CHANGED.

NEVER AGAIN, SO LONG AS TNAZI USA IS A CAPITALIST COUNTRY, SHOULD NAZI USA HOST ANY OLYMPICS OR THE OLYMPIC TORCH. Hopefully, the International Olympic Committee understands that now. For examples of peaceful welcoming of the Olympic torch, where the CIA did not cause problems, see:

LEADERSHIP of the peace community was clearly PROVIED BY SOCIALISTS who gave an outstanding statement of support for China and condemnation of the CIA terrorism concerning Tibet, Sudan, Iraq, Afghanistan, Panama, Haiti, Yugoslavia and Venezuela. That statement was obviously based on extensive research and experience. For the whole statement, see:

The world capitalist press has lied about what is going on in Tibet (and in many cases, actually Nepal). See a good photo essay at:

Another good description is in the UK's Guardian, 3/15/08, at

"The Secret Truth about The Dalai Lama" below provides yet another revealing story of the fascist Dalai Lama concerning his Nazi friends, namely Bruno Beger (1911-2004), a Nazi SS Officer, Convicted War Criminal and Dalai Lama Adviser and Heinrich Harrer (1912-2006) Austrian Storm Trooper (SA) member, captain of an SS death squad. Other fascist friends of the Dalai Lama are the Butcher of Chile installed by the CIA in 1973, Augustine Pinochet; Miguel Serrano, leader of the Argentine Nazi Party, Shoko Asahara, an admirer of Hitler who put Sarin gas in a Tokyo subway, and George Bush, the current fascist US president, whose grandfather collaborated with the Nazis.
For more on Nazi Bruno Berger, see:
and on Nazi Heinrich Harrer, see:
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by g
RCP wingnut? What a surprise!
"It was an extremely diverse protest. Forrest Schmidt, 31, held a sign warning the United States to lighten up on China. "

Forrest is Richard Becker's henchman at International ANSWER- its hard to imagine, but is ANSWER really pro-Genocide, pro-ethnic cleansing? Sure seems like it.
by ny
How can they justify this position based on the traditional monarchy type government of Tibet? Killing a million people and brutally repressing the culture of this area is not an acceptable way to implement social reforms. Let the local people reform their own culture.
by at the “Free Tibet” movement.
I think that all $ is trying to point out is that we should be critical when we support the “free Tibet” movement. A lot of what $ wrote about is reinforced by different historians and anthropologists. We can’t just ignore the condition that existed under the Dalai-Lama ruling, nor his endorsement of the war in Afghanistan, nor his association with Nazi officers.
The Lama was smuggled out of Tibet by the CIA, Ward Churchill in: On the Justice of Rusting Chickens, implies that the Lama might still working for, or assisted by the CIA.
Were the thousands of Chinese-Americans supporting the BeJing Olympics all ''wingnuts '' or complicit in genocide ?
Just wondering .
by Why????
"I think that all $ is trying to point out is that we should be critical when we support the “free Tibet” movement."

And we are.

