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KPFA "Super Tuesday" Election Broadcast and LiveBlog

by Michael Manoochehri
Live, up-to-the-minute National Presidential Primary and California Election Results, both on-the-air and online at KPFA will be blogging live during the broadcast, posting election returns, links to guest websites, articles, audio clips and images.
Presidential Primary Coverage


Visit for more information.

Live, up-to-the-minute National Presidential Primary and California Election Results, both on-the-air and online at

Election Night LiveBlog:
KPFA will be blogging live during the broadcast, posting election returns, links to guest websites, articles, audio clips and images.

Join the listener discussion and participate in our live, online polls:
Purple America
LiveBlog and user discussion will be available directly on the KPFA homepage ( LiveBlogging will begin at 5pm and continue until the end of the election night broadcast at 10 pm Pacific Standard Time.

KPFA will take your comments live online: simply type comments into the box directly on the KPFA LiveBlog. Visit on February 5th beginning at 5pm Pacific Time to participate. KPFA will also be featuring live polls and reading online listener comments on the air.

About the Broadcast:
KPFA/Pacifica will bring you up-to-the minute voting results, speeches from winners and losers, and analysis of who's voting, why, and what it all portends for November. Veteran Pacifica broadcaster and Polk Award winner Larry Bensky will co-anchor from the studios of KPFA along with KPFA host and producer Aimee Allison. Additional contributions from Hard Knock Radio's Davey D.

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It is a shame that Democrat Bensky is pre-empting Flashpoints and the evening news. There is certainly no reason for anyone who is for peace to listen to any of the staged Democrat-Republican war & fascism candidate garbage. Only the socialist (e.g. Peace & Freedom) and the Green Parties are the peace parties on the ballots. This writer has been skipping about half of the news each night, switching to music and checking every 5 minutes or so to see when the real news is on the KPFA evening newscast as they have been using at least a half hour of the newscast to promote the fiction that there is something worthwhile about the Democrat-Republican campaign, and it is all one staged campaign. It will not be long now that we will not have to listen to any of the KPFA news as the hysteria grows to the final circus in November, an election which will not solve any problems whatsoever. As to returns, California returns will not be avialable until 8 p.m., and no serious returns will be avialable until 10 p.m. We can all check the Secretary of Staste's website periodically for these returns by county, office, etc. at:
Each county's election department also has election results as there are also lots of propositions on the local ballots. Just do a search for whatever county you want, then go to their election department or registrar of voters. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT ALL PRIMARIES ARE BEAUTY CONTESTS; the candidates are decided at the various parties' conventions, usually held in the summer. And when it comes to the Democrat-Republicans, it makes absolutely no difference as to which one will be printed on the ballot in November; they all have exactly the same capitalist agenda.
by Huh?
The KPFA broadcast will be co-anchored by former Green Party candidate and conscientious objector Aimee Allison, as well as Hard Knock Radio's Davey D. Go KPFA!
This is the same Aimee Allison who supported Democrat Ron Dellums, the campaigner for Democrat Hillary Clinton, the former lobbyist for IBM, the current promoter of more police who by definition are not social workers. THERE ARE NO SERIOUS ELECTION RESULTS THIS MONTH. The primaries are all just beauty contests as the candidates are picked at the conventions and there is never anything to report with the Democrat-Republicans as it is one capitalist party; no matter who "wins" the seat, the same agenda wins. Thus, this entire broadcast is a waste of air time, for which we, the subscribers, pay. There is lots of news happening around the world which we will not hear. The Palestine news on Flashpoints will not be heard and it should be heard daily not only on Flashpoints but also on the 6 p.m. evening news. There are major demonstrations in Columbia and there are constant stories about the plight of the tortured prisoners at the Guantanamo Concentration Camp.
Then there are the Workers' Struggles Around the World, which we should always hear about, some of which are at
There are always environmental stories worth covering, such as:
And there are the economics stories, highlighting the realities of the fact that this is a class society. See:
The broadcast ends when it should start, 10 p.m., when California election results are in so we can hopefully see the victory of Prop 92 and the defeat of all the other propositions on the California ballot.
by Serious question
Is Aimee Allison still a member of the Green party ? This is a serious question not a cheap political shot. I did some work on her Oakland City Council races despite not living in her district.
But her election coverage that i heard never even mention the G.P. let alone Peace and Freedom .
So i seriously pose the question . If she still is then i hope she will at least in her programmer capacity give fair coverage to candidates like McKInney, Nader, and La Riva . (and if need be , fight the notoriously pro-Democratic party KPFA mgmt . for her right to do so )
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