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CNN lets neo-nazi air Jena6 death threats

The large civil rights rally in Jena, Louisiana called for equality in schools and law enforcement in addition to justice for 6 boys receiving outrageous charge for a school fistfight (some of whom hadn't been involved in the fight at all). This received very good coverage in the national media, with some cable news stations placing several reporters in the crowd of tens of thousands, and offering 10-20 minute blocks of airtime.
The next day, the focus of the story switched to the reaction or backlash of some people in the area. Particularly, a pair of teens was shown driving near the crowds with a noose hanging off their pickup truck. It was difficult to judge how widespread the sentiment was, or whether the stations were attracting to the most flashy and offensive.
Later on this day after the rally, CNN actually let on a prominent neo-nazi, Bill White, and allowed him to broadcast a specific threat or call for attack against the Jena 6. At his '' site (creepily titled libertarian-socialist), they will be posting the home addresses of families in Jena along with a suggestion for any white person to try to bump them off.
Several questions arise here. First, was it ethical for CNN to do this? On one hand, the coverage of the Jena 6 issue was tremendous on Thursday, because this case which clearly has come to be supported by the large majority of the american population was previously only receiving coverage on Democracy Now and regional magazines. The large rally represented something larger than the specific case at hand, but indicated people's strong sentiment that racial injustice in the judicial system and schools is still too widespread and we still need to solve it. Part of full coverage of this issue would be to show both extreme racists, and moderate, stealth racists who wouldn't admit their behavior yet let this sort of case slide by.
At the same time, airing this neo-nazi with his death threats actually could have the effect of encouraging either raging or closeted racists to act on their beliefs and go to hurt some people next week. Is this legal? In California, there are several trials going on at the end of September, over 'conspiracy' indictments against environmental activists, where no crime was ever committed, and it was actually fairly clear that nothing would have happened. The Coronado trial involved a conspiracy indictment occurred three years after a speech in which an audience member had asked how he had burned something with gasoline a decade earlier. An undercover police officer recorded the question. In the mcDavid trial, an undercover officer gave three young people liquor and they smoked marijuana, and then encouraged them to fantasize about carrying out a campaign of disruption. Even though this was a private conversation where they imagined stealing a jam truck and spilling the contents on the road, McDavid is facing 20 year charges for just talking about making a bomb. Yet neo-nazis can openly do the same thing and make web sites about it and appear on CNN?
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by one people's proj.
One factor which makes this more relevant and disturbing for anyone reading here is Bill White's history of proclaiming himself an anarchist. Apparently he was popular in high school, and for many years titled his evolving political positions 'anarchist' during high school and college. As he praised the Columbine kids and was arrested on weapons charges, it was clear that he is a total nut. The racist stuff came later including a focus on harrassing people at his apartment complex. At the same time, this guy was attending anarchist clubs and events
by charlotte (hottgirl36801 [at]
this is not right this not the 1950's everyone should have a fair trial the 3 white boy's should be in jail also if they are going by the book
by Maanami A. Owolafe (mamie351@comcast)
Personally, I do not believe racism has ever died. It's quieted itself for a moment. However, racism often seems to rear it's ugly head more so in situations like these. Both Klansman and Neo Nazis are still with us. Just in a suit and tie or, a dress. During the times we as a people don't see any outward acts of racism, we're a little relaxed. Our dignity and and fight for freedom has to be a continuous effort. Just because we are in a different place than we were 400 or more years ago, it does not make anything better. In the modern world, hatred is sometimes hard to detect. It's being umbrellaed right before our very eyes. I can honestly say, I have a lot of mixed feelings. Because of my fear for God, I try to love everyone; despite the hardship my ancestors suffered. At the same time, difficulty arises when treated unfairly because some schmuck has given him or herself an excuse to hate and hurt me for my color, then justifies it because of my color. It saddens my heart to see that the Jena 6 are under mic and scope for wanting equality. It is also unfortunate that CNN has allowed sheer hateful prejudice to mangle it's way through legitimate, what-could-be decent, civil journalism. This definitely needs to be acted upon by all legal means. Where exactly is the justice for the brutality the Jena 6 are receiving going? I wouldn't be surprised if I started receiving hateful emails because of my comment. Oh well, fear does not live here!
by Fair
Some people are taught by their parents how to love and treat people equally. It seems this value is being overlooked. I really do believe Americans waste to much time juding the views of others rather than asking how can we make this better. Let's stop wasting time and come together as a country. There are too many other countries watching us make asses out of ourselves over something that's just senseless. It really doesn't take a blind man or woman to see these young men are not being treated fairly. Yes, the fight was senseless but we must be fair in our juding. Think about it, this could be your child (girl/boy) living in another country and being treated this way. If it were you, you probably wouldn't care about the color (race) of the support your child was getting. As long as, their voices are being heard. Violence and racism is equal amongst all races. The media has a louder voice when it's a race other than white. When are Americans going to grow up???? Why do Americans feast off of violence??? We never lend a ear to hear about peace. We need unity now more than ever. The enemy is always watching us, so let's stay focused people.
by paul jones
this contact info from whois, website registry for
cell phone working number...
pass it on

Administrative Contact , Technical Contact :
White, William
dhyphen [at]
PO Box 8601
Roanoke, VA 24014
Phone: 540-798-1393
by Blueschica
Video is a photo with an audio background of Bill White on 9/24/2007. William White, also known as Bill runs a website full of racist material. He has posted the phone numbers and addresses of the young men and family known as the Jena 6 on his website for the world to see along with negative comments and racial slurs. He talks about murdering the person he is speaking to as well as the Jena 6 boys and their families. He speaks of people being cockroaches and spearing the lady for a sacrifice..
by Himmler
Honestly, who cares? Bill White is a patriot, plain and simple. The remaining Jena 6 who is in jail has a criminal past. Ever heard about that in the media? Of course not. They want to portray him as a victim.
by Himmler
Bill White doesn't care if people calls him. That's the funny part about you silly anti-racists who think you are doing something. His number is not hard to find. You guys think all he does is get hate mail and phone calls telling him he's a scumbag when actually he's very popular in his own town.

Tell me how a big bad racist is so popular in his area? Maybe he's right about what he talks about.
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