But I don't see this much "soul searching" when we support the Palestinians under Hamas- also a theocratic, atavistic, minority oppressing movement. Why the different standards? At an ANSWER sponsored rally in front of the Consulate, they chanted "Red yellow black white- we support Hamas's fight"-- Why do we? Its oppresses queers, women, minorities, yet we've offered them our uncritical support- it was explained to me that the Palestinians have democractically chosen Hamas, and therefore we should support them. Why don't we have the same standard for Tibet????
by Stop the attack on China!
feel it is important enough to restate. The Palestinian People are fighting U.S. Imperialism. U.S. Imperialism is fighting for a "free" Tibet.
Richard Blum, war profiteer and husband of Senator Diane Feinstein spoke at the "Free Tibet" vigil Tuesday evening. If that does not capture the class character and class forces behind the "Free Tibet" movement maybe the 2007 Congressional of Honor Award given to the Dalai Lama does. Richard Blum not only profits off the real genocide happening to the Iraqi people, a third of which have been killed, injured or displaced but also supports the most brutal occupation of Palestine.
I would like to express my deep sorrow for my Chinese brothers and sisters, who after centuries of Colonial occupation in China and severe racist opression here in the United States, had to have white, priveledged young people screaming at them and protesting them on a day that was meant to be celebratory to the Chinese People and their history and their diverse and rich culture. Tibet is part of China.
Richard Gere, I can not leave out, with all his anti-communist rhetoric and his "the Dalai (C.I.A.) Lama is a simple monk" bullshit. Please. Before the Revolution the life expectancy in Tibet was 35. Almost half of the babies died. No education and no health care for the People of Tibet-just for the class of your "simple monks." Budhism is still practiced in Tibet.
To all you privledged college students who admit the harsh conditions of the Tibetan masses and the feudal society prior to the Revolution and admit that yes now they have health care,education and food but down play the importance of health care, education and food must never have had to live without health care, education or food.
If you are misled to think the U.S. is going to step in and do good for the Tibetan People, just look to Iraq, Afghanistan, Haiti etc. and for that matter, the Sudan, bombing and supporting the PLA forces undermining the Sudanese governement and causing the violence-U.S.'s favorite tactic of destabilization, divide and conquer. Look at Yugoslavia, broken up, occupied and now powerless. In the Phillipines, in Vietnam, Korea etc. In our own country, genocide of the Native Peoples, slavery of African and Chinese People, brutal repression of our immigrant brothers and sisters.
The oppresors are in the Washington D.C.
Stop the attacks on China!

by more like dispossesssed Tibetans
white, priveledged young people?
like these?

Yeah, right.
by j
wow, thanks for the insight! grand to see all those authoritarian red flags. sic.

fuck the Chinese government. Like most gov'ts, esp. like the USA and the old USSR, China's gov't is imperialist, authoritarian and fascist. so called communists over there are making capitalist bank, manufacturing cheap plastic crap to sell to the U$.

thanks for the slave labor and cheap products assholes. your communist dream is dead, drowned in the filth of capitalist production of shit products for export. Like other corporate globalists, the Chinese gov't cares only for profit and to make exports to get rich while exploiting workers at home (Tibet and China).

Free Tibet may be a trendy cause, but the Chinese gov't is in league with the US ruling elite to make mass money off of mass production of cheap shit.

thanks for raising hell against exploiters and dominators in the US and Chinese capitalist regimes y'all.
by 2bornot2be
People want cheap shit! You know you do, too. You want to pay $50 for a nylon backpack instead of $9.99 at Target?

As to the glorious communist revolution in China: the revolution died in 1964 when the Cultural Revolution killed 25 million Chinese, mostly educated people and those disliked by their neighbors. Old people with lots of book were beaten to death, teachers murdered by 13 year old thugs.

The revolution is as dead as communism.
by Stop the Attacks on China
If you read what I posted I did not say all the "free tibet" protesters were white and priveledged, just what I found the most upsetting.
My partner was born in China during the Japanese occupation of China. He considers the use of the term "occupation" used in reference to Tibet very upsetting. So would I imagine the people of Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine. "genocide" would be another term the 'Free Tibet" movement uses-when how could this be? The population has grown five times in population, even discounting the Han Chinese that live there. Tibetan language is used and taught in the schools, health care not available before the revolution is now available to all, Budhism is practiced, monasteries operating. The same religious oppression arguement has been used against Cuba-when in fact, Catholic churches are common in Cuba and people are free to pratice their religion.
Further, for my partner who was born into a real occupation and then to immigrate here, where his father was then seperated from he and his Mother, to be incarcerated on Angel Island for being Chinese and then face a lifetime of anti-Chinese racism is precisely why I made the comments specific to observing white priveledged college students screaming at elderly Chinese People and Chinese workers. Chinese immigrants are very familiar with the history of brutal racism faced here for over a century.
Genocide is happening in Iraq, where one third of the population has been killed,injured or displaced. Those same people who made genocide happen to the Iraqi people are advocating for a "free Tibet." One of them was on your stage Tuesday night-Richard Blum. Does it not even occur to you that when U.S. starts talking 'freedom" for anyone that it is actually a nail in the coffin of the people.
When has the U.S. ever supported a true liberation movement.
by and that's your error
The movement that seeks to disseminate information about human rights abuses in Tibet is internationally based. I would bet that any activist who has worked in this issue in depth would identify themselves as an internationally based movement NOT a US based and supported movement.

