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Israeli apartheid week, a solidarity protest for Palestine, at UC Berkeley.

by E.
As part of Israeli Apartheid Week at UC Berkeley, a demonstration was organized in solidarity with the Palestinian struggle for self determination.
§apartheid wall
by E.
the demonstration started with the Palestine-rights activists condemning the Israeli apartheid wall.
§end israeli and occupation
by E.
§i am not a terrorist
by E.
by E.
§Barbara Lubin
by E.
§free Palestine
by E.
§free palestine
by E.
by E.
by E.
On the Zionist-racist side people were singing opera and dancing to kitsch songs. I think that they were trying to show their enlightened and sophisticated taste. Zionists often try to prove their “civilized superiority” compared to the “primitive” indigenous population of Palestine.
I was reminded of the writings of Zeev Jabotinski, a famous Zionist theorist who has influenced many of the leading figures of the Israeli-apartheid state (Ben-Gurion, Begin, Sharon, Olmert).

"We Jews have nothing in common with what is called the 'Orient,' thank God. To the extent that our uneducated masses have ancient spiritual traditions and laws that call the Orient, they must be weaned away from them, and this is in fact what we are doing in every decent school, what life itself is doing with great success. We are going in Palestine, first for our national convenience, [second] to sweep out thoroughly all traces of the 'Oriental soul.' As for the [Palestinians] Arabs in Palestine, what they do is their business; but if we can do them a favor, it is to help them liberate themselves from the Orient.'"
"We Jews, thank God, have nothing to do with the East. . . . The Islamic soul must be broomed out of Eretz-Yisrael. . . . [Muslims are] yelling rabble dressed up in gaudy, savage rags."
§free palestine
by E.
§free Palestine
by E.
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by Tia
On the Zionist-racist side people were singing opera and dancing to kitsch songs.

We sang "Oseh Shalom."
Its a prayer for peace.
Kitsch? Maybe not.

Oseh shalom bimromav
Hu ya-aseh shalom aleinu
V'al kol Yisrael, v'imru amein.

May s/he who makes peace in the high places make peace for the world and for all the people of Israel. Amen.

We also sang
Od yavo' shalom aleinu
Ve al kulam

Salaam (Salaam)
Aleinu ve al kol ha olam,
Salaam, Salaam

Peace will come upon us
and on everyone.

On us and on everyone
Salaam, Salaam

If you think thats kitsch, thats clearly part of the problem.
by counter protestors
A view of the counter protesters
by More counterprotestors
More counterprotesters on Sproul plaza
by more photos
more Sproul photos
by more sproul photos
More sproul photos
by more sproul photos
more sproul photos
by to what is true.
It’s interesting that Zionist have not responded to any of the allegation that were presented in the photos. Namely, that the founding and leaders of Israel were influenced deeply by an orientalist and racist ideology, or that Zionists spy on activists that disagree with their politics and provide information on those activist to the state of Israel ( or as one photo suggest, to the local police as well).
Is this the Zionists example of “democracy”?
by except to say you a re wrong
"Namely, that the founding and leaders of Israel were influenced deeply by an orientalist and racist ideology"

Jabotinsky was a fringe character in Israeli history who never held an elected office and died in exile. So you are wrong.
By the way, the term "orientalist" is considered racist, now. Try not to use that again. People find it offensive.
by Just wondering
Is that whats happening? Or is he complaining that a UCB Palestinian "activist" attacked him and threatened his life? I can't tell.
Did you ask him? Did he volunteer the information? Why are you making this assumption?
by provide the answers
Zabotinsky was an important leader who started the Herot party which later evolved to become the Licuk Party which produced many Prime ministers.

His writing were very influential on many prime ministers, especially his Iron Wall theory, and his image is romanticizes in Israel where his poem are studied in high schools.

Orientalism is a Theory developed by Said, it’s the beliefs in which the West view the East.

I’m still waiting for my answer as to why do Zionists spy on and inform the Israeli authorities on activist who disagree with their ideology, (assuming that they might not be working with the local authorities).
by Your truth is a lie
> It’s interesting that Zionist have not responded to any of the allegation that were presented in the photos.

