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Dodd to Filibuster Bad FISA Bill Which Gives Immunity to Telecoms When They Spyed on Us

by Daily Kos
Dodd has begun filibuster
It's official, Dodd will filibuster a bad FISA Bill (updates)
by ttagaris
Wed Jan 23, 2008 at 03:55:44 PM PST

Lest there was any doubt that threats from anonymous aides in Roll Call Magazine would discourage Chris Dodd from filibustering a bad FISA bill, you can put those to rest. His Senate office just sent this release moments ago.

"Few things are more detrimental to this country than the erosion of and attack on the civil liberties we enjoy. This isn't a Democratic issue or a Republican issue; this is an American issue. If after debate, the Senate appears ready to pass legislation granting telecom providers retroactive immunity I will use any and all legislative tools at my disposal, including a filibuster, to prevent this deeply flawed bill from becoming law. More and more, Americans are rejecting the false choice that has come to define this administration: security or liberty, but never, ever both. For all those who have stood with me throughout this fight, I pledge, once more, to stand up for you."

* ttagaris's diary :: ::

Now that that's out of the way, here's what to expect tonight and tomorrow. I'll try to update as often as possible to the best of my knowledge.

Update 1 - 6:53 P.M. -- Dodd is slated to speak on the floor of the Senate next, following Sherrod Brown. I will hit publish now so people can tune in, and further update the post right away.

Update 2 - 6:55 PM -- I understand John Edwards is going to be on Countdown with Keith Olberman at 8:06 PM tonight talking about the issue.

Update 3 - 7:00 PM -- Here's how I believe it's going to go down tonight and tomorrow in the Senate.

First order of business will be the Judiciary Bill as a substitute to the horrific Intelligence version. That will probably get tabled by Republicans (per Harry Reid's helpful suggestion) and go away with an overwhelming vote.

Then we'll go to amendments, including Dodd/Feingold that would strip Title II (RI) from the bill. There are other amendments, including ones that will substitute liability from the telecoms to the Administration. Dodd is opposed to this, to the best of my knowledge.

There is also a Feinstein amendment that is the big wild card. That would let the FISA court determine whether lawsuits can go forward. That could conceivably pass.

And when we know what a final bill looks like, we'll know if a filibuster is going to have to happen.

Update 4 - 7:02 PM -- Dodd is about to take the floor.

Update 5 - 7:52 PM -- After watching Dodd's speech, I am reminded of why I was so proud to work for his Presidential campaign. I really liked the part at the end when he talked about his intent to participate in the historic right as a Senator ... "to talk for awhile" tomorrow.

I believe Crooks and Liars had the TiVo rolling and will have video of the speech up shortly. Trying to get my hands on the last 2 or so minutes specifically.

Update 6 - 8:18 PM--And ... no mention from Edwards on MSNBC. I was led to believe that was going to happen. Next stop, CNN in a few minutes where it will come up hopefully. And ... nothing on CNN. Oh well, maybe tomorrow.


Let me close by noting that I no longer work for Chris Dodd in any capacity. That might change as he gets his Senate re-election site off-the-ground, but until then, I post on my own accord.

Tags: Recommended, Chris Dodd, FISA, Harry Reid, Retroactive Immunity, telecom immunity (all tags) :: Previous Tag Versions
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by "Just" "like" Republicans.....
Ya just can't vote for a one of them...

Another meme bites the dust.
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