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3/23 UC Berkeley home demonstrations report back

by me
Despite recent low-level acts of police intimidation and talk of restraining orders against them, activists opposing UC Berkeley vivisection are continuing their campaign.
Despite recent low-level acts of police intimidation and talk of restraining orders against the activity, activists opposing UC Berkeley vivisection are continuing the campaign.

We demonstrated outside the homes of five UC Berkeley vivisectors responsible for the enslavement of 40,000 animals at UC Berkeley.. Those being: Ralph Freeman (invasive vision experiments on cats and kittens - holes drilled in animals skulls and electrodes inserted into their brains), Yang Dan (invasive vision experiments on cats - similar to Ralph Freeman), Irving Zucker (invasive experiments on squirrels, voles, and other rodents), Stephen Glickman (invasive reproductive experiments on a colony of female hyenas - multiple C-sections surgeries, clitoral measurements of hyenas), and John Casida (LD50 experiments - the use of nerve agents on rabbits and rodents).

It was a positive day and most of the people we talked to were supportive of us, save for a few loud individuals barking threats.

There were the friendly neighbors of Irving Zucker, who were supportive of us and shocked to learn that for nearly forty years, their neighbor has drilled holes in the skulls of hamsters, tortured squirrels with the use of stereotaxic devices and poisoned them to death at the end of their hellish lives for completely worthless behavioral research. One neighbor gave an individual a hug after he was cited for "illegal flyering of vehicles" and another was kind enough to offer everyone lemonade. No thanks to his "biologist" neighbor who believes that all animal experiments are always justified, and the use of retarded children for vivisection is something that he's "not come to a position on as of yet." He also pleaded with us "If you know who the people are who are smashing windows, please stop them!" He must have read that smear article in the San Jose Mercury News.

Then there were the police officers who had been trailing the activists all day following activists inside as they order pizza, and deciding to order slices of vegan pizza for themselves.

And to the vivisectors who leave town every weekend to avoid hearing any voice of opposition. UCPD and Berkeley PD for spending thousands of dollars to station officers at the homes of animal abusers and overtime dollars to trail activists. UC Berkeley spokesman Robert Sanders who has equated compassionate individuals with Al-Qaeda - expect more of the same in the form of legal home demonstrations in opposition to your atrocities.
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by homal78
I think you should leave Glickman alone. His research probably ranks far less in offensiveness than restaurants down the street, or activities which impact habitat such as needless building in rural areas. If you don't differentiate between categories of animal treatment, then it's difficult to call truly egregious cases as worse.
by leave him alone?
Glickman performs MULTIPLE C-sections on female hyenas near full terms in their pregnancy. He keeps these sentient beings in constant pregnancy, and then he His research is some of the most needless - and egregious. He then induces abortion and the hyenas are forced to watch their young die.

Yes, restaurants buy from factory farms and factory farms are brutal and unneccessary - so do something about it, target and pressure them and GO VEGAN. Don't criticize unless you offer suggestions.

Professor Stephen Glickman describing what he's learned while putting hyenas through a life of hell in an enclosure in the hills north of the UC Berkeley campus: "The external genitalia are highly "masculinized," i.e., the clitoris has hypertrophied to form a pseudopenis, traversed by a central urogenital canal. There is no external vagina. The female spotted hyena urinates, copulates and gives birth through her clitoris."

From a November 2005 Animal Care and Use Committee document detailing Stephen Glickman's so-called research:

"The project studies sexual differentiation in the spotted hyena. A captive-breeding colony of hyenas is maintained for this research and currently consists of 34 animals. One aspect of the project involves terminating pregnancies at various times to study the sexual differentiation process and its hormonal correlates. Since there are a limited number of breeding females, the investigator has received permission from the ACUC to carry out multiple Cesarean sections (C-sections) on individual females to acheive the minimum sample sizes for statistical validity. The minimum interval between surgeries is 6 months... During this reporting period, 3 hyenas (that previously had a C-section) underwent an additional Cesarean section."
by billy
I agree that the restaurant down the street is offensive, in that 99 percent of them buy from factory farms, where animals are kept alone in cages so small they can not turn around, in their own filth and excrement, surrounded by thousands of the same animals in the same miserable situation. That's why I live vegan. Do you?

