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Indybay Feature

Peaceful rally for Roe v Wade met with massive display of force by SFPD

Prochoice Rally for Roe v Wade met with over-reaction by SFPD. But we Carry on and march anyway!
There was a heavy police presence at the Roe V Wade march including K9 units and the bomb squad. Were there going to be experienced clinic bombers in our midst? Why weren't we informed if so? Or is our free speech the real threat?

Prior to the event, although proximity of the prochoice and antichoice groups was mentioned as being a concern by both SFPD and SF Park & Rec , the Walk for Life was allowed to drop off two busloads of their people right at the site of the prochoice demo. They proceeded to wave huge mangled fetus signs at our crowd. The Walk for Life had a specific site to drop off their people, and our demo was most certainly not it.

We proceeded to have a peacful rally with many wonderful speakers, performers, and leaders from the Bay Area. When that was concluded, we moved out to march with the Brass Liberation Orchestra, a bike contingent and prochoice people from all parts of our community, including kids, grannies and many young women.

As we walked/rode down the Embarcadero, once again massive numbers of SFPD lined the sidewalk all the way from the Ferry building to Broadway. Don't worry though. The other side does have to pay for these special services. Although we would prefer they spend it helping immigrants, people living in poverty and providing sex education, that isn't likely to happen. Imagine how much money they spend on this march and how much good it could do helping people in need.

As happened in previous years, both sides were kept pretty much separated to the satisfaction of the SFPD. Even if you weren't carrying a sign for one side or the other, some officers appeared to think they had some way of knowing which side you belonged on, and you weren't allowed to mingle with either group.

At the end of the march, we had our traditional farewell as the Walk for Life marched off into the sunset of their latest photo opp and off to the 30 or so buses they had waiting to remove them from our City.

Thank you to everyone who participated and contributed in any way. The struggle for rights crosses many boundaries, and an injury to one is an injury to all. Reproductive Rights are not guaranteed to anyone in this country or around the world, so stand up whenever and wherever you have the opportunity. Thanks all!

§SFPD as far as the eye can see.
§Here by Choice
§Reproductive Justice 4 All
§Smirking antis
§Bikers for Choice
§We'll never go back!
§Pirates for choice!
§My Body, My Choice.
§Keep your Rosaries!
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by Maryann
I really don't understand why Pro-Aborts continue to use the "Wire Clothes Hanger" as their icon. I can't imagine how mentally disturbed a woman would have to be to attempt using a wire hanger to abort her child! I feel the Pro-Aborts should realize that wire hangers are hard to find these days, and maybe a SLIM-JIM would be more likely the tool of choice. My mother would have used a wire hanger to abort me back in 1958, but she had too many clothes, and didn't want blood stains ruining them.

If Pro-Aborts think that disparagingly of women, that they would use a wire hanger, rather than reach out for professional mental counsel in times of crisis, well, gosh, ya-know, some people will do anything to murder another human being. There is so much abundant financial, physical, societal aid for woman in crisis that a SLIM-JIM or wire hanger would never be needed....unless you are a really mental idiot, and of course, they are out there. Women who would use a wire hanger, or advance to a SLIM JIM are in need of desperate mental evaluation. That is the point!
by luci
It was all they had when women in the US didn't have legal access to abortions performed in clinics by medical professionals with real medical equipment. Look it up. I found this:

If you're against abortion, don't have one, but please don't interfere with other women's choices of what to do with our bodies.
by sorry maryanne
And all of your moralizing will not make it so. I suppose you also support full personhood for eggs, like those nuts in Colorado. Good luck with that. This is why you are on the fringe and should never be given the power to make choices for reasonable and thoughtful individuals who are quite able to decide for themselves.
This link will take you to the PBS documentary "The Last Abortion Clinic", viewable online. It shows how the right wing is methodically working to deny rights to poor women state by state, shutting down their access to health choices and education. It is about the last abortion clinic in Jackson, Mississippi.
by lhp
My sister just had an abortion because they could see with ultrasound that the fetus was malformed and wasn't developing a brain. Taking that to term might bring about extreme health risks to the mother during a 9 month birth process. Those people have such little understanding of the reasons why people might need to use abortion.
by prochoice
There is only one world view and that is hers. Although she didn't personally have to worry about what it would be like in risk and suffering for both mother and fetus, she is willing to make that choice for another person and deny it to them because she knows best. Some of the antis are more well spoken, but they are still not the majority, and they are unduly influenced by the views of their church. They claim to offer love, but only with the stipulation of chains.
by sorry maryanne
the question is do we give the little things boy names or girl names? hmmm...

From the NY times
Proposed Colorado Measure on Rights for Human Eggs
By KIRK JOHNSON Published: November 18, 2007
DENVER, Nov. 16 — A proposed amendment to the Colorado Constitution that would give legal rights to fertilized human eggs may be headed for the ballot next year, raising the prospect of a heated local debate over abortion at the same time that Democrats are gathering here for their national convention.
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