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All Out for Emergency Protest! Mumia Abu-Jamal Is an Innocent Man!

by Partisan Defense Committee (pdcbayarea [at]
On May 17, the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals heard oral arguments in Mumia’s case and there could be a decision at any time.
If the Court rules to uphold the death sentence or denies Mumia’s appeals for a new trial or new hearing, the Partisan Defense Committee and Labor Black League for Social Defense call to protest:
BE THERE! THE DAY AFTER A DECISION, or on Monday if the decision falls on Fri.-Sun.
14th & Broadway, Oakland 4:30-6:30 p.m.
For more information contact: 510-839-0852

Mumia Abu-Jamal is a former Black Panther Party spokesman, supporter of the MOVE organization and award-winning journalist known as the “voice of the voiceless.” He was framed up in 1982 on false charges of killing a Philadelphia police officer. Sentenced to death based on his political history and beliefs, Mumia has spent 25 years on death row for a crime he did not commit. Free Mumia Now! Abolish the Racist Death Penalty!
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September 22, 2007

Please circulate widely

We join the celebration of the people’s victory in Texas supported by an international movement to save Kenneth Foster/Haramia KiNassor’s life. May the movement continue until it frees Haramia altogether and abolishes the death penalty and the prison industrial complex. And congratulations to the tens of thousands of especially young Black people, who poured into the streets of Jena and around the country to stand up against injustice and racism, and the criminalization, brutalization, and railroading of young men of color into prison.

On the heels of these important challenges to the racist death machine in Texas, and to the intense racism and injustice we see across this country, perpetrated and supported by all aspects of the government, we await the Third Circuit Court of Appeals decision on Mumia. As the decision could come down any day, we are making a tentative plan for the “DAY AFTER” should the decision be a negative one. In other words, if Mumia’s death sentence is either affirmed or life in prison is imposed, we immediately take to the streets. Mumia should be released, based on his innocence and his so-called “trial”. But we demand, at the very least, that he be granted a new and fair trial.

In an inter-city consultation, we have decided on three steps in our response:

1. An immediate press conference in Philadelphia upon announcement of the decision (that day, if possible, or at the latest the following morning),


3. NATIONAL DEMONSTRATION on the third Saturday after the decision, in Philadelphia.

Some of the planned local activities for the “day after” are: in Philadelphia there will be a march from 13th and Locust, the scene of the original confrontation on December 9, 1981, to the Federal Building. It will be the following evening if that turns out to be a week day, or the following Saturday at noon. In New York City, the Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition and the Harlem Campaign to Name a Street in Honor of Mumia Abu-Jamal are calling for people to gather at the Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. State Office Building on 125th Street from 5 to 8 PM, if it is on a weekday, and from 1 to 4 PM if it is a Saturday. We will let the community know what happened, mobilize for greater support for the street naming campaign, and organize people to join us in Philadelphia for the national demonstration scheduled for three weeks later. The Partisan Defense Committee has called for a “day after”demonstration at the Federal Building in Lower Manhattan at 5 PM if on a weekday and from 1 to 4 PM if on a Saturday. In San Francisco, the Mobilization to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal has called for a demonstration on the “day after” at 5 PM at the Federal Court House, 7th and Mission Street (NOT the Federal Building.). Call your local committee to find out what is being planned, or organize an activity. But everyone’s voice of protest should be heard in some way if the decision is a bad one. We must free our Brother now!

As soon as we know what other local committees are planning for the “day after”, we will send that information out. Please call the Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition Hotline in NYC (212) 330-8029 to leave a message as to your plan for a local response with both your phone number and your e-mail address. You can also call Pam Africa at (215) 476-8812 or Suzanne Ross (917) 584-2135 if you want to speak with someone in person.

Free Mumia and All Political Prisoners! Abolish the Death Penalty and the Prison Industrial Complex! Stop Police and Government Terrorism!

