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Biochemical Spraying Over Santa Cruz Scheduled to start TONIGHT!

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CDFA will bypass Salinas Prunedale/Royal Oaks and North Salinas/Boronda and go right to Santa Cruz tonight.
-weather permitting 11/06/07 3:30 pm

Map of North Santa Cruz County Spray Zones
The City of Santa Cruz is hoping to file an Injunction before the next round of spraying, if they can collect enough medical testimonies.

Santa Cruz County is asking residents to report any illness they suspect may be attributed to an upcoming spraying.

City instructions

We still need a copy of all reports of reactions.
§HEALTH FORMS - How to file a health or dammage complaint .
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To report an adverse reaction to the recent aerial spraying of the Monterey, Salinas or Santa Cruz areas, please see your doctor, urgent care provider or local health clinic. Medical professionals are required by law to fill out and send a SUSPECTED PESTICIDE-RELATED ILLNESS report to state agencies. If you would, please remind your health care provider to do so, and explain how you think the spraying has impacted you.

Additionally, or if you are not able to visit a medical professional, please download a
Symptom Report form Sign and date it, and send it to:

Please make sure you get a copy of all reports and send to:
Reaction to Spraying
c/o M. Lynb.
P.O. Box 1612
Pebble Beach , CA 93953

Or send your complaint by email to

In reporting your complaint to this P. O. Box or email address, you are making it possible for concerned citizen groups to track illnesses caused by the aerial spraying, and to make our governmental representatives and state agencies aware of these illnesses. We are not providing medical care or advice.

When filing an illness report there are 2 forms one for your doctor's report and one symptom complain form.

You can also file a Damage Claim form with CDFA
i.e. Personal Injury/ Property Damage / Other

§How to collect samples
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It is important to collect samples so we can independently test what was actually sprayed and the concentration levels. People in surrounding areas should ALSO collect samples to verify the drift factor.

To collect Samples:

Use clean, sterile aluminum pan like a pie tin or larger. Leave out all night.

You will need 6 tins, one for each night.

Tins should be heated for 15- 20 minutes in oven at 350 degrees before use to make sure they are sterile.

In the morning retrieve tin and cover with aluminum foil. Make sure you date each tin and the include what zone was sprayed that night.

Always use rubber gloves when retrieving tins the next day and avoid contact with spray.

Store in a cool dark location if possible.

It is important for all zones to collect samples every night.
§Safety Precautions
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We are not doctors. We are not providing medical advice.
If you develop a reaction the the spray seek medical help immediately.

Remember this is a new product. Use Caution.

Safety Precautions:

Stay in doors during the spray 8pm - 5 am.

Take every measure to avoid contact with the spray!

If you come in direct contact with spray wash under cold running water for at least 15 minutes. Do not use hot water.

Avoid touching areas that have been sprayed then touching you eyes, ears nose and mouth. Like your car door the next morning, or the newspaper that lays on the grass overnight.

Seal doors, windows and draft areas.

Use high quality air filters.

Should you decide to wash outdoors area use caution. Some folks in Monterey have gotten sick from washing things outside after the spray. Maybe because it stirs up the biochemical. You will have to make that decision to wash or not to wash outdoor areas.


If you decide to wash things outside and use medical grade mask and disposable rubber gloves.

All playing areas for children including toys should be washed before use or should be avoided if you decide not to wash. Wait at least 30 days before use if you decide not to wash..

Avoid cutting lawn as it could stir up the biochemical or use medical grade mask disposable rubber gloves, and wash clothes afterwards.

It might be best to cover things outside with a cloth that can be discarded after the 6 day spray.

Remember to use rubber gloves that can be discarded after touching anything outside.

By food that is not grown locally or wash very well in cold water before eating. Remember to use gloves.

Clothes left outside should be rewashed.

Homeless should seek shelter out of spray ie parking garages, under bridges etc.

Monterey folks recommend indoor plants to help clean the air.

Animal Safety

Keep animals inside, and bring pet bedding, bowls and toys inside.

This is a long list. People with compromised health should use every precaution. This is a new biochemical and until we learn more you should take care.

We are not doctors. We are not providing medical advice.
If you develop a reaction to the spray seek medical help immediately.
§How to write a sample affidavit.
by via
Please compose something with their own voice and concerns and remind them that they are an affiant, which is like being a witness, so they are attesting to and certifying the validity of the facts....just the facts, ma'am....the factual facts, as i have been known to say....
It is important to show have CDFA or USDA may have acted irresponsible. Example.
CDFA removed safety precautions from webs site, You live in zone 1 and was never sprayed or had to be re-sprayed because of plane problems. If you do not feel you were not notified in advance or was not notified at all so that you could make necessary arrangements to leave or protect yourself.

We are trying to show have the CDFA, USDA, or CDPR has acted irresponsibly and acted irresponsibly with intention.

If you have noticed that CDFA removed important information about health or spray zones from their website these points should be included. Please included dates and time to back up your position.

just the facts, ma'am....the factual facts, as i have been known to say....

I, YOUR NAME, am over the age of 18 years OR YOUR AGE, petitioner, am a resident of Santa Cruz OR Whatever, County in the State of California.

I….list your concerns with supporting data…….

I am fearful that irreparable and substantial harm, to the people and the environment, will be caused by aerial spraying of biocides, pesticides and / or other environmental contaminants.

While the press reports that aerial spraying, for the so-called eradication of the "Light Brown Apple Moth," is due to begin on or about November 3, or WHATEVER 2007, I have not been properly notified about the spraying schedule or any presumed precautions, e.g. a so-called mandatory curfew.

In addition……other FACTS KNOWN to you regarding the threat of these chemicals, or biocides, and the misrepresentation of FACTS by the authorities and intimidation by authorities witnessed by you

In addition, …..medical conditions, pregnancy, children, other specific concerns….
I certify that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

Print Name
Address (optional)
Phone (optional)

Executed on DATE in the County of Santa Cruz, California. Or wherever

NOTE: use at least 12 point font, preferably Times, Keep it short and succinct. Short sentences with statements of facts that you have personal knowledge of. Large Margins and Double spaced is best and 1-2 pages is good, more if needed.
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Fri, Nov 16, 2007 11:47AM
John Thielking
Fri, Nov 9, 2007 11:33AM
Thu, Nov 8, 2007 10:55PM
S. Kwan D'ohlas
Thu, Nov 8, 2007 10:44PM
John Thielking
Wed, Nov 7, 2007 7:54PM
Tue, Nov 6, 2007 10:00PM
Tue, Nov 6, 2007 8:44PM
CDFA's map
Tue, Nov 6, 2007 7:26PM
Tue, Nov 6, 2007 6:55PM
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