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Never under estimate the will of the PEOPLE - Lennar cannot be TRUSTED as any ROGUE

by Francisco Da Costa
Lennar is a Rogue Company and it must always remember that and never forget that the people of the Bayview Hunters Point will not trust Lennar - ever. The Human Rights Commission - that has no clout and less spine - has not spoken out about the atrocities committed by Lennar on innocent children and our Elders. Lennar must understand the dynamics in San Francisco are different - and hundreds of Alex Trouks, Eric Jayes, other consultants all dubious in nature - Store Fronts, From the Ground Up, End Ups - cannot fool all the people - all the time. Most consultants are pimps - they will whore for money.
Lennar is a Rogue Company and cannot move around freely in our community in the Bayview Hunters Point.

Much like Mayor Gavin Newsom - who suddenly is in love with IMMIGRANTS because the NUT thinks , like Caligula he will make a Governor - all the more when his house is sinking and the man has no moral compass.

The man Gavin Newsom has pimped for the rich and continues the standards he learned from his Plum Jack operations - backed by big money - the man does not have any concept about how the ordinary citizens - and most hard working straight families - survive in San Francisco. More those with large families who have left San Francisco in the thousands.

Mayor Gavin Newsom has done nothing for the Bayview Hunters Point. During his regime as a lousy, spineless, double faced Mayor - crime has gone through the roof. Hundreds have died - and hundreds continue to die.

This man has allowed the SF Redevelopment Agency to take control of large areas - with only one purpose in mind - driving the poor away from San Francisco and touting Gentrification.

Using Pimp Pastor like the Tabernacle Group - other Sell Outs mostly Blacks like Sophie Maxwell to destroy the community - in the Bayview Hunters Point area.

Now, it is becoming common for people - many innocent people to be shoot at during day time.
There is little that stands for Quality of Life - in the Bayview Hunters Point - unless the people take charge.

No amount of fake Aaron Goldsmith and Palones will change the Bayview Hunters Point. Why bring such phonies into our community?

The Select Committee on Public Safety is a joke. The Human Rights Commission with weasels like Mike Sweet talk the talk but cannot walk the walk.

This Zionist wants to intimidate me by not understanding the issues that I have been addressing for years. Zionists have banded together pretending to do good - when what they have in mind is to deprive thousands of their rights - to land and property in the Bayview Hunters Point.

The Human Rights Commission has not said a word about the poisoning of our children and elders.

The Human Rights Commission has not said a word about AIMCO and how the workers were discriminated and robbed of their wages.

The Human Rights Commission tolerates a Rogue company like Lennar , weasels like Kofi Bonner and Sam Singer - and one Human Rights Commissioner has chosen to malign my name - and does not know what he has bargained for.

I challenge this weasel to a Public Debate on issues and issues linked to humanity world wide, in our Nation and here in San Francisco and the wider Bay Area.

When weasels for the wrong reason - bonded with Rogue Companies and corrupt folks like the Pacific Heights Mafia - all hell brakes loose.

Diane Feinstein has never, ever walked the streets of Bayview Hunters Point in the last 5 years.

Nancy Pelosi has not walked the street of Bayview Hunters Point in the last 5 years.

In fact none of these so called Representatives CARE about the PEOPLE - they have been voted in and the time has come to vote them out.

The San Francisco County Democratic Committee consists of most folks that have NO clue about what is happening in San Francisco.

This idiotic committee has not taken a single stand on discrimination, blatant abuse, breaking of laws and regulation - linked to Lennar and the adverse impacts on the Bayview Hunters Point community at large.

Yet the San Francisco County Democratic Committee was quick to follow the lead of one Michael Sweet a Zionist - who cares more about issues far unrelated to the Bayview Hunters Point and NOT on our radar screen when it comes to the survival of mostly people of color in the Bayview Hunters Point - today.

The Pacific Heights Mafia - a group of very EVIL folks have planned and with intent - want to gentrify a whole area called Candlestick Point and beyond.

Hundreds of acres of land are being given to Lennar who is bankrupt. Lennar Stocks and Shares are valued as Junk Bonds. Go figure!

The land belongs to the Muwekma Ohlone - the First People of San Francisco. It was stolen from them - I represent the Muwekma Ohlone - and challenge the thieves to an open debate on jurisdiction and more Patrimonial Jurisdiction.

In 1991 the Muwekma Ohone exercised their Right of First Refusal on Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - much before Michael Cohen, and others - had anything to do with Hunters Point.

Today, some Zionists forces are trying to hood wink and have placed key folks on SF Commissions and other Committees- much as they lobby in Washington DC - pretending they need help - while leaching on the resources of our U.S. Economy and harming poor Palestinians daily in the Gaza Strip and else where.

The Pacific Heights Mafia owe their commitments to forces that help put down " people of color " their links to Defense Contracts, favoring Water Boarding, ties to China, to countries that kill and bomb innocent folks in Gaza and other places - speak volumes.

Here in the Bayview Hunters Point - we will NOT tolerate what has been going on in the Gaza strip. We will not permit the Pacific Heights Mafia to lead us by the NOSE - we recognize them from afar and know they have their own selfish interests.

It does not matter how many corrupt folks like Sam Singer they hire. The can get all the drab articles printed in the Chronicle, the SF Weekly and the Examiner. No one in their right mind - reads and less believes the drab articles that show up in these so called - cheap publications.

Never under estimate the will of the people - and in the Bayview Hunters Point we are watching and ever vigilant - Lennar is on the run and sinking in the cesspool of its own making.

Francisco Da Costa
Environmental Justice Advocacy
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