What is it if it isnt an occupation. Both Tibet and Xinjiang are non-ethnic Chinese regions of China where a majority of the populations want independence. Both were taken with military force several times in the past hundred years. Xinjiang gets a lot less focus than Tibet but it has historically faced worse oppression and the Chinese government even uses Israeli/US like accusations of the population being terrorists to demonize ethnic Uyghurs.

by bewaretheUNPO
Get your facts straight. China accuses Uighurs of working with the Muslim Brotherhood... because they work with the Muslim Brotherhood! Not all Uighurs, naturally, but there are those who are fighting a jihad against China. Encouraging democratic reform in China is a good thing, teaming up with a) the CIA or b) Al Queada (who share similar goals in this region) to achieve it is going to get the OPPOSITE of what you want!

by Stop the attacks on China
I call it a pro-imperialist seperatist movement that is not supported by the majority of people who live in Tibet.
by ....
Except that nationalism that is behind the independence movement in Xinjiang is based of Turkic nationalism with the recent increase being due to the independence of the Central Asian republics.

There are fighters from China who have been arrested by the US fighting in Afghanistan but any groups they are involved with are much more likely Hizb ut-Tahrir or the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan than the Muslim brotherhood (which is more focused on Egypt and Palestinians than on China).

Here is a good left leaning article about oppression in Xinjiang

Unlike Tibet the US government post 9/11 is clearly on the same side as China in the fight against the people of Xinjiang.
by ...
I would doubt that. The Dalai Lama doesnt support independence but he doesnt speak for the majority of Tibetans who base a desire for independence on nationalism and immediate Chinese oppression more than support for a religious leader. If a majority of Tibetans just wanted better treatment while still being part of China last year that probably has changed after the recent crackdown. If China stopped mistreating Tibetans there is a chance that eventually most Tibetans would eventually decide it would be better to be part of China but that really is up to China since its recent actions pushed Tibet away.

One a similar note it is interesting to note that many of those arrested for political activity in China are doing work that used to be done by the Communist Party. Most of those arrested are not undermining the government as much as exposing corruption of local officials. Why the central government supports the silencing of those exposing corruption makes little logical sense. Hu Jia is one good example. The decision to take him into custody was made after peasant leaders in several Chinese provinces issued a manifesto demanding broader land rights for peasants whose property had been confiscated for development. The development was likely to the benefit of local leaders and not of the general population or even the Central government. Wan Yanhai is another good example since his work on AIDS activism got him arrested for exposing a program in Henan Province that was infecting hundreds of people with HIV. It is easy why local officials were upset that he helped expose a mistake on their part but I can't see how it was in the interests of the Chinese government to allow protect corrupt officials rather than stop programs that created a major health crisis.
by bewaretheUNPO
Not true, the US still supports the Uighur cause, as do the neo-cons at the National Review. Pretty funny seeing Indybay posters lining up with the National Review on this one! What a strange world...

"The U.S. government was instrumental in securing my early release from prison in March of this year — a fact that has forever indebted me and my family to the American officials and the people from all over the world who worked on my behalf. Most of all, my early release allowed the Uyghur people to hope that they haven't been overlooked or forgotten by those who believe in human rights and democracy for all."
by Free Tibet
"The population has grown five times in population, even discounting the Han Chinese that live there. "

Wrong. Lhasa has gone from 99% Tibetan to twice as many Han Chinese as Tibetan. Over a million Tibetans have been murdered, with Han Chinese moving in to take their place. The Chinese built a railroad over one of the most sensitive ecological areas in the world to facilitate this population transfer. This is genocide. This is ethnic cleansing.

