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Marin Tentants Voice Meet. Agenda(also in spanish)Pickleweed Center>Also Minutes + Survey

Saturday, September 15, 2007
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Event Type:
Olivia Beltran
Tel: (415) 451-4350 • Fax (415) 451-4357
Location Details:
The Pickleweed Park Community Center, Art Room #8
50 Canal Street, San Rafael, CA 94901

If you are interested in participating please RSVP by contacting
Olivia Beltran at (415) 451– 4350 Ext 306
or the Tenants Hotline (415) 847-5958
Grassroots Leadership Network is hosting this meeting on tenants issues for community members
who are renters and would like to participate in developing the structure and direction for
the Tenants Organizing project.
The “Tenants’ Voices” committee will be developed by tenants to establish the policies to promote
affordable housing for renters in Marin.
2915-A Kerner Blvd • San Rafael CA, 94901 • Tel: (415) 451-4350 • Fax (415) 451-4357
September 15th, 2007
9:30am - 12:30 pm
at the Pickleweed Park Community Center, Art Room #8
50 Canal Street, San Rafael, CA 94901
Wheel chair accessible,
Children & youth are welcome,
Childcare will be provided upon request.
Nutritious snacks will be available.
Grassroots Leadership Network of Marin is organizing
this project to promote leadership and provide a voice for
the underrepresented on housing policies.

Si esta interesado (a) en participar por favor llame a:
Olivia Beltrán al(415) 451– 4350 Ext 306 ó
La Línea Directa de Inquilinos (415) 847-5958
En esta reunión se hablará de temas de vivienda para los miembros comunitarios que están
rentando. Su participación es muy importante para desarrollar la estructura y dirección del
proyecto en la organización de inquilinos.
Los inquilinos desarrollaran el comité “la Voz de los Inquilinos” para que aboguen por leyes
que promuevan vivienda económica para los que rentan en Marin.
2915-A Kerner Blvd • San Rafael CA, 94901 • Tel: (415) 451-4350 • Fax (415) 451-4357
El sábado
15 de septiembre de 2007
9:30am - 12:30 pm
En el Pickleweed Park Community Center, Art Room #8
50 Canal Street, San Rafael CA 94901
Hay acceso para sillas de ruedas.
Los jóvenes y niños son bienvenidos.
Se provee cuidado de niños si lo pide por adelantado.
Habrá aperitivos nutritivos.
Grassroots Leadership Network of Marin está organizando
este proyecto para promover liderazgo y proveer una voz a
los que no son representados en las leyes de vivienda

Tenants’ Voice Survey
The *Tenants’ Voice Working Group is seeking feedback from the community to strengthen the process of tenants’ representation. What are your concerns as a tenant in Marin County?

Prioritize in order of concern to you (1 being the most important and 10 the least important.)

______ Health/Environmental Safety (pesticide/chemical exposure)

______ Safety

______ Affordability

______ Protection from eviction

______ Deposit re-imbursement

______ Documentation requirements to rent

______ Privacy violation

______ Pest Control

______ Landlord/tenant relationship

______ Enforcement of CA state rights and responsibilities law

______ Other: ______________________________________________________________________

Your input is important in guiding this grassroots effort. Let’s unite our tenants’ voice. Join us!

Name: ____________________________________________________________________________

Address: ___________________________________________________________________________

Phone #:___________________________________________________________________________

Cell Phone #:_______________________________________________________________________


* Who is the Tenants’ Voice Working Group? The Tenants’ Voice working group is comprised of community members and renters who developed a structure and direction for a Tenants’ Voice Council that will represent renters countywide to influence public policies that will benefit tenants.

The mission of the Tenants’ Voice Council: To support the organizing of renters to develop public policies that will affect tenants’ issues in Marin.

Tenants’ Voice Working Group Minutes
Saturday, August 4th, 2007
Present: Y. Barahona, E. Beltran, M. Diaz, L. Flay, K. Gladstone, E. Lopez, T. McCleary, P. Murray, P. Scoggings, D. Quinley, & Hal
Staff: O. Beltran, E. Erickson, and A. Hollander Interpreter: C. Boaknin

I. Overview committee
L. Flay was ready to give orientation to new members; no new members were present at the time.

The “Housing Forum” subcommittee met at 9am

II. Welcome & Introductions
A. New tenants were welcomed: Hal & Y. Barahona

III. Roles for the meeting were assigned as follows:

T. McCleary – Note taker

D. Quinley – Time keeper

Revision of July notes - corrections suggested:
Eliminate section VII by the “Community Education Coordinator” as it is listed twice.
Section VIII that are “attending” correct: “- who have been attending.”

IV. Structure discussion & vote
K. Gladstone read the Tenants’ Voice Council Structure
Include the Tenants’ Voice name throughout structure
Include the date that the Tenant’s Voice structure was last updated in the document
Include in the selection process the “one or more of the organizations listed below”
By unanimous vote tenants agreed to use the “Tenants’ Voice Working Group” in materials when applicable.
D. Quinley wanted to add the Green Party to the list of organizations - the group discussed and agreed not to add political parties to the list.
By unanimous vote the selection process was approved
By unanimous vote the tenants agreed to assign 6 seats to two year terms and 5 seats to one year terms.

V. Review the Tenants Resource Guide
Tenants liked the resource guide and felt that it had the right amount of information.
Unanimously tenants approved the resource guide to be printed for the month of August.
Y. Barahona suggested specifying which organizations have bilingual/multilingual staff in future resource guides

VI. Evaluation & Interview process
Tenants’ Voice Interview process and application were presented to the general group.
Participants suggested to make the context of the application uniform when relating to the “Tenants’ Voice Council”

VII. Preparation for the “Housing Forum”
The “Housing Forum” was presented to tenants
The “Housing Forum” will be at Whistlestop.
The date has been changed to Oct. 13th 2007 from 10am – 1pm.
Unanimously the general group approved of date change.
Education/Awareness/Influence public opinion to create policy change.
Speakers TBA
Next meeting was moved to September 15 due to labor day weekend and the GLN staff/board retreat – All approved

VII. Oral Evaluation/Feedback
It is very important to stick to issues
We cover substantial ground
The meeting was great. Focus on direction so order is not lost
Everything said was fine
Keep order & focus – don’t talk two or three people at once
Have time to bring issues/feedback from tenants
Regional – bring a map & show cities for outreach for everyone to pitch in
We accomplish breaking down where we are heading

VIII. Other
An evening meeting will be hosted to enrich tenants’ participation location TBA
Patsy will be interested in joining an evening meeting

Subcommittee for the “Housing Forum” event
L. Flay, T. McCleary, P. Murray, P. Scoggins,

The event will be postponed to October 13th, 2007


San Francisco has more laws than Marin County – protection
Include the organizations in the survey

Launching of the survey
Educational to the group and the community
Why the towns didn’t fullfil the laws of affordable housing?
How dangerous is to have employees living in other counties
Form a lawyer group to support the group
What are the laws today and what are the gaps (i.e. enforcement)
What different options we have in the community to have access to housing
Launching of the resource forum

Betty Paget,
Steve Burdo
Roy Ernus (Legal Aid)
Nancy Kenyon (Fair Housing)
HUD – Section 8 – Housing Authority
Invite elected officials
Invite other Tenants groups in the Bay Area to share how they work


Added to the calendar on Wed, Sep 12, 2007 9:02AM
We are 100% volunteer and depend on your participation to sustain our efforts!


$205.00 donated
in the past month

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