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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
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Indybay Feature

Bewail the Dead, Iraq Moratorium - How Berkeley Can U BE

Friday, November 16, 2007
2:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Event Type:
Critical Mass
zanne joi
Location Details:
Marine Recruiting Station
64 Shattuck Square Berkeley
on Shattuck Ave where Shattuck runs one-way north, just south of University Ave

We speak of monies and resources wasted, our rights curtailed and demolished, the impact of an occupation sometimes very far away from most U.S. folks - but the bottom line is the tragic, unconscionable waste of human lives: women, children, men like you and me unable to grow, to self-actualize, to decide what kind of lives they want to live.

We bewail the dead today. Bring shoes to label with the names of Iraqi and U.S. dead for a "Walk in their Shoes" display; bring Real Faces of War photos; drums.

Among other actions, we will read the names of the dead, write their names out to leave at the recruiting station as we create an installation to mourn and remember the dead.

This is part of our "How Berkeley Can U BE" month of actions to SHUT DOWN Marine recruiting in our town. Call 510-524-2776 for more information and to participate.
Added to the calendar on Mon, Nov 5, 2007 10:08AM
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$35.00 donated
in the past month

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