Do you want a debate? When did you stop beating your wife?

And yes, the terrorist who hijacked the plane is a terrorist.

> Namely, that the founding and leaders of Israel were influenced deeply by an orientalist and racist ideology,

They were not. They were motivated by simple nationalism. The Kosavars are not racist, the Ukranians are not racist, and the East Timorese are not racist for wanting their own state. Why pick on the Jewish People?

> or that Zionists spy on activists that disagree with their politics

Zionists learnt the arguments of those that disagree with them rather than trying to have them silenced by disrupting speeches and threatening lecture attendees. That is not spying.

> Is this the Zionists example of “democracy”?

Democracy is everyone having their say, not shutting down speakers like Daniel Pipes and Noine Darwish beause you do not agree with them. Mob rule is not democracy.
by and avoiding the question.
My question was not whether speakers should have the right to speak, or do terrorist who fly planes with innocent people are terrorist (a comment that I did not fully understand). My question is very clear: in the photos above it was suggested that Zabotinsky (a man who seems to be extremely racist) influenced a lot of the Israeli politics. The second question was why do Zionists spy on and provide information on activists who disagree with them.
I did not ask about the politics of East Temor, or Ukraine, I asked about the politics of Zionists. If other nations practice racist policies against minorities they should be condemned.
I feel that you Zionists are uncomfortable coming out and admitting that:
A. Zabotinsky was an influential writer to Zionists.
B. That Zionists do employ tactics such as spying and providing information to the Israeli authorities on activist that have beliefs that contradict the Zionist ideology (and that Zionists might be working with the local authorities).
by How long will this last?
Israel supporters are responding- Indybay is deleting the responses.
I guess you can't compete on a level playing field.
Quoting Jabotinsky, whose opinions were rejected by the majority of mainstream Israelis is simply quoting one man.
Here's a document most Israelis agree on: their declaration of independence:

" it will foster the development of the country for the benefit of all its inhabitants; it will be based on freedom, justice and peace as envisaged by the prophets of Israel; it will ensure complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex; it will guarantee freedom of religion, conscience, language, education and culture; it will safeguard the Holy Places of all religions"

and here's where they beg the "arab inhabitants" ("Palestinian" came later) not to leave:

WE APPEAL - in the very midst of the onslaught launched against us now for months - to the Arab inhabitants of the State of Israel to preserve peace and participate in the upbuilding of the State on the basis of full and equal citizenship and due representation in all its provisional and permanent institutions.

WE EXTEND our hand to all neighbouring states and their peoples in an offer of peace and good neighbourliness, and appeal to them to establish bonds of cooperation and mutual help with the sovereign Jewish people settled in its own land.

by about Jabotinsky and spying tactics?
Sure, I could quote you the Declaration of Independence to demonstrate that there is no racism in America. I could cite “all are men are created equal” to prove that in America everyone is equal. That, however, would not be sufficient; and it would definitely not be a statement to the political outlook of the Founding Fathers of America.
I assume that you did not read the former comment (why would you choose to ignore it?) that traced Jabotinsky through Harot (and one might add Lehi and the Eirgon) to the Likud Party.

I’m still waiting for my answers.
by Rolando

Your analogy is like claiming that George Bush is the heir to Abraham Lincoln's legacy because they were both republicans.
My response to you- you are wrong.

