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Dear Canada: Let War Resisters Stay!

by David Solnit & Bill Carpenter (wcarpent [at]
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SF Bay Area Groups Join Int'l Days of Action
Call for Canadian Sanctuary for US War Resisters

David Solnit and Courage to Resist
January 25, 2008

In steady rain in the heart of San Francisco's Financial District veterans, anti-war organizers, Raging Grannies and people of faith gathered at the doors to the Canadian Consulate on California at Kearny Sts. After a vigil, short rally and the raging grannies antiwar rewrite of God Save the Queen, two representatives, Mike Wong and Pablo Paredes, went inside to meet with the Canadian Consulate, carrying a bundle with over 1000 letters from people across the US. Similar delegations took place today in DC, LA, NY, Seattle, and Minneapolis. Tomorrow, Saturday actions will take place in cities across Canada, led by the Canadian War Resisters Support Campaign.

Hundreds of U.S. military personnel are in Canada because of their decisions not to participate in U.S. wars and occupation in the Middle East. Currently there is no legal or political provision in effect in Canada, which affords U.S. war resisters the right to stay in the country. Deportation looms as real threat for many women and men who are seeking refuge from persecution north of the U.S. border, even as widespread support for the rights of resisters to stay grows among the Canadian people.

Supporters in Canada and the U.S. are taking action now to urge the House of Commons (which reconvenes in February) to follow the recommendation of its Standing Immigration Committee which voted on December 6, 2007 to recommend that the Canadian government immediately implement a program to allow Iraq War resisters (and resisters of any war not sanctioned by the United Nations) and their families to stay in Canada. This type of political action is considered crucial, as the possibility of resisters being granted refugee status in Canada by the courts was effectively denied when the Canadian Supreme Court refused to hear the appeal of U.S. resisters Jeremy Hinzman and Brandon Hughey in their refugee cases.

After a 30-minute meeting, Mike Wong and Pablo Paredes came out reporting that the consul was receptive and very aware of all the pressure on consulates across the US. Mike Wong, a Vietnam veteran and war resister who spent 5 years in exile in Canada fleeing persecution from the U.S. military, said, "The war in Iraq is an open violation of both U.S. and international law, and is clearly illegal. Further, both U.S. and international law state that soldiers have the duty, not the option, to refuse illegal orders. I called upon the Canadian government to grant GI resisters the refugee status that they so clearly deserve." Pablo Paredes is an Iraq War era Navy Veteran who refused duty when his ship deployed for Iraq. He spoke of the hardships of for soldiers and their families who don't have adequate physical or mental healthcare and are forced to go on repeat tours of duty while injured or traumatized. Many soldiers also oppose the war—often from first hand experience-- on legal, human rights and humanitarian grounds.

GI and draftee resistance and desertion were essential to ending the Viet Nam War. Of the half million soldiers and draftees who went "AWOL" (Absent Without Leave) or deserted during Viet Nam, 100,000 took refuge in Canada.

Today, soldiers refusing to participate in illegal wars are a key part of a people power antiwar strategy to weaken the pillars of war and the policies of empire; these pillars include troops. corporate profiteers, media and funding. Iraq Veterans Against the War has been steadily growing with 37 chapters, including 3 active duty chapters. Courage to Resist, who initiated and coordinated the US actions, is escalating its support for the growing GI resistance movement and for the growing counter military recruitment movement.
§Let War Resisters Stay!
by David Solnit & Bill Carpenter
§Let War Resisters Stay!
by David Solnit & Bill Carpenter
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by tom
The present neo-conservative government of Canada was elected by a very small percentage of Canadian voters. By gerrymandering the polls Appox. 29% of eligible voters elected the neo-cons who are making 100% of the federal laws. The people of Canada oppose the U.S. Imperialist aggression against the peoples of the middle east, erstwhile the worlds Holyland. Around 40% of the eligible voters from the industrial worker-peasant farmer-student alliance didn't even bother to vote in the last election, and that is because they do not believe that the fuedal-bourgeois-enslaveing government (profits for pollution) represents their beliefs or ever could. Seventy percent of the Canadian people are opposed to the U.S. aggressive war against the peoples of the middle east and the anti-war movement that they represent are in favour of supporting the G.I. resistence and the other armed forces that revolt against the unjust war and illegal violence being done to the peoples of the middle east by the U.s. military. We in the anti-war movement in Canada are urging a defeat of the pro-war government of the conservatives and an election of an anti-war government that serves the needs of the peoples. Viva social liberation. Home rule is socialism.

by Eric Margolis (excerpt and link)

January 27, 2008
Manley panel gets it wrong
Report on Afghanistan the latest example of Ottawa hiding the truth from Canadians

The report on Afghanistan delivered Monday by the Manley panel was deeply disappointing. Its totally predictable findings could have been written without the panel of instant Afghan experts wasting millions of tax dollars.

This whitewash was designed to provide political cover for the Harper government, which has hung its hat on the failing war in Afghanistan, and provide it an escape hatch if the kabob hits the fan. It's the latest example of the Liberals pathetic failure to demand Ottawa answer tough questions about the mess in Afghanistan.

Most disturbing, the report claimed continued military operations in Afghanistan, which has so far cost 79 Canadians dead and untold billions, were necessary to "enhance" Canada's international influence. Two days later, another Canadian soldier died in action.

As one who spends half his time abroad, I can attest that Canada's military role in Afghanistan is virtually unknown to Americans, save occasional pats on the back to the Harper government from Bush administration officials. Many Americans can't find Canada, never mind Afghanistan, on the map.

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