Human rights watch condemns Chineses atrocities in Tibet
I bet most people at the National Review oppose he governments of Burma and N Korea too but that doesnt make those governments any better. Hitler and Stalin briefly had an alliance. Did that make US communists who backed Stalin Nazis? The US backed Stalin when the USSR started fighting the Nazis. Did that make most of those in the US Communists?

Curious if you have a link to anything recent from the National Review defending groups fighting for independence for Xinjiang since most of those at the National Review have openly support the US torturing Uighur nationalists at Gitmo.

Since the US wont return the prisoners to China because of stated concerns about oppression you could say this is US support but they are still at Gitmo so...

by bewaretheUNPO
Yeah, no problem, here's GOP congressman Christopher Smith commenting on it on National Review... is 2006 recent enough for you?

Again, I don't like the Chinese government either. I didn't like the USSR, but I also knew that supporting the mujahideen was a bad idea as well.

China's continued repression of religion is among the most despotic in the world. Citizens practicing a faith other than officially sanctioned religions are often subject to torture, imprisonment, and death at which time prisoner organs are frequently harvested. Christians, Tibetan Buddhists, and Muslim Uighurs are all being persecuted for their faith. Today, numerous underground Roman Catholic priests and bishops and Protestant pastors languish in the infamous concentration camps of China for simply proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
by hmm
That article condemns oppression against minority religions (and barely mentions Muslims) but doesn't mention anything about groups fighting for independence for Xinjiang. Xinjiang borders parts of Pakistan that are very antiUS and while independence would make US intervention easier it would also make it easier for guerilla groups from Afghanistan to setup bases that would be very hard for the US to attack due to the terrain.

Before 9/11 the US may have covertly supported rebels in Xinjiang, Chechnya and even places like Uzbekistan but I doubt the US would give them arms anymore since many of the arms would end up being used against the US.
by hmm
Tibetan independence could perhaps be in the interests of US business and the US government but based off currently global business conditions any instability in China is much more likely to hurt than help the US economy and US businesses that rely on China for cheap labor.

Perhaps the US could setup factories in Tibet and get better deals than from China but its is hard to see how that could happen since part of the reason Chinese goods are cheap is because of the way the Chinese government handles its currency and helps prop up the US dollar by keeping the money from the sale of Chinese goods from ever getting back to the workers. if Tibet became independent it couldn't handle trade in the way China is now since the region is too poor to move than much income into currency reserves so aside from opening up to US tourists it is hard to see how the US could get much out of the region. Perhaps natural resources could be something the US would go after but I cant think of any other mountainous region that is able to produce much oil and even for other products, the cost of doing business in one of the most mountainous regions in the world would probably outweigh any advantages it could have (it isnt like US businesses are that active in Nepal, Kashmir and Bhutan).

The US did support unrest in Tibet during the Cold War and the Dalai Lama is till celebrated in the US capital but that is and was much more about geopolitics than Capitalism and making money. Now you have to add in the factor that many New Agey Americans like the Dalai Lama for religious reasons (and many of those who like him have money they can donate to political campaigns) and it doesn't hurt to have a card to play against China on other more important economic interests. While this does constitute support it is fundamentally different than support for direct reasons and is much mroe similar to US trade negotiators complaining about the environment and labor in an effort to get better deals rather than out of real concerns for the environment or labor.