Apparently the officer recognized Lee Kaplan from his many appearances on televison, and asked what was going on. Every one knows him- he is considered an expert on the Middle east in many circles. The officer was tapping into his knowledge.
by from Zionists on spying and racism
I think it sad that no Zionist wanted to answer my question about spying on activist and the response that I received for the Jabonisky issue was also shameful. Links were provided that connected Jabotinski philosophy to that of Israeli Prime ministers, and none were answer or address. It’s actually you who is claiming that the fact that the Likod, a party that had direct links to organization like the Lehi or the Eirgon, organization that developed out Jabotinsky revisionist Ideology, had nothing to do with Jabotinsky.
I find it extremely disturbing that no Zionist was willing to come forward and answer why he/she feels that spying on people with other political agenda is justify. Especially when Zionists claim that they uphold democracy.
Your comment about Kaplan again doesn’t address the issue, namely the long history of Zionist (like Kaplan) trying to get information and spy on people who disagree with their political agenda. Furthermore, your comments about Kaplan “expertise” (assuming that you are not Kaplan, people have complained in the SF Weekly article, that Kaplan pretends to be different people, while writing about himself ), I feel, will make a lot of readers here not take you seriously. Kaplan and his organization are known to be a front group to the Kahana movement (which was outlawed in Israel), and this is why Jewish mainstream organization distance themselves from him. And if you can’t find anything wrong with that, maybe we should agree that you do support the Jabotinsky line.
I see that there are a lot of issues that Zionist need to figure out (history, spying) and that I’m not going to get my answers, so this is going to be my last attempt in trying to push Zionist to view their own history and tactics critically.
by we are getting deleted
If you want to talk, pick a level playing field- not Indybay
Lets end it on a positive note:
by Truthseeker
I note there is a poster of some women and children running from bombs dropping on their heads in the top photo above claiming this is happening to Palestinians. Why isnt there a similar one showing Kassem rockets (over 2,000) falling on the heads of the same images of women and children in Sderot and southern Israel. Its genuine chutzpah to shoot missiles at the Jews in Israel after they left Gaza then
post such posters implying the Arabs in Gaza are somehow victims of bombs from above. Want bombs to stop falling? Stop shooting missiles at women and children in Israel or making excuses for it all the time.
by an editor
You said, "Why isnt there a similar one showing Kassem rockets (over 2,000) falling on the heads of the same images of women and children in Sderot and southern Israel." The reason why is because you haven't posted any such photos. Indymedia is about all of us making the media ourselves. We've got your report (first?second?thirdhand?), now please back up your assertion.
by Truthseeker
Info available via mainstream media about the 2,000 Kassems. Where's your proof of the phony atrocities against Arabs? Want to read of their hoaxes. Google The Second Draft + Mohammed al Durrah.
by Tia
Indymedia is about all of us making the media ourselves. We've got your report (first?second?thirdhand?), now please back up your assertion.

I Just came back from Sderot. This is a playground with a bomb shelter built on it. All schools and playgrounds are building bomb shelters now to protect the children
by Tia
Think Cafe Strada would like to show my photos? I'll ask them
by Tia
Yuval (age 4) and Dorit (age 2) were killed when a Qassam fell near their grandmothers home. There are just two of many casualties caused by Qassams
by hundreds injured as well
Don't read about this in the mainstream media

