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Indybay Feature

Narwallagraphic JIM CROW Protest VIDEO FOOTAGE!

by Andreas Nicholas
Laws against civil rights are unconstitutional, we demand our rights through peaceable assembly.
heres the video of the protest enjoy! we need to have people take a stand, Laws against crack are one thing, bans against sleeping is another, but this is where it effects everyone. If you care about your rights come peaceably assemble. We need peaceably assembling witnesses that actually know what this is about, and care about their rights.... So if you were wondering of course I'll be there next week. there will be times when I can't make it, but for now, same plan. fridays downtown, same spot; front and laurel.
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by wondering
what does Narwallagraphic mean?
by leni
Yes - the text above looks like it was written with the assumption that readers are familiar with the Santa Cruz political conflict over the downtown parking lot loitering law.
Front and Laurel is an intersection in Santa Cruz. The city used its parks department funding to hire rangers to eject homeless people from large wild forested city parks, and these folks ended up in the downtown area. This alarmed some business owners, and they passed rules against panhandling near doorways, loitering, and staying in a parking lot for any reason, longer than 15 minutes. There is also a sleeping ban enforced on sidewalk and park areas. There are often only 40 shelter beds for the whole city, and this creates a net situation where the homeless must either have resources to travel to a different city which does permit sleep. If other cities also ban sleep and have inadequate shelter space for the homeless (who are sharply increasing as the recession and foreclosures turn people out of their houses), then the existence of these people anywhere becomes effectively illegal.
by Didja guess correctly?
..then you know I think you're a smug kid who's wasting my tax dollars by drawing cops to him. Thanks for that. They could have been out patrolling the harbour looking for that rapist freak, but instead they had to deal with you.

You have every right to do it for yourself, but don't kid yourself that you're doing it for us. Not necessary, not appreciated, not interested.
Seriously. Stop it. I'm sick of this. I don't care about the ordnance. This isn't even an issue. We need rent control, we need good jobs and we need to keep the environment clean. We don't need to loiter in parking lots. Come on. Is this really something that's worth fighting for?
by Robert Norse
For another account of the protest see "Police Disperse Peaceful Narwhallagraphic Video Showing" at

For radio discussion of the issues involved and audio of the absurd (but typical) police response go to .

Rent Control, Environmental Protection, and Full Employment are all important issues. So is the right to use public spaces without police harassment. Andreas didn't call the cops. They descended on him.

I hope folks show up next Friday to be supportiveM.
by ex-resident
These stupid, pointless confrontations with cops and other city employees are doing nothing but discrediting anyone who might otherwise support the overturn of the Parking Lot Ban. I agree that the ban is unconstitutional and I hope it's overturned, but really, with each stunt like this, you can practically see your would-be supporters drifting into apathy.

Also, congratulations on learning how to use Adobe Premiere. Why not put your filmmaking skills to use and make a documentary about the ban for showing on the local access channel (where I'm sure you'd find a more sympathetic audience) instead of some glitchy agit-pop experimental video that no one knows quite what the fuck it means?
The point I was trying to make was that rent control and other progressive issues are more important than free speech issues surrounding a parking lot. People are being driven out of the area and into shitty, corrupt, polluted, and crime filled places because of high rents and low wages.

I just feel frustrated because this seems like all that energy should be pointed at landlords or subprime mortgage lenders or managers or other people who want to screw young working people. I feel alienated by your attempts to raise the right to stand in a parking to the same level as the fact that you have to pay $500 a month (and rising) for the right to live in the smallest room in the dirtiest part of this town while sharing your bathroom with an ex-con tweaker.
by Robert Norse
MRNGH: Want to come on Free Radio and support a new Rent Control Initiative, or some other move to deal with the foreclosure crisis that's now stalking Santa Cruz? Or if that's too confrontational, initiate your own organizing and protest and let us know about it.

Ex-resident: Perhaps you have some better suggestions on how to oppose an unconstitutional law like this? More important, are you doing anything about them, other than dis-ing those who are standing up, however few their numbers, awkward their approach, or recent their involvement?

Those opposing the ordinance would love a variety of options. In the meantime, suppose those who are putting themselves on the line.
by Robert Norse
Er...that's "SUPPORT those who are putting themselves on the line."

