Moving Because of LBAM Spray - California’s Refugee Problem
Have You Moved Or Are You Planning To Move If CDFA Aerially Sprays in 2008?
We Want You To Share Your Story Here
More than half of the people with whom we’ve spoken because of the LBAM aerial spray public health crisis have told us that they have either already moved away, are planning to move in the next few weeks or are waiting to see if the spraying is stopped to decide to flee or not.
Because of these conversations, we have come to realize that the California Department of Food and Agriculture is creating a serious refugee crisis as family after family attempts to run and hide from the carcinogens, mutagens and particulate plastic pollution of the spray. Not since the Dust Bowl of the Great Depression, perhaps, has our nation witnessed an aggravated exodus like the one currently happening in the Monterey Bay region and the SF Bay Area. The difference is, of course, that the Dust Bowl was created by a natural calamity. The current crisis is being perpetuated by the governmental agency, CDFA, against the strongly voiced demands of the regions set to be sprayed.
We Need to Document What is Happening to Us
It takes a serious disaster to make an American man or woman sell their home, leave their job, put their family in the car and flee. We are outraged that the employees and colleagues of CDFA continue to call the toxic aerial spray and permethrin ground sludge ‘harmless’. So many Californians would not be forced to become refugees if the spraying of pesticides on human beings and the watershed was safe. You know it isn’t safe, you do not want yourself or your loved ones to be used as guinea pigs in this unconscionable experiment and that is why you are trying to escape to the safety that is GUARANTEED to you by the California Constitution.
Please, Use The Comments Field Below To Document Your Refugee Story
Things you might wish to include:
- Mental, emotional distress suffered by you and your family
- Personal property you have been forced to sell or abandon
- Employment you have been forced to leave
- A message to CDFA about the crisis their actions have put your family in
- Suggestions for other refugees of any safe places you have found to move to
This last point is an important one. With USDA’s announcement that it intends to seek the light brown apple moth in every state and Puerto Rico, many of us are feeling that there is no safe refuge left where we will not be subject to chemical experimentation without consent. If you’ve discovered a location that seems safe to move to, please be so kind as to share that with other readers. We are all in this together.
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