June 28, 2004 - Afik Ohion Zehavi, 4, killed when a rocket lands in his nursery school in Sderot.
June 28, 2004 - Mordechai Yosephus, 49, killed when a rocket lands in a kindergarten in Sderot.
Sept. 29, 2004 - Dorit Inso, 2, killed when two rockets hit her residence
Sept. 29, 2004 - Yuval Abeva, 4, killed when two rockets hit his residence
Jan. 15, 2005 - Ayala Haya Abukasis, 17, killed when a rocket hits Sderot.
July 15, 2005 - Dana Gelkowitz, 22, killed by a Qassam that strikes a home in Moshav Nativ Ha'asara.
March 28, 2006 - A Bedouin father and son, Salam Ziadin and Khalid, 16, killed when a Qassam rocket they find in the Nahal Oz area explodes.
Nov. 11, 2006 - Faina Slutzker, 57, killed when a rocket hits the street where she is walking near the home of Defense Minister Amir Peretz.
Nov. 21, 2006 - Yaakov Yaakobovich, 43, killed while at work in a Sderot poultry processing plant.
May 21, 2007 - Shir-el Friedman, 35, killed in Sderot when a rocket hits a car she is walking near.
May 27, 2007 - Oshri Oz, 36, is killed in Sderot when a rocket hits the car he is driving.
There are two things missing from this article that may have been highlighted elsewhere during this protest week, but they should be highlighted every time Israel and the Zionists are discussed.
(1) Science means knowledge; religion is superstition. If you are a UC student and do not understand that, you should quit school immediately and return your high school diploma from the issuing school as you failed to learn basic science and cannot call yourself an educated person. While the Zionists may complain about Islam, they should look in the mirror first to see the superstitious backward peasant, for that is what they are. You cannot build any advanced civiliation with a theocratic state, where there is no civil marriage, where religious schools are actively encouraged, and in general, where superstition prevails. On this basis alone, Israel is an insult to anyone's intelligence and education. To see any UC student defending a theocratic state, whether it be Israel or any other theocratic state, is an insult to the taxpayers as these students are clearly not learning to think.
(2) There are 34,000 students at UC Berkeley alone, and only a tiny group of them are in these pictures. The point that every American taxpayer must understand is that WE PAY $6 BILLION ANNUALLY TO ISRAEL TO BE THE 4TH LARGEST MILITARY POWER IN THE WORLD SO AS TO PROTECT US OIL PROFITS IN THE MIDDLE EAST. Meanwhile, for example, the same capitalist class that steals our tax dollars to promote the US military base called Israel is raising tuition at UC Berkeley instead of taxing the rich with the progressive income tax, those who make over $200,000 a year, to pay for top quality, free public education for all who live here from age 3 through and including university, which we can easily do as we have millionaires and billionaires living in California, as well as in the US generally. THERE IS NO ALTRUISM; CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME. All the heartbreaking pictures will not move people to act; it is their inability to pay for education, pay for housing, pay for medical care and obtain a decent paying job that will make them act to cut off all US aid to Israel, which needs to be done as soon as possible. YOU NEED CHARTS SHOWING WHAT WE COULD DO TO SOLVE OUR SOCIAL PROBLEMS WITH $6 BILLION ANNUALLY. I guarantee you these kinds of charts will mobilize the overwhelming majority of students everywhere, as well as everyone else, to END US AID TO ISRAEL. THE NAME OF THE GAME IS ALWAYS MONEY.
by provide a source, please
Can you supply a source for claiming Israel is #4, please- all military intelligence sources i've seen indicate that Israel is roughly #26- see
Well behind Iran, and Egypt, for example (#16 and 17)

Israel is 19, by expenditure:

I see no source indicating what you claim. I'm SURE you didn't just make it up.
So can you provide a PRIMARY source for that #4 ranking. I've got time. Thanks
by Israel is ranked #26
Israel is not a " theocratic state"
- it recognizes 15 different religions and is holy to Christians, Muslims, Jews and to the Bahai

Israel does not get 6 billion from the US government;
(Chart of US foreign aid)
1. Israel 2.58 Billion
2. Egypt 1.84 Billion
3. Afganistan 0.98 Billion
4. Pakistan 0.70 Billion
5. Colombia 0.57 Billion
6. Sudan 0.50 Billion
7. Jordan 0.48 Billion
8. Uganda 0.25 Billion
9. Kenya 0.24 Billion
10. Ethiopia 0.19 Billion
11. South Africa 0.19 Billion
12. Peru 0.19 Billion
13. Indonesia 0.18 Billion
14. Bolivia 0.18 Billion
15. Nigeria 0.18 Billion
16. Zambia 0.18 Billion

And if this were all about oil, why wouldn't we just abandon Israel, which has NO oil, in favor of one of the oil rich sultanates?
It amazes me that someone who "carees" so much about religion does not say a word about 56 Islamic nations, but only criticizes the state of the Jewish people.
You have got to be joking. ALL we hear about in the right wing, pro-war, pro-israel mainstream media is pooooor israel. There are plenty of studies to back up the pro-israel stance of the mainstream media (print, tv, etc.--i.e. the Fox, CNN, even the 'liberal' (ha) SF Chronicle...)
We will continue to speak truth to the powerful terror states of the u.s. and israel and you won't ever stop us.

You might have the mainstream media on your side, but you'll never gain a stranglehold on alternative or indymedia. You just guys who spend your days trolling indymedia sites to post pro-israel propaganda just hate that, huh?
Read, weep. And before you rely on your predictable ad hominem attacks on a person affiliated with this site, remember,
There are other links, to OTHER SITES that back up the info.
Let us know when you can debate the facts presented here (and the multiple other sites referred to in this comprehensive analysis of the pro=war, pro-israel right wing mainstream "news" media in the u.s.
by not in the mainstream media
However there are no impartial studies to back it up.
When was the last time you heard about Sderot on the news? Or in the Chronicle?
Do you know about the two boys who got their legs blown off this week?
How old were they? Where were they going?
Its just not in the American media. The American media could care less about Israel.
by so much for the mainstream media
Your search for gaza returned 43 articles from the past 30 days.
Your search for sderot returned 8 articles from the past 30 days.