Going back o my first point. An unstable China would be a disaster for the US and US business interests. It could result ina crash in the US dollar if the Chinese government started selling off reserves, it would result in a rapid increase in costs at US stores (like Walmart) and it could cause an increase in attacks on the US in places like Afghanistan and other parts of Central Asia.
by Tibetans want self-determination!
The pro-Tibetan independance groups have aroused the ire of some pro-China sympathizers, whose main points are;

"The U.S. is the REAL evil empire, not poor little China! There's no way innocent li'l China could EVER do anything wrong, as China is a communist state that supports their workers! We're alos very nice to our neighbors in Tibet, only the troublemakers like the Dala Lama who work for the CIA ever cause us any problems! Anyone who supports Tibetan self-determination and/or the Dala Lama MUST be in the employ of the CIA! That's final!"

If China is worthy of defense as a pro-worker communist state, then why so many verifiable reports about sweatshops and slave labor in China? If the U.S. and China are such rival empires, then why the millions of dollars in trade benefits for U.S. corporations from imports of Chinese sweatshop products, with most of this revenue reaped by Wal-mart's sweatshop stocked shelves??

this from China Labor Watch;

"On December 15, 2005 China Labor Watch and the National Labor Committee released two reports on Wal-Mart factories in Southern China. One factory manufactures stationary, such as notebooks and holiday cards. The other produces toys, such as battery-operated trucks (see picture above). In both factories workers receive dismal wages, are cramped into hot dormitories and work exhausting hours at an unbelievably fast pace. Workers are working up to thirteen hours a day, six to seven days a week. Workers are denied health insurance, maternity leave, paid holiday leave, marital leave or leave to bury family members. In both factories workers are told exactly what to say to inspectors, making it clear that factory inspections are not working. These factories must be opened to China Labor Watch to conduct independent investigations and thorough worker trainings.

CLW and the NLC have been investigating the Lung Cheong International Toy Factory for four years, now. Virtually nothing has changed. While wages have increased nominally to comply with the minimum wage laws, the pace of work has become exhausting. Workers are painting one truck every fourteen seconds. When one counts overtime, these workers are making a mere 33 cents an hour. Furthermore, the workers have explained that the paint they use on these trucks can cause workers to become ill. The factory, however, forces all new hires to sign a statement releasing the factory from responsibility for any work-related injuries. The workers are forced to pay for medical bills that result from inhaling pain fumes all day, not to mention paying for housing and pensions (which the factory denies them), supporting a family and putting food on the table -- all for 33 cents an hour ."

further info @;

Wait, according to the pro-China sympathizers we shouldn't listen to these facts either because China Labor Watch may be working for the CIA! Remember, anyone who points out any problems in China is only doing so because they work for the CIA! So there are no sweatshops in China! Sweatshops simply don't exist in China! Got it?

In addition, GW Bush and Sam Walton (founder and owner of Wal-mart) assure U.S. consumers that under no circumstances are ANY products sold at Wal-mart the results of forced sweatshop labor in China. All those lovely plastic knick-knacks found on Wal-mart shelves were lovingly and willingly handcrafted by Chinese workers who recieved full rewards for their services (like a good kick in the ass when they don't work fast enough!). No Chinese workers are ever under any circumstances abused or mistreated? Does anyone here disagree with these statements? We'll need to take down your addresses and pay a personal visit to convince you that China does not mistreat their workers. Name and number of all dissenters please..

by Peacenik
Its and old progressive saying that "If the people lead, the leaders will follow", ansd its obvious that in the case of Tibet , the people have spoken!

I was at an Anti-Way rally sponsored, ( or rather "hi-jacked") by ANSWER, where Hatem Bazian announced that ANSWER had spent $22,000 for a rally that attracted maybe 3,000 people. The Free Tibet proests spent very little and attracted a great crowd.

If that isn't the people really speaking, then what is?
Unfortunately most of those who showed up were proChina and supported the occupation of Tibet
by bewaretheUNPO
"Before 9/11 the US may have covertly supported rebels in Xinjiang, Chechnya and even places like Uzbekistan but I doubt the US would give them arms anymore since many of the arms would end up being used against the US."

