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Indybay Feature

President George Bush has nothing to do with the 49ers and Hunters Point proposed stadium

by Francisco Da Costa
Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi and Senator Diane Feinstein are using their personal clout to bring some $82 million - to do a little clean up that will require minimum $1 Billion at the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard. No one is their RIGHT MIND shouldl ever dream to build a stadium that is plagued with Radiological Elements. Depleted Uranium was experimented upon at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard. Nancy Pelosi is vested at Hunters Point and so is Diane Feinstein, the Senior, Senile Senator. $82 million is but a little amount - a small percentage of a very large amount - needed to clean up Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.
Senator Diane Feinstein and Nancy Pelosi are using their clout to announce in the Main Media that a measly $82 million will help clean up the whole Hunters Point Naval Shipyard and some how bring the 49ers back to play on a Super Fund Site. One of the most toxic sites in the Nation.

The measly $82 million has nothing to do with the 49ers and still less with President George Bush. George Bush does not give a hoot about the 49ers and will continue wasting Billions in Iraq.

What is really required is over $1 Billion to clean the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - that is parcels B, C, D, E, and F which it the Bay.

Congressperson Nancy Pelosi and Senator Diane Feinstein - have not been briefed about the Super Fund site that is Hunters Point Naval Shipyard. You cannot just cap the area and think all is well. $82 million is a drop in the bucket - and these two hags must understand this fact - once an for all.

There is something known as Cumulative Pollution - so this measly $82 million that Nancy Pelosi and Diane Feinstein has nothing to do with President Bush - it has all to do with some hidden agenda - that Nancy and Diane have in mind.

How will $82 million address Cumulative Pollution when one really needs $2 Billion?

It is very easy to pollute and that the strangers do well - but when it comes to real clean up - they want to run away from the real issues?

Mostly Whites polluted the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard. Much as do Society and most everything else with their filthy policies, greed, and materialism.

These two EVIL women - Diane and Nancy with their husbands and cronies - want to make money by using the 49ers as a ploy - but really to build homes on toxic land, sell it to innocent home buyers - and make a lot of money.

Diane Feinstein is behind a Ballot Measure to revoke past Ballot Measure - and develop Candlestick Point and the area next to it - including Double Rock Public Housing. Who is this hag to - mess in the affairs of people in Bayview Hunters Point where she is NOT respected?

The rogue company Lennar BVHP LLC will be used to deliver the goods - if ever.

This time around the community - will deliver - and meet the ENEMY face to face. You ain't seen anything at all - Nancy and Diane - you will meet the wrath of a force that will bring you to your senses.

What Nancy and Diane do not know - is that the community at Bayview Hunters Point - do not appreciate - these hags making any decision for the community. And the paradox is that these hags do not get it - they use House Negroes to do their bidding. And I have named them before. Sophina Maxwell, Willie B. Kennedy, Doris Vincent, Aurelious Walker, and others - the community do not respect these House Negroes.

Gone are the days - when some Whites in high places thought they could make decisions for everyone - much like a plantation.

In this case they are using House Negroes the type of Aurelious Walker, Calvin Jones, Keith Jackson, Amos Brown - to do the bidding of the White Mastas - on a plantation.

The community agreed and so did all of San Francisco using Proposition P - to clean up all of the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.

87% percent of the voters in San Francisco - sent a clear message - clean the whole Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - and that includes the Bay - Parcel F.

What is it that this fools cannot comprehend? Why are they trying to leave the people out from the decision making? Why are they trying to use the tax payers money - to carry on hidden plans that benefit their own pockets?

Now, it will take over $800 million to clean Parcle E2.

This parcel, E2 is the worst site on the Shipyard. So, how can this measly $82 - contribute in a large measure to do any progressive and productive - clean up?

So, it is really very wrong for the SF Chronicle and the KRON - Channel 2 to spread misinformation.

Who are the ignorant producers that allow such nonsense to be read and printed? Stop bluffing the people and do your home and speak the truth.

You remember how the First People called the strangers - Pale Faces and said they speak in Forked Tongues - well, that holds TRUE for the Main Media in San Francisco.

Nancy Pelosi and Diane Feinstein are Racists.

What these two hags should be doing - if they have a MORAL COMPASS - is addressing the health of our children and Elders - bombarded by the pollution and the rogue company Lennar BVHP on Parcel A - that has been going on for the last two years.

Around Parcel A - people are dying - and now these two hags Nancy and Diane are thinking about building a stadium? And the whole of San Francisco is going along with the flow?

What has happen to San Francisco and San Franciscans?

I thought they were some smart people in San Francisco - that could do their home work and speak up for those that are poor and need some encouragement?

What has happen to all the faith based organizations? The University of San Francisco? The main denominations the Catholics? The other Protestant denominations? What did Christ preach? Where are you spending the millions you rake in - in the name of Christ and Jesus Christ?

What has happen to the thousands of college and university students? Where are all our professional folks on this one?

Hunters Point Naval Shipyard is a Superfund Site.

It is plagued with Radiological Issues.

One can go to the Main Library in San Francisco and read the Final Historical Radiological Report.

One can read the other documents on each parcel - linked to the very lengthy clean up that is going too slow and million have been wasted in past years.

One company International Technologies (IT) wasted millions and then went broke.

Today, we have Tetra Tech and they are making money - but the clean up is very slow.

The Main Media in San Francisco lack journalists that can do Investigative Reporting.

They prefer to link with those in power that have money - and shot callers force the journalists and the TV producers - to spew out diatribe that is full of nonsense.

Every angle of the Tiger - that killed one person and mauled several - on Christmas Day at the San Francisco Zoo was covered today.

But, no one knows how to reveal the truth about Radiological Elements - the reason is simple - most of the producers - are ignorant.

The love killings, shootings, rape - any news that makes some sort of sensation. They love to pander to the ignorant - and cannot deal with subjects that need some - quality education.

Nancy Pelosi and the Mother of Water-Boarding - the Senior Senile Senator Diane Feinstein - must be held responsible for Bayview and the slow killing of thousands of Black children, Elders, and other minorities Latinos, Asians that have been exposed to heavy metals, radiological elements, and Asbestos structures - all with intent by a rogue company Lennar BVHP LLC.

Also. innocent Whites and others that live in and around Parcel A and more the Public Housing by Middle Point, Mariners' Village, Kiska Road, Oakdale Avenue and so on and so forth.

Let us not pander to corrupt forces linked to Diane Feinstein, the Fishers, the Shoresteins, the Pelosis, and other vermin that we should shun.

These scum bags do not have the interests of the common folks - they are always interested in ripping off folks - to line their pockets.


You cannot fool - all the people - all the time.


Francisco Da Costa
Environmental Justice Advocacy
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