Clear anti-Israel bias.
by um
It takes a major story to get world media attention and Israeli collective punishment of several million people, Hamas tearing down the border wall with Egypt and the US and Israel pressuring Egypt to not let Palestinians in or out this gets more coverage than a feew rickets getting fired that usually dont even hurt anyone.

Shooting rockets into a civilian area is obviously bad but "collateral damage" resulting from Israeli assasinations of political leaders in Gaza is also bad and also gets very little international media coverage.

In the end the Israel-Palestinian conflict is not one that can be one or lost militarilly and it also is not one that can be won in the press. Convince a bunch of Americans that Palestinians deserve living under an occupation and it doesnt really make a difference to Palestinians or Israelis (US policy is unlikely to change). Convince a bunch of Americans that Israel deserves US aid and it also doesn't make much of a difference (the US already gives enough its unlikely to give more). Israelis are ultimately the ones who have the power and ability to resolve the conflict. One will never end violence against occupiers (aside from Tibet I cant think of any case where it has taken place) but occupying powers can stop occupying (think of S Africa ending apartheid, Britian leaving India, the US leaving S Vietnam....) Palestinian fighting against Israel doesnt realy have much of an effect of Isrel's willingness to leave; when things were relatively quiet in the West Bank during the 70s and early 80s Israel built settlements and after two uprisings Israel builds walls both actions solidify aspects of the occupation.

Gaza did sortof gain some independence based off Israeli actions so it could happen; with Gaza Israel's mistake was trying to retain control to micromanage Gaza's politics... if Gaza had political leaders who didnt have to fear assasination, an airport it was allowed to use, a port that could bring in food and out goods to sell to pay for food and Israel wasnt pressuring Egypt to keep the border closed things would be different. Strangely many on the right in Israel want to cut off Israeli trade with Gaza and see this as a rightwing idea even though most Palestinians in Gaza would love to not have to depend on Israel if other options were not being blocked by Israel and the US.

by Instead of just a little search
These are called facts. They studied not only deaths (because we know that the Palestinian victims will get blamed there, because some of them were courageous enough to fight against their oppressors, the proisrael crowd would have us believe that they don't deserve mention, even though we hear about IDF 'soldeirs' deaths for days in the news), there is also analysis of the coverage of u.s. welfare to israel and other issues:

Read and weep.
by a few rockets?
feew rickets getting fired that usually dont even hurt anyone.

Hundreds have been seriously hurt. Many have died

June 28, 2004 - Afik Ohion Zehavi, 4, killed when a rocket lands in his nursery school in Sderot.
June 28, 2004 - Mordechai Yosephus, 49, killed when a rocket lands in a kindergarten in Sderot.
Sept. 29, 2004 - Dorit Inso, 2, killed when two rockets hit her residence building.
Sept. 29, 2004 - Yuval Abeva, 4, killed when two rockets hit his residence building.
Jan. 15, 2005 - Ayala Haya Abukasis, 17, killed when a rocket hits Sderot.
July 15, 2005 - Dana Gelkowitz, 22, killed by a Qassam that strikes a home in Moshav Nativ Ha'asara.
March 28, 2006 - A Bedouin father and son, Salam Ziadin and Khalid, 16, killed when a Qassam rocket they find in the Nahal Oz area explodes.
Nov. 11, 2006 - Faina Slutzker, 57, killed when a rocket hits the street where she is walking near the home of Defense Minister Amir Peretz.
Nov. 21, 2006 - Yaakov Yaakobovich, 43, killed while at work in a Sderot poultry processing plant.
May 21, 2007 - Shir-el Friedman, 35, killed in Sderot when a rocket hits a car she is walking near.
May 27, 2007 - Oshri Oz, 36, is killed in Sderot when a rocket hits the car he is driving.

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