-Yet, the US continues to support the KLA and Kosovar independence well after 9/11. The recent Fort Dix terror plot was an example of blowback where Kosovars who came to the US decided to attack its supporters. The media didn't cover it much because it would have undermined the US/EU effort to make Kosovo an independent state and mess with the Russians. The US gov is not smart enough to care whether the arms end up being used against our soldiers. It's all old-school Kissingerian "balance of power" politics. It's not meant to make sense to those of us who are not part of the elite.
by bewaretheUNPO

"If that isn't the people really speaking, then what is?"

-It's the CIA run media. Let's face it: within the progressive/radical world, there is a large consensus that the intelligence community has a significant impact on our nation's news media. Can we all agree with that?

Quick question for "radical left" supporters of "Free Tibet". Why is it that this cause has been FLOODING the media for days? For those of you working on issues like health care, War in Iraq, immigrants rights, wouldn't you love to have the media on your side like this? Doesn't that make you question "why so much attention?" For a local print media that has been dominated for months by a) the Ed Jew story and b) the "Little Saigon" issue, why is it that all of a sudden they've discovered a relevant cause?

by kind of like a rock concert
Stick to the issues. Your numbers didn't justify the money you spent on the rock concert atmosphere big screen or the six months it took to train the bridge banner climbers. It is a good thing the "free tibet" "movement" doesn't have to rely on passing the bucket for donations or did you pass it at the end of the Richard Gere performance just for show.
by they are experienced climbers

by Strong.
If you want a deep and wide analysis of Tibet and the practice of the Tibetan peoples Liberation before and after 1959, you should get a copy of the Book written at the time of the transition from the religious theocracy that was Pre-1959 Tibet. The book was written by Anna Louise Strong, an American sociologist and is called "When Surfs Stood Up In Tibet". This book gives a very complete class analysis of the goals that each class had during its revolution from Theocratic stateism to the socialist transformation that took place as it was unfolding and told by the people taking part in the massive change. There is much that should be known that is presently being lied about by the C.I.A. and the rich nobles of previous theocracy pseudo named "protesters". Such things that each landed estate had a rack in the Basement of the to which the nobles put the workers to torture on. This was done to classify the workers into three distinct orders lower, medium and higher. The working class Tibetans were kept illiterate and were not allowed to travel from their estates, and even had to get the Estate Lords' permission to get married. It was the Peoples Liberation Army that brought the schools and literacy campaigns and the concept of modern unions as working class organizations to being about the needed changes that made improved working and living conditions. The women were called together and allowed and encouraged to form womans liberation programmes. Factories were built. Poor Lamas who were not allowed even to marry were given that right for the first time in Tibet in modern times. Agricultural organic communes were formed and workers control brought about in the peasant area. The peasants got their first reading lessons in the Tibetan language, and the right to form their own militias to guard their new won rights and protect themselves against the Rich Buddist Nobles headed by the Dalai Lama. The Panchen Lama was given a seat in the peoples government in Peking . And the Buddist tradition allowed to be, as long as it did not rack or mistreat or abuse the working majority anymore. This book has been suppressed by the C.I.A. and kept from the American People for fear that the truth of the popular nature of the Tibetan peoples liberation would be told, and the privilages of the rich theocrats would be exposed. Take for instance the lie that the Chinese are genociding the Tibetan Culture. It is that lie that the Tibetans most dislike , as they know the truth that it was the Rich Estate Nobles that suppressed the reading and written Tibetan language from the workers which they held in semi-slavery conditions before 1959 , and it was the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army that brought schooling to the workers in their own language, thusly bringing Tibetan culture to the masses throughout the whole Tibetan region. The fact that Tibet has been a province of China for more that 700 years speaks volumes to the fact that China came after 1949, as a liberator and fellow citizen to teach and learn the modern ways of civilization. It was the Chinese peoples army that destroyed the racks of the estate Lords and gave the workers the modern facilities they have by working alongs side the Tibetans as fellow workers. This is nothing like the lies and propaganda given out by the U.S. Imperialists fresh from killing over 2,500,000 Middle east Iraqis and Afghanis, Palestinians, and Iranians in the worlds' Holyland. The truth of this worthy book can still be got from the foriegn languages publishing house Beijing , Peoples Republic of China.
by (w/thanx to Strong and others.)
I think the many threads in recent days on the "free" Tibet movement illustrate something basic about western-activist-based opposition to China "in" Tibet, in the USA anyways. I think they make clear that the ideological basis for such opposition is not to be found in the "suffering" (real or imagined) of the Tibetan people-- though surely the sentiment is sincere enough-- and the proof of that is lack of response to the consistently-raised point of conditions before the Dalai Lama was overthrown by the PLA.

