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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
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Indybay Feature

4/9 Tibetan Freedom Torch

Wednesday, April 09, 2008
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Event Type:
Location Details:
Ferry Park (between Washington + Clay streets, off Drumm )
(near Justin Herman Plaza + Embarcadero )

for details,
please see

[ also see Tuesday, April 8 ]
Added to the calendar on Sat, Apr 5, 2008 5:26PM

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by Some "Freedom Fries" with that?
Maybe someone should read that torture memo aloud, through a bullhorn, at the anti-host-country demonstration at the Olympic torch ceremony.

You know, show the Chinese how these things are done in the 'civilized' world.
by yep- its true
Yep- we should also tell the Chinese how the Israelis ethnically cleanse the Palestinians- resulting in a population that has quadrupled under occupation- the incompetent Chinese have it all wrong- they actually KILLED 1.2 million Tibetans under their occupation
by Start Here
Why Care About Tibet?
Sunday April 06
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Location Details:
Berkeley Unitarian Church- Cedar and Bonita

Talk by Topden Tsering: "Why care about Tibet? "
Berkeley Unitarian Church at the corner of Cedar Street and Bonita Street, Berkeley.
by Killing ethnic Chinese?
Or do only some people's deaths count?

Why dontcha start by stopping your own government's massive and systematic human rights abuses in Iraq?
by Tsering
Because I'm Tibetan.
My country has been occupied and my people oppressed and slaughtered for 60 years.
And te world has been silent
by I'll bet....
Um... yeah.

I'll bet you were a Berliner too, eh?

And, did you stand with Ronald Reagan against it?

Funny how silent those same Crusaders are now, though, eh?
by free tibet
Let's bring fire extinguishers and super soakers. And just put the flame of fascism out.
by (for authentic opposition) to read the John Yoo torture memos aloud over your bullhorns.

You know, show those dastardly Chinese how things are 'really' done, in the 'civilized' world, which is to say, in 'your' country, 'right or wrong.'
by Scroll up
Its the guy who gave the talk. I 'd guess its a good bet he is Tibetan
by if the censor will let me...
is there's no telling on an anonymous internet site who is saying what.

That means ideas must stand or fall on their merit, rather the the force of the presentational personality.

by Good idea
"Let's bring fire extinguishers and super soakers. And just put the flame of fascism out."

It worked in Paris!!!!!!! Great non-violent resistence idea. Lets line the route with super soakers
by London drum
The really important thing is not to let China get a cozy photo op with which to lie to its own people. Our leaders know its wrong, and its great to show them that were angry with their tacitly granting their acceptance, but the crimes are being committed against Tibetans and against the Chinese themselves.

So ideally disrupt the visuals so that no photos get back to China that aren't in some way affected:

Water balloons with red-coolaid - get the chinese security people covered in it. Super soakers good idea also with cool aid if you can get close enough.

Try to mix in with the pro-chinese groups but be calm. then when you get marshalled with them into photo position unfurl banners/photos etc.... Ideally IN CHINESE

Water-soluble red paint across blatant landmarks that might be used as backdops?

The pro-China protestors will provoke you. if you give in, that will give their state propaganda writers an easy angle so do not take the bait.

by and in Asia.
Ignoring that history doesn't make the Chinese just forget it, ya know...

Last time the US boycotted the Olympics, btw, it was to protest the invasion of Afghanistan:

Also, there is a larger context in which your actions operate to support Bush Administration goals. That may be worth thinking about:
by in Tibet?
The freedom to stone ethnic minorities to death?

The freedom for teenagers to beg monks for their lives?

The freedom to set mosques ablaze?

So whose freedom are you demanding in Tibet?

Freedom to do what?,25197,23401794-25837,00.html

These are called sources. They cite what is called evidence. A lot of the evidence in these sources is from eyewitnesses, and from their nature as tourists we might gather they are 1. neutral, in that they don't live there, and 2. friendly to the culture they chose to go visit.

Will the "free Tibet" crowd continue to ignore the lynching upon which their movement is currently, in part, based?
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