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Indybay Feature

SF NIMBYs versus para-medics?

by Tenderloiner
[ sponsors
open meeting at First Congregational Church,
1323 Polk St, near Bush,
on Election Tuesday, 5 Feb. 2008,
to discuss Fire Station 3. ]
Open letter to Lower Polk NIMBYs

San Francisco Fire Station 3, at Polk + Post,
may be "the busiest in the nation", or nearly so.
In the Tenderloin, one hears sirens around the clock, frequently.

You say you want less noise?

Please think carefully.
Most of those sirens blare
in attempts to fight fires,
and/or to provide emergency medical care.

If YOUR building were on fire,
or if YOU needed help from para-medics,
you'd want emergency vehicles to arrive SOONEST
-- no matter how noisily.

But, of course,
if those sirens are headed elsewhere,
perhaps toward
some fire-trap residential SRO hotel,
full of unemployed persons .....
Well, who really cares, eh?

Helpful hint:
Buy ear protectors,
and ear plugs,
for yourself and your family members.
Teach your kids to cover their ears
whenever they hear a siren.

And, more vitally, teach them
to remain ON the sidewalk (not in the street)
until all
of the emergency vehicles are gone.

Too many
motorists and pedestrians
in SF
no longer care about others.
They're reluctant to spend any
of THEIR precious time
on waiting for emergency vehicles to pass.

Their selfish attitude increases the risk of crashes,
and slows down emergency vehicles;
thus endangering lives.

-- queer Tenderloin resident

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Dragon Lover
Mon, Feb 4, 2008 1:05PM
good idea
Mon, Feb 4, 2008 11:22AM
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