Rather, the main ideological motivator of such protests seems to be a tacit (until pushed, then very flagrant) anti-communism. I would suppose, from such familiarity as I have with the milieu, that this is because of a) primarily, a lack of broad understanding in the American left for the class basis of oppression, because of what communists tend to call "hegemony," a lack of understanding that is likely a residue of the enduring influence of the "new" left of the 1960s, and b) secondarily, the relative strength of anti-communist leftism in the American milieu, in part a legacy of leftist authoritarianism in other countries (esp. the USSR), which has been reduced here into a caricature of the ideology in general (i.e. the enduring popularity of the works of Eric Blair a/k/aGeorge Orwell, who after all named names in the end, as reflected in his wiki), and in part because of the intensity of "Cold War" anticommunist indoctrination perpetrated systematically (i.e. schools, television, popular culture) in the USA. (Along the same lines, note how "Animal Farm" became canonical in US high schools not as an "anti-Stalinist" but as an "anticommunist" tract.)

This would also generally explain the relative success of ideas generally characterized as varieties of "anarchism" in the USA since WWII, when in most of the rest of the world, varieties of communism did better after WWII because unlike anarchism, communism both defeated fascism and staved off imperialism (where it held power, anyways). And it can be seen down to today, in the rarely-frontloaded anticommunism of "free Tibet" supporters who, when critically and staunchly challenged, will turn to criticizing China BOTH as not sufficiently communist, AND as authoritarian communist.

And to think that we have communist intervention in this sad spectacle of left support for what are effectively CIA ops (in this country, anyways), to thank for clarifying this situation, which if correct is probably broadly true for the American left in general.... well, among other things, it might indicate where more work needs to be done not to "convert" people, but to educate them enough at least to wean them off knee-jerk anticommunism. The rest should, as they say, follow.

Cheers, comrades! Thanks for your part in this sustained inter-tendency dialogue....
by mis-guided anti-communists
In all the midst of all the anti-communist bashing that is taking place and thank you for bringing up in your post that much of the anti-communist bashing is in deed coming from the so-called left, it is important to keep in mind that it is the communists that are taking the anti-imperialist position. Yugoslavia, look what has happened and yet before the bombing we heard all the same anti-communist rhetoric because we opposed U.S./NATO intervention. Yugoslavia is now divided and conquered. The list of casualities of U.S. intervention really U.S. Imperialism is to long. Tibet has been long on their list. Richard Blum, war profiteer spoke at the vigil Tuesday night. Maybe he has his defense contracts already lined up, just as he did in Iraq.
There are over 150 military U.S. bases in the world. I can't recall the exact number. The second largest airport in the world, which is U.S. military operated is now in Iraq. To the "free Tibet" supporters, China has brought education and healthcare and a railroad, so you folks can now all travel there and there are some serious problems right now but those problems pale in comparison and that is an understatement, to what U.S. will do when they land in Tibet.
by so-called human rights organization
Amnesty International when confronted on their lack of participation in any anti-war events responded that they were a "human rights" organization and not an anti-war organization. Aside from the fact that what version of real human rights doesn't include the right not to have bombs drop on your country, they also seem to be oblivious to the fact, as an organization, that real human rights include the right to healthcare, housing, food and education.
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