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Leroy King has crossed the line and sold out the Black Community working doling for SFRA

by Francisco Da Costa
Leroy King the old lion has lost it - more his mind but now his moral compass. He will talk from both sides of his mouth - and has LOST the respect he earned when he stood by his sisters and brothers as a UNION leader - in this Union City. He was put on the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency Commission (SFRA) to do good - but again this old lion has chosen to lie and do in his own Black folks. He surely does not represent the Bayview Hunters Point and has aided the rogue company - Lennar BVHP LLC.
Some years ago when the Federal Bureau of Investigation zeroed in on Leroy King, Darhsan Singh, and Benny Lee - three good friends of Willie L. Brown Jr. and all Commissioners on the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency (SFRA) Commission - many people were shocked.

More, when they heard about Leroy King - an old Union Leader that some respected but now has tarnished his name.

I will NOT go into the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) incidents - but suffice to state it here - that it involved "graft" charges - with an agent working for Lennar BVHP LLC making the pay offs.

Leroy King has touted for years that he is for Black people.

Surely, his actions are NOT. His mentality is not and more when he goes home and surrounds himself - less with Black and more with White. He knows what I am talking about.

Believe me - Black folks because of their ignorance do more harm then good to their own people. The plantation mentality is alive and kicking and folks like Leroy King - that speak from both sides of his mouth - is one great example of great harm done to San Francisco.

He should read the Unfinished Agenda daily - to understand the harm is he doing to Black Folks and Humanity.

In the company of White Folks - this old, wounded, lying, aging lion of a man - who is loosing it - has chosen to pander - standards - and has no Accountability and Transparency.

There is NOT one person - represented - from the Bayview Hunters Point Area on the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency (SFRA) Commission.

Many in the Bayview Hunters Point - Blacks folks - thought Leroy King - the aged Union leader - would represent them. The truth is that he has not.

Leroy King has single handed created a mess and taken the Black folks and other minorities from the Bayview Hunters Point - to a bad place. He has divided the community - and used money and favors - behind close doors - to divide the community.

On occasion he will try to walk the walk - but it is just a facade - he prefers daily to talk the talk and less walk the walk. This is a crying shame.

At the SFRA meeting December 4, 2007 - Leroy King crossed the line - and I reminded him that he has not done the right thing.

As a commissioner or for that matter as a professional person - one must NOT lie. Leroy does that to suit his ploys and his hidden agenda - that will come to bite him in his butt.

The meeting was broadcast on KPOO Radio Station - and I shocked many listeners - who heard me - loud and clear. I called a spade a spade and many do not like it - but the truth has to be told.

Lennar BVHP LLC is a rogue company. Today, we are in a situation where our Black Brothers and Sisters - are in positions - tying to do a job. But, they are surrounded with corruption of the highest order and know NOT about it.

A moral compass helps - but most of them do not have it.

Leroy King and other SFRA Commissioners should set a standard. The Black Commissioners on the SFRA have NOT. They are NOT educated on issues.

The young project manager linked to Bayview Hunters Point - Lisa - has no clue what she is talking about. Rambling about and think the Project Area Committee (PAC) that does not represent the community is to be trusted.

The Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) has has a bad record - is to be trusted. Other "thugs" all taking money from Lennar BVHP LLC can be trusted.

Lennar BVHP LLC is a rogue company - its Stock and Shares have been reduced to Triple Junk Status. So, why does this City have to do business with a company that has cheated, lied, and has thousands of disgruntled customers all over this Nation. Why?

Over 80,000 unites site vacant in Florida linked to Lennar. Check that out. Check their Stocks and Shares on Moody's? Why do we have ignorant folks - leading the charge in San Francisco.

I doubt the novice BVHP Project Manager representing the SFRA - has read the Final Historical Radiological Report - linked to Hunters Point.

I doubt she fully understands the Disposition and Development Agreement linked to Parcel A. The many amendments made by Lennar BVHP LLC after signing this legal document.

I doubt she fully understands the ploys of Sophina Maxwell and the Moratorium she tries to legislate to favor some Big Developers and favor some vested interests like Michael Harmon in Area C.

We have young Blacks - that do not live in the community - mostly from Oakland - being used to divide the community and working for San Francisco Redevelopment Agency.

Well, our young folks - mostly Blacks from the Bayview Hunters Point - are now being educated about these young Black Folks from mostly Oakland that are ruining Bayview Hunters Point. coming into our neighborhoods - with a hidden agenda - to screw us. Enough is enough.

Time will tell - but I know for sure our young people from the Bayview Hunters Point - know what is happening and they are NOT happy. Time will tell.

33,200 signatures were collected - where San Francisco stated that the want the matter linked to Redevelopment and the large areas affected - over 2568 acres directly and indirectly - put on the Ballot. The issue is in the Ninth Circuit Appeals Court - no mention is made by SFRA about this. This fact must be read - into the agenda linked to the Project Area - every single time.

The San Francisco Election Department - certified the signatures and all was well.

The City Attorney, Dennis Herrera, Aaron Peskin the corrupt SF Board of Supervisor (BOS), the District 10 Supervisor, Sophina Maxwell - plotted to invalidate the signatures - saying that those that signed did not have all of the documents where some reference was made and mentioned in the ballot and signature or petition form.

Two full pages - in detail described the ballot measure - and most of the educated folks that signed the ballot - had no difficulty signing the ballot measure - because no one really likes the machinations and ploys - of the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency (SFRA).

Redevelopment Agency is about debt.

They use tax increments and rake in the money and mostly waste it.

They do not hesitate to use Eminent Domain - to steal land and then use methods like "very high density" to rake in the money.

Thousands of certificates issued in the Western Addition - are waiting, and waiting and waiting - Waiting for Godot!

Most folks - educated on issues in San Francisco - do not like the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency.

Leroy King - the aged Commissioner on the SFRA - who is loosing it - must seek fresher pastures and step down - he fails to understand that he is dividing the community and his senility is NOT helping much.

He is now talking from both sides of is mouth - denying facts and telling lies in public.

The discussion on Area C - needs a through Environmental Impact Report. More, an Economic Analysis mandated by the City and County of San Francisco - an Ordinance that mandates such a measure.

The Candlestick Point development that includes State Park Land and acres prone to liquefaction - need detail study. We do not have it - and people are jumping the gun.

Here are some photographs of the SFRA meeting - December 4, 2007 in Room 416 at City Hall:

Francisco Da Costa
Environmental Justice Advocacy
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