And, yes, it's a good idea to do a straight video for Community TV. The issue has already been discussed there, but the more publicity the more ridiculous "our" police and "our" city council look. The police department supported the creation of this law.
by Gren
Robert, you know better than to say "our" police and "our" city council. They are ours, the citizens of Santa Cruz. Not yours, a non-resident of Santa Cruz.
If you care so much about this city, and call what the citizens have as "ours", why don't you move here?
by Valerie C.
I love Guerrilla theater that's been going on a long time. I love to be with my fellow community members. To meet them, to hang out and not have to pay money just to get together.
Last year Guerrilla Theater played movies on the Cinema 9 building, they ran the sound thru a frequency like at a regular drive-in. ( On any radio you could pick it up) We brought our own radio and it was so fun! Great short movies!
We should be able to go anywhere on public property without being told to GO HOME! It's beautiful outdoors, we should not be herded like sheep into certain areas because of "potential" things humans might do. Most of the time the only thing we'll do is have fun. If the cops come,hopefully they'll stop someone who's trying to keep us from having a good time if they are doing something harmful to others. And we CAN police ourselves, we aren't helpless.
But otherwise just being outside on PUBLIC LAND should not be illegal. This is facism to tell us we can't meet on public property.
Next they'll be herding us with cattle prods and fences!
Fear is not a good reason for a law. We are not all POTENTIAL CRIMINALS. We are citizens of the earth trying to get along and share more good times in a world of war and fear.
Tear down the walls! Meet your fellow community members. Help each other, don't be afraid. You might be surprized at the interesting people you meet and the support you'll get when times get bad.
We need each other, we need to peacefully assemble! STOP THE
by Greg
Andreas, it might do you some good to research the people that offer you help.
An endorsement by Robert Norse is the same as the kiss of death for your movement. Ask him what he has ever seen through to completion and you will be quite surprised. Nothing. The citizens of Santa Cruz have started to turn against Robert. They see his involvement with activists for what it is, a personal cry for attention. He'll take you to the edge, and then drop you when the going gets tough. There are many homeless people around town that will vouch for this. He has promised them help yet after a decade has failed to deliver anything substantive.
Get the people of this town behind you. Petition. Inform people what you are about and get them on your side. They can help you get things done. The city council and the police enforce the will if the majority of citizens.

by one two
Greg, it sounds silly to write "your movement." Andreas, you say that, "We need peaceably assembling witnesses that actually know what this is about..." however, I don't know what this is about after reading this post and watching the video. Explaining the Who, What, When, Where, Why and How are key elements to educating people "what this is about."

Does anybody know what Narwallagraphic means?
by Valerie C.
This talk about Robert Norse is a waste of space and our reading time.
People who have a lot of time and do nothing but put people down are boring.
They probably don't go out at all to talk to people just complain on the internet instead. Lifeless......
But I thank them for inspiring me to write because I'm so tired of reading these boring put downs that don't mean anything to anyone and have no credabilty in fact. You might as well waste your time writing about Garfield the cat.
At least then we could get a laugh out of it. This stuff is just plain, Ho Hum!
Wish you had something better to do with your time and mine!
by Greg
I can understand your point of view Valerie. But at the same time Robert wastes a lot of time and space here in these threads. His whole schtick is a waste of our time. Rather than getting people to rally around causes and having those efforts bring about change, Robert stirs up the pot, wastes people's time and effort, and then walks away when he loses interest. Nothing he does end with results. These posts on Indybay are to draw attention to problems and bring about change. Dropping bombshells is easy, doing something about it and creating a result is another. And it's harder.
The citizens of SC are tired of him, other activists are tired of him, homeless people here in SC are getting tired of him. He drains people's energy and city resources.
You are right..... a waste of time and effort.

And don't fret, I donate quite a bit of time and effort to causes. I do this with other people as I thrive on contact with others trying to make a difference.
by Donna
What does any of this have to do with segregation? Jim Crow laws were about segregation and I don't see how that relates to the 15 minute parking lot law. Everyone is allowed in them, for 15 minutes.
by Gary G
"People who have a lot of time and do nothing but put people down are boring."
This could actually be a good description of RN.
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