Please don't criticize without offering suggestions. If you find animal abuse, do something about it. Start your own campaign and we will support you. But it's more likely you just wanted to be an internet troll.

As far as Glickman, he keeps female hyenas constantly pregnant (this amounts to psychological and physical stress for the animals.) When they are near full term, the fetuses are removed and thrown away like trash. He also measures the hyenas' clitoris' at various stages. How is this not heinous or even beneficial to anyone?

From a November 2005 Animal Care and Use Committee document detailing Stephen Glickman's so-called research:

"The project studies sexual differentiation in the spotted hyena. A captive-breeding colony of hyenas is maintained for this research and currently consists of 34 animals. One aspect of the project involves terminating pregnancies at various times to study the sexual differentiation process and its hormonal correlates. Since there are a limited number of breeding females, the investigator has received permission from the ACUC to carry out multiple Cesarean sections (C-sections) on individual females to acheive the minimum sample sizes for statistical validity. The minimum interval between surgeries is 6 months... During this reporting period, 3 hyenas (that previously had a C-section) underwent an additional Cesarean section."
by re. yer tactics.
Being so much like the tactics anti-abortionists use, your own tactics seem to imply an equivalency of the two issues, to the casual viewer.

But don't criticize without a suggestion, right? Aside from the implied demand for hegemony on the issue-- yours-- okay, here's a suggestion. Don't want to be treated like anti-abortion wingnuts? Then don't act like them!
by re:
Thanks for the suggestion.

We haven't been treated like "anti-abortion wingnuts." As was said before, most neighbors we talk to are supportive of us and agree that a home picket is justified against those who are torturing cats, rabbits, primates, squirrels, wild mice, etc. to death.

Anti-abortionists also use the tactics of leafleting, blockades, and marches. Does this make anyone who uses these tactics comparable to "anti-abortion wingnuts?"
by really think....
Do you really think anti-abortionists don't find support among their targets' neighbors?

Sounds like someone needs to get out of northern CA a little more often....
by homal78
The choice of emphasis implies inadequate reconnaisance or even familiarity with all the other unethical industries and military institutions located in our community - for them to have selected this list of folks as persistent top targets.
Here's an idea. Have you ever thought of visiting spaceship Haas, business school, or researching the worst aspects of corporate law at the law school. For instance, the international credit crisis is causing poverty and suffering around the world - and this is by design, not by accident. Practices of banks will cause perhaps millions of foreclosures around the country and homelessness - and probably the number of innocent children affected will exceed the number of rodents which Irv Zucker (who is retired, correct?) used for his daylight cycle research. Speculation in food commodities is already causing people to starve in the ex-colonial third world countries like Haiti, Bangladesh, Pakistan and so forth, and will only get worse later this year. Is this stuff all occurring as an act of god or random fluctuations? No... there are people in business and finance and law who got the government to deregulate banks, and smart academics and graduates of schools such as Berkeley who invented various hedge fund trading algorithms and sketchy credit derivative investment vehicles. These people have names, and perhaps you would be doing society a favor by identifying them at companies in the financial district or at the business school, and telling us about them, and visiting their house and telling their neighbors. There are also some good people like Robert Reich. Business education is very abstract, and they don't have any poor people on-site who they oppress on campus like the rodents, however, the results of their work is very concrete (see the Ontario homeless Bush-ville camp developing near San Bernardino ). Would this be too spontaneous and unexpected? By the way, apparently the birth process of hyenas is naturally sort of painful, and the c-sections might actually be better for them.
by paul
Home demonstration are not just used by anti-abortion activists, they were used by Martin Luther King and other civil rights activists to name and shame racists judges, home demos have been used by Green Peace to draw attention to environmental destruction, and they have most recently been used by anti-war activist against politicians who support the war.