(list in formation)
Pam Africa, International Concerned Family & Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal (ICFFMAJ)
The MOVE Organization
Amiri and Amina Baraka, Poets/Activists
Albany Political Prisoners Support Committee
Ashanti Alston, National Jericho Movement
Elombe Brath, Patrice Lumumba Coalition/ Harlem Campaign to Name a
Street in Honor of Mumia Abu-Jamal
Comite de Soutien a Mumia Abu-Jamal de Marseille (France)
Comite Mumia de Saint-Denis (France)
Dhoruba Bin Wahad, National Jericho Movement
Tameka Cage, Educators for Mumia Abu-Jamal
Martha Conley, Pittsburgh Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Committee
Colia Clark, Grandmother, Mothers, Daughters, Sisters and Granddaughters
on the Move to Free Mumia and More; Richard Wright Centennial,
International Liason Committee; Socialist Party, Pennsylvania;
Solidarity Committee, Capital District New York
Gwen Debrow, Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition (NYC)
Johanna Fernandez, Educators for Mumia Abu-Jamal
Frances Goldin, Mumia’s literary agent
Lawrence Hamm, People’s Organization for Progress (New Jersey)
Chairman Fred Hampton, Prisoners of Conscience Committee (P.O.C.C.)
Noelle Hanrahan, Prison Radio
Leslie Jones, International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu
Jamal, (Ithaca, NY)
Phoebe Jones, Global Women’s Strike/ Philadelphia, on behalf of
international network
JR, Prisoners of Conscience Committee/POCC, Block Report Radio
Jeff Mackler, Mobilization to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal (California)
Esperanza Martell, Harlem Campaign to Name a Street in Honor of Mumia
Abu-Jamal/Iglesia San Romero de las Americas
Monica Moorehead, Millions for Mumia of International Action Center
Suzanne Ross, Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition (NYC)
Sundiata Sadiq, Ossining NAACP In Exile, Free Mumia Abu-Jamal
Coalition (NYC)
Comite Mumia de Saint-Denis, France
Johnnie Stevens, Ad Hoc Committee to stop police terror
Taina Asili, Activist/Poet
Mark Taylor, Educators for Mumia Abu-Jamal
Kazi Toure, The National Jericho Movement
Harold C. Wilson, 122nd Exonerated Death Row Prisoner (Philadelphia)
Kema C. Washington, Father Paul Washington Committee (Philadelphia)
Julia Wright, International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-
Jamal (Paris, France)

Herman and Iyaluua Ferguson

Immortal Technique
by Educators for Mumia
View the PDF version of this press release, featuring the “7 KEY POINTS ON THE POLAKOFF PHOTOS,” which gives in capsule form the significance of the Polakoff photos:

View the Photos:

12 Years Educating and Organizing for Abu-Jamal and Justice

Contact: Professor Mark Taylor, Princeton Theological Seminary*, 64 Mercer Street, Princeton, NJ 08542. Phone: 609 672-8199. *Institution for identification purposes only.

Jurors Never Saw Earliest Photos at Abu-Jamal’s 1982 Trial

OFFICER FAULKNER’S SCENE OF DEATH _________________________________________________

More Evidence that Mumia Abu-Jamal was Denied a Fair Trial

Princeton, NJ. September 16, 2007. Analysts and leaders in human rights investigations for years have charged that Pennsylvania death row prisoner, Mumia Abu-Jamal, did not receive a fair trial when convicted in 1982 of the shooting death of Officer Daniel Faulkner. Amnesty International, for example, continues to call for a new trial, a “fair retrial” of Abu-Jamal.

Now in 2007, German linguist, Michael Schiffmann (University of Heidelberg), has disclosed his discovery of 26 photographs, taken by press photographer Pedro Polakoff, which suggest more evidence that basic investigative protocol was violated by police from the earliest moments of the killing. (As a guide to this Press Release, use the one-page summary at the end of the release, “7 KEY POINTS ON THE POLAKOFF PHOTOS,” which gives in capsule form the significance of the Polakoff photos.)

The very existence of these photos, and what they show, together with the many other indicators of prosecutorial abuse, manipulation of witnesses and violation of Abu-Jamal’s constitutional rights, give still firmer ground that Abu-Jamal did not receive a fair trial.

Officer Faulkner was slain near the corner of Locust and 13th Streets in the early morning hours of December 9, 1981. At a trial the following summer of 1982, Mumia Abu-Jamal was convicted of the crime and continues to be on death row in Pennsylvania.

Now, the photos show a crime scene in 1981 that was almost completely unsecured by police, with officers holding crime weapons in their bare hands though they denied doing so at trial, and, with someone evidently having changed the position of Officer Faulkner’s hat at the scene for later dramatic effect at trial.
Before commenting on these revelations more, recall the basics of the case. Abu-Jamal, previously Wesley Cook, a noted journalist and political activist in Philadelphia, was found on the sidewalk along with his brother, Billy Cook, when police arrived on the scene to find the dying Faulkner. Abu-Jamal had also been shot, was beaten by arriving police, and was arraigned in the hospital during recovery from his own critical injuries.

To get the conviction at the 1982 trial, prosecutors argued that Abu-Jamal emerged from a cab he had been driving in the area, and ran through a parking lot across the street to confront Faulkner who had pulled over a Volkswagen driven by Mumia’s brother, Billy Cook. Prosecutors claim that as he approached, Mumia shot Faulkner in the back, and then straddled Faulkner, in spite of having taken a shot in the chest, discharging his revolver at the fallen officer and killing him with a bullet between the eyes.

Abu-Jamal’s case is one of the most contested in the history of the United States. Prosecutors, and the Fraternal Order of Police in support of them, have always claimed to possess a water-tight case of eye-witnesses and conclusive evidence.

