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Vote Socialist! Vote PSL in 2008!

by VotePSL (campaign2008 [at]
The PSL (Party for Socialism and Liberation) announced today its presidential and vice presidential candidates, Gloria La Riva and Eugene Puryear, for 2008. The PSL also announced the campaign of Michael Prysner, an Iraq war veteran, for Congress in Florida.
VOTE PSL in 2008!

Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL)

*Gloria La Riva for President and Eugene Puryear for Vice President

*Iraq war veteran Michael Prysner for Congress (22nd, Fl.)

Today, working and poor people in the United States are facing an ever deepening crisis. The inflation rate is the highest it has been in the last 17 years, and major corporations such as Citibank and J.P. Morgan have reported multi-billion dollar losses in the last fiscal quarter. Poor and working people--the vast majority of the population--will bear the brunt of this crisis. Millions more people will be laid off and lose their homes. Basic needs such as quality health care and education will become even less attainable.

The war in Iraq is an imperialist war. Hundreds of thousands have died in an unprovoked war of aggression. It is a war for domination over the entire oil-rich Middle East. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and other officials should stand trial for what will be remembered as one of the great crimes of the modern era. They could not have succeeded without the complicity of the Democratic Party leadership. We are campaigning on the program of immediate withdrawal of all U.S. and foreign forces from Iraq.

The Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) is a newly formed working class party of leaders and activists from many different struggles, founded to promote the movement for revolutionary change and to fight for socialism--a system where the wealth of society belongs to those who produce it, the working class, and is used in a planned and sustainable way for the benefit of all.

The PSL is proud to announce that our party is fielding a slate of candidates 2008 U.S. presidential elections: Gloria La Riva for President and Eugene Puryear for Vice President. In various cities across the country, the party will also run local candidates, including Iraq war veteran Michael Prysner, who is running for Congress in Florida.


Gloria La Riva & Eugene Puryear

PSL candidates La Riva and Puryear have spent their lives fighting against the interests of big capital. As leaders in the anti-war movement and volunteer organizers of the ANSWER Coalition (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism), they have been involved in organizing hundreds of thousands of people to oppose the criminal war against the Iraqi people. They have also been involved in massive struggles for immigrant rights, to free the Jena 6, for workers' rights and more.

"The Democrats and Republicans are twin parties in the back pocket of Wall Street and the military-industrial complex. They do not and cannot represent the interests of poor and working people. We will intervene in these elections to represent the interests of working people, and to expose the Democrats and Republicans as the frauds and bigots that they are."

-- PSL presidential candidate Gloria La Riva

"We call for the immediate removal of all U.S. and foreign forces from Iraq. This is a rich man's war, but it's the working class who is made to fight it abroad and suffer its effects here at home. The war must end now."

-- PSL vice presidential candidate Eugene Puryear

Michael Prysner for Congress (22nd District, Florida)

Iraq war veteran running as PSL candidate

Prysner joined the U.S. Army at age 17. Immediately after graduating high school in 2001, he shipped off to basic training in Fort Sill, Okla. He then attended a military academy at Fort Huachuca, Ariz. Prysner was assigned to the 10th Mountain Division, based in New York.

In March 2003, Prysner was deployed to northern Iraq. He remained there for 12 months. Over time, Prysner developed anti-war views and in 2005 he began organizing against the war. He was a volunteer for the March 17, 2007, National March on the Pentagon that drew tens of thousand of protesters. At the Sept. 15 March on Washington, Prysner was arrested as part of the contingent of veterans that participated in the mass die-in at the head of the march. Prysner has become a powerful anti-war commentator, drawing on his experiences in Iraq to prove the criminality of the war.


Workers are asked to vote every four years for who will oppress them for the next four years. The PSL's campaign provides a true alternative for workers. Our program is rooted in fundamental working-class interests: peace, not war; jobs and people's needs; equal rights for all; and socialism.

We will fight for our right to be heard in every debate, we will go door to door, we will hold rallies, speak outs, protests, sit-ins and more to be heard. The PSL's campaign will reach out to working people and all youth with a message of hope, and with a message of real struggle.


Become a volunteer in PSL's 2008 campaign. A vote for La Riva and Puryear is a vote for socialism and liberation, and against capitalist war, racism, bigotry and exploitation. Become an advocate for people's rights and revolutionary change!


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Mon, Jan 21, 2008 12:22PM
Uncertain PF voter
Sat, Jan 19, 2008 9:41AM
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