you are detracting from the real issue here, the infliction of suffering and death upon innocent non-human animals
by m
Berkeley law professor John Yoo advocates the torture of humans and wrote the legal authorization for it. "On January 4, 2008, John Yoo was sued in the U.S. District Court, Northern District of California (Case Number CV08 0035) by Jose Padilla and his mother... The claim is that Yoo caused Padilla's damages by authorizing his alleged torture through his memoranda" (source: wikipedia).
by Self Selecting Subterfuge
If were going to play the comparison game? Tell me how you're groups tactics are different than the terrorist tactics employed by the KKK? To me, there seems little difference.

-Both lack the support of the majority opinion. But feeling empowered by the perceived rightesousness of their causes, the justify the use of guerilla tactics.

-Both show up uninvited at the homes of people they disagree with. They use intimidation tactics to try and get those people to change their behaviour. (KKK = move on. You = stop vivisection.)

-Both groups leave anonymous warnings and threats of further repercussion if the person doesn't change their behavior.

-Both wear masks to hide their identities.

In my mind, showing up at someones house to yell at them, threaten them, little different than showing up and burning a cross. In my mind, you're terrorizing.

Other than saying that the ends justify the means due to the heinous nature of the targeted persons "crime"...what is the difference in your mind?
by paul
Self Selecting Subterfuge, you completely missed the point. I was saying that right-wing, left-wing, and anarchist groups have all used home demonstrations, leafleting, marches, court battles, and a variety of other tactics, so its pointless to compare the one issue and group (those protesting use of animals in research) to another group (like the KKK, tree sitters, or anti-war activists) because of similarity of tactics.
by (in reply to paul)
Thanks for acknowledging at least that these tactics are the same ones, whoever uses them.

Now, would you like to tell us about the new world you think will grow out of your intimidation tactics? Because it seems rather perverse to me that you argue your tactics are the same as Dr. King's, when Dr. King's tactic was NONVIOLENCE, while whatever it is you think you're doing, you certainly don't seem to think it is that.

Or do you? What, in fact, do you think, Paul, about using violence or nonviolence? I wouldn't have asked, but now that you've brought Dr. King into it, maybe we can get a little more clear here. Stop vivisection, or else what?
by Self Selecting Subterfuge
Or else they threaten you. They vandalize your house. They leave "RIP" warnings in your mailbox. Just like they did to the professor at UCLA, and UCSC. They perform terrorism and leave letters like this:

" Until we see the end of primate vivisection at UCLA we will remind you of our presence. Push them to stop Edythe or we keep pushing. We never back down. We always win.

Here's how we get started. We found your million dollar house in Beverly Hills on the windy night of Saturday October 20, we discovered you weren't home so we snuck around to your backyard. First we effectively clogged the intake drain of your pool pump. It probably ran dry for a couple of hours and burned itself out. If it didn't happen, wait for it. It will. Next we smashed a window and inserted your garden hose, turned on to full blast of course. Bet you were surprised when you came home. Edythe do you have flood insurance?

One more thing Edythe, water was our second choice, fire was our first. We compromised because we in the ALF don't risk harming animals human and non human and we don't risk starting brush fires. It would have been just as easy to burn your house down Edythe. As you slosh around your flooded house consider yourself fortunate this time.

We will not stop until UCLA discontinues its primate vivisection program.

We are the ALF".

Now, I remember the KKK leaving notes like that, and anti-abortion right wingers. But I can't seem to find any links to MLK leaving notes and performing actions like that. Maybe Paul could help me find such an example?

by New website up
Stop Cal Vivisection's last website was deleted by the UC in an attempt to further hide their animal exploitation. The new site is still up at:
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