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Indybay Feature

DQU Students Threatened with Lock Out- Callout for Support

by Peatee (orannhawk [at]
DQU is expected to be visited by sheriffs and a locksmith on Monday to remove their locks and possibly students. Everyone is welcome on that day to come and stand with the students who may conduct civil disobedience and resist the theft of their education and right to self-determination.
Supporters from Santa Cruz will be meeting in the parking lot of the RCNV at 515 Broadway, at 10:30am Sunday, to carpool to DQU (outside of Davis- see map on their website) for a trip of connecting, sharing skills and intentions, and opposing the police use against students.
D-Q University is California's Only Tribal College. It was founded in 1971 on the site of a former army communications base. In 1970 Native American and Xican@ activists united after the 1968 occupation of Alcatraz Island and risked their lives occupying this army base. They demanded a university with one vision: the unity between all First Nations People from Alaska to South America, learning in the ways of our ancestors and continuing our cultural and spiritual traditions and sacred lifeways.

As students, we recognize the importance of the Seventh Generation to continue the teachings of our ancestors, to restore balance and wellness to Mother Earth and to protect this sacred site which is D-Q University. We shall continue to occupy this land in the spirit of the original occupation. WE WANT A SCHOOL AND THERE IS NO REASON WHY THERE SHOULD NOT BE A FUNCTIONING SCHOOL THERE NOW! The Board of Trustees has left the school stagnant for three years. They have turned down any proposals made by the students and various members of the community.

The Board has a history of conducting psychological warfare on the students. The police have been called on to harass the students several times. They have been evicted before without due process. The locks have been removed from the dorms and the students have been locked out of the dorms. But we persist. Why do they not allow classes at D-Q U when we, the students, have teachers and volunteers with accreditation lined up to offer their skills to teach FREE classes for us. The students are currently running the only classes on campus.

DQU is expected to be visited by sheriffs and a locksmith on Monday to remove their locks and possibly students. Everyone is welcome on that day to come and stand with the students who may conduct civil disobedience and resist the theft of their education and right to self-determination.

Supporters from Santa Cruz will be meeting in the parking lot of the RCNV at 515 Broadway, at 10:30am Sunday, to carpool to DQU (outside of Davis- see map on their website) for a trip of connecting, sharing skills and intentions, and opposing the police use against students.

We are not squatters. We are not homeless. Many of us students have professional jobs and our own livelihood. We are volunteering our time and energy because we believe in the original vision of D-Q U. The campus is a sacred site and should be utilized for the benefit of healing ourselves and Mother Earth using the knowledge and traditions honoring our ancestors, as well as the knowledge and technology of the present for future generations. Our voices have been silenced too long, and we remain silent no longer! We ask for community support and volunteers willing to help us revive and rebuild D-Q University back into the original vision of unity between all Indigenous people all across Turtle Island to bring back our sacred ways and traditions! Contact Chris Yazzie (530) 554-8377 for more information.

To accelerate the process, I am creating a comprehensive listing of supporters – names, contact information (email, phone numbers) and what you feel that you can do to help. Email your information to orannhawk [at] as soon as possible.


Legal Assistance – We need a great attorney – or attorneys who will be willing to work pro bono

We need people who are qualified in educational administration who want to be a part of the accreditation process; others who are qualified in the financial administration to be a part of the process to work to eliminate D-Q University's outstanding debts.

We need qualified individuals to apply to be board members, people who truly want this university to reopen and succeed, who come in a good way with no hidden agendas.

Monetary Donations (for legal costs and past outstanding bills from D-Q U - We are in the process of setting up a PayPal account for all monies, as well as re-establishing D-Q's non-profit status)

Funding for the Indigenous Permaculture Program
Tools, compost, mulch, non-toxic pesticide solutions
Vegetable oil for the biodiesel program
Food for the volunteers and Students at D-Q
Radio Station and Webcast Gear/Equipment
Teepee supplies (posts, canvas, funding)

Solar panels/wind generators

Firewood for the sweat lodges

Technical Assistance from the Community!
Grantwriters/Proposal Writers to help us outreach for funds
Pro-active Qualified Board Members

Perhaps you can offer something that isn't even listed … be creative and just list what you can do !

With your help, we can re-establish D-Q University, California's Only Tribal University and extend the opportunity of higher education to all Indigenous youth.

Please send your contact information and what you would like to do to help D-Q University and its students to orannhawk [at]

Wado !

download and circulate the flyer:
§Save DQ University
by --
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by Armando Villegas (ARMANDO.VILLEGAS [at] VA.GOV)
I have known for sometime on the situation regarding our brothers and sisters at Deganawidah-Quetzalcoatl in which has been very trying and have been difficult times as today. I am A Mexica,and would pray to Ometoel and Tonithu for peace within yourselfs and who are protraying there injustice among our people. It will never be easy nor can I find an explaination why! i am here to support each and everyone of my Brothers and Sisters there At Deganawidah-Quetzalcoatl! Our Fathers will See To those who have affilicated their evilness, as only HE can. May each and everyone there keep Love for others close to your Corazon. Your Brother In Spiriit, Armando Villegas
We are 100% volunteer and depend on your participation to sustain our efforts!


$70.00 donated
in the past month

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