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IMPEACH! Cindy Sheehan and Cynthia McKinney in More Photos from Berkeley

by Robert B. Livingston (gruaudemais [at]
Here are more photos from Brad Newsham's 4th Beach Impeach Action. Brad was a taxicab driver who was tired of hearing people complain about the direction our country took since the Bush administration was installed in Washington, D.C.

He decided to do something personal-- and thousands of people have since joined him in his demand for change. Here are photos from today's action... including photos of Cindy Sheehan and Cynthia McKinney who came to join the protesters.
Berkeley, California
October 7, 2007

Close to noon, the field near the Berkeley marina which Brad Newsham had chosen for his 4th Beach Impeach began to fill with people. The excitement was palpable and contagious-- especially when Cindy Sheehan and Cynthia McKinney arrived.

Cindy Sheehan rose to prominence in 2005 when she protested outside of George W. Bush's vacation home in Crawford, Texas. At that time, she had simply wanted him to personally explain to her why her son Casey had to die on a foreign battlefield in Iraq. To the world's outrage, Bush never did.

Cindy's personal act of courage opened a debate that was consequentially lacking among the politicians in Washington and in the national mainstream media. Bush and all those who defended his lies and mimicked his false and pompous shows of patriotism were shamed. Bush has yet to attend a single American soldier's funeral.

Cindy Sheehan's life has since become an odyssey of self-discovery and responsible compassion for others. Because Nancy Pelosi, the powerful Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, has refused to promote impeachment against the wishes of her constituency in San Francisco, Cindy Sheehan is now running for her seat in Congress.

Cynthia McKinney is also determined to see that the wishes of the American People be heard. Treated ignominiously by the Democratic Party when she was a maverick congressional representative from Georgia, she has abandoned that party and is now seeking to by popular acclaim to run as a Green Party candidate for President. Like Cindy, her honest and humanitarian principles and convictions have never faltered.

Both face many hurdles ahead. The establishment media will likely demonize them (just as they puff up politicians who are subservient to corporate money). The Republican Party will paint them as "un-American"; the Democratic Party will call them "spoilers".

Unbeknownst to their detractors, however, the American People are beginning to understand how much they have been mislead in recent years. They have seen what the current corrupt administration and its spineless opposition has wrought-- and they are ready for a healthy change in direction.
§Some protesters
by Robert B. Livingston
§Cindy Sheehan answers question from the media
by Robert B. Livingston
For a FOX affiliate, KTVU Channel 2 often surprisingly asserts its independence. Brad Newsham's Beach creative Impeach project has brought international attention-- and more media interest.
§Cindy Sheehan and Cynthia McKinney
by Robert B. Livingston
She explains why Impeachment is necessary,
§Cindy Sheehan
by Robert B. Livingston

"Besides bringing our troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan, impeaching George Bush and Dick Cheney is the number one issue of our time!"
§Cindy Sheehan
by Robert B. Livingston

"Since Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic leadership refuse to hold the criminals in the White House accountable, we have to hold them accountable."
§Cindy Sheehan
by Robert B. Livingston

"When I go into Congress in the beginning of January of '09, they [Bush and Cheney] will be president and vice-president for two more weeks. And I will dedicate those two weeks to making them the most miserable two weeks that they----"

Cindy's voice was drowned out by unanimous cheers and applause.
§Cindy Sheehan
by Robert B. Livingston

"And now I am going to introduce a sister who has always spoken truth to power. It cost her, but she knew that she had to speak her heart and she had to speak truth no matter what the price was. And she is going to run for president! And you know what? It's going to be awesome! Because we will have somebody we can support with our whole hearts!"
§MP3 of Speeches
by Robert B. Livingston
Listen now:
Copy the code below to embed this audio into a web page:
Here is an mp3 recording of Cindy Sheehan, Cynthia McKinney, and Dr. Carol Wolman.

Duration: 6 minutes and 40 seconds.
Bitrate: 96 kbps
§Cynthia McKinney
by Robert B. Livingston

"As far as I'm concerned: Cindy Sheehan says it all!"
§Cynthia Mckinney "Wearing Green For A Reason"
by Robert B. Livingston

"...when the Democrats voted to fund the war, they voted their complicity in crimes against humanity..."
§Cindy sheehan and the crowd cheer for Cynthia McKinney
by Robert B. Livingston

"We not only owe it to ourselves, we owe it to the rest of the world to create-- to recreate-- the kind of movement that we had in the 1960s that actually turned a page and wrote history and changed our country for the better!"

More about Cynthia McKinney:
§Dr. Carol Wolman
by Robert B. Livingston
Dr. Carol Wolman of the Green Party describes her campaign running against Democrat Mike Thompson for California's 1st Congressional district. District 1 includes Humboldt, Del Norte, Mendocino and parts of Yolo and Napa Counties.


"Let's have a clean sweep of Congress!"

More about why we must impeach Bush:
§Michelle Shocked and Brad Newsham
by Robert B. Livingston
Michelle Shocked voices her support for impeaching Bush and Cheney. Michelle is a singer-songwriter and political activist. According to the Wikipedia, "Michelle's name dates back to the name she gave when arrested in 1984 at a protest called "The War Chest Tour" during the Democratic National Convention in San Francisco, California. The demonstration challenged the practice of U.S. corporations giving campaign contributions to both Democratic and Republican parties, benefitting from political favors regardless of which party is elected."

More on Michelle:
§Impeachment means Peace! (A friendly face in the crowd)
by Robert B. Livingston
A popular button often seen states: "Mom is from Venus, Dad is from Mars, and I'm from Berkeley!"

Despite its famous or infamous reputation as being a bastion of hippiedom, Berkeley has always been a notable trendsetter for the nation. Maybe our country could use a little more flower power again today!

More about Berkeley:
(Quentin Mecke is running for Mayor in San Francisco.)
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