Nevertheless, Abu-Jamal’s conviction and death sentence have prompted jurists and human rights organizations worldwide to denounce the trial and death sentence as a travesty of justice. They cite bias in the original judge, a racially-skewed process of jury selection, numerous other denials of due process, and prosecution and police intimidation of witnesses. Amnesty International advised, for example, that “justice would best be served by granting a new trial.”

Abu-Jamal’s defense team identified 29 claims of constitutional violation of Abu-Jamal’s constitutional rights, three of which have recently (May 17, 2007) been argued before the justices of the U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals that now is in deliberation on those claims.

Schiffmann’s discovery of the 26 photos is announced in his thorough analysis of the case in his 2006 book, Race Against Death: The Struggle for the Life and Freedom of Mumia Abu-Jamal (published already in Germany, and awaiting publication in English). The book is an excellent introduction to the case’s complexities. The most startling feature of his study, though, may be the 26 photos he discovered through internet research, taken by experienced press photo-reporter, Pedro P. Polakoff.

These photos still have not been acknowledged or discussed at length by the U.S. media in spite of the long-running public controversy this case has engendered. Seven points, summarized in chart form at end of this press release, dramatize the importance of the Polakoff photos:

Point 1 - The Earliest Photos of the Crime Scene. Press photo-reporter Polakoff arrived at the crime scene just 12 minutes after Faulkner’s killing was reported to police, and he produced at least 26 photos of the scene over a 30-45 minute period, completing them before the Philadelphia Police Department’s Mobile Crime Unit began taking its own pictures.

Point 2 - Officials Ignore Polakoff’s Evidence. Polakoff offered his photos to the D.A.’s office, not once, but twice (before the original 1982 trial and during Mumia’s 1995 PCRA hearings), but at neither opportunity did the prosecutors show any interest or respond to Polakoff’s attempts to contact them. No jury, judge or other legal group has formally reflected on these photos.

Point 3 - An Unsecured Crime Scene. Reflecting on the crime scene in conversation with Schiffmann, Polakoff described it as the “most messed up crime scene I have ever seen,” and, contrary to almost all police protocol and manual instructions, he recalls being permitted to move freely almost everywhere at the scene.

Point 4 - Police Ploys at the Crime Scene. Polakoff’s photos show what appear to be manipulation of evidence and corruption of the crime scene:

(a) A key example of the manipulation of evidence is the movement of slain Officer Faulkner’s hat. The police photos taken later, and then presented to the jury in 1982, show the hat lying on the sidewalk where Faulkner was shot. But one of the earlier of Polakoff’s photos shows the hat resting on the top of his brother’s, Billy Cook’s, Volkswagen.

(b) Exemplary of the corruption of the crime scene are signs of police officers touching the revolvers of Faulkner and Abu-Jamal. At trial, Officer James Forbes denied touching the guns’ metal parts during the full one-and-one-half hour he held them. But not only one, but several of Polakoff’s photos show Forbes holding the guns and touching their metal parts while he stood at the crime scene.

Point 5 - Prosecution’s Cab-Driver Witness: Where Was He? One of the prosecution’s key witnesses, cab driver Robert Chobert, claimed that as the shooting started he was sitting in his cab right behind Faulkner’s police car. But two of Polakoff’s photos show the space behind Faulkner’s squad car at the crime scene, and Chobert’s cab is not parked there.

Point 6 - Did the Killer Really Shoot Downwards at Faulkner on the Pavement? Prosecutors argued that Abu-Jamal, after first shooting him in the back, killed Faulkner by standing over him, unloading several shots from his .38 revolver while Faulkner lay face-up and wounded on the sidewalk, one bullet hitting the policeman “right between the eyes, literally blowing his brains out.” But six of the Polakoff photos show only a clean blood-stain trickling toward the street gutter, not the sidewalk splatter that a .38 revolver would have produced. Even more importantly, the photos also show no traces in the side-walk of the large pieces of cement that the other shots from the .38 revolver would surely have broken out from the pavement.

Point 7 - Police Officers’ Early “Passenger” Theory. Polakoff reported to Schiffmann that officers at the crime scene expressed the conviction that the shooter had been in the passenger seat of Billy Cook’s Volkswagen and had shot Faulkner from that position.

Point 7 warrants special commentary. This early theory of the police was abandoned by the prosecution at trial in favor or an argument that the shooter – according to them, Abu-Jamal – shot Faulkner not from Billy Cook’s Volkswagen, but after running from his own cab parked across the street and toward the crime scene. (Abu-Jamal’s defense did not dispute that Mumia came through a parking lot across the street and had been shot by Faulkner, though of course defense denied claims that Mumia was the shooter.)

Nevertheless, the police officers’ reference to the shooter being in the passenger seat of Cook’s car (based on reports by three unnamed witnesses on the street) is another indication that there was a passenger riding with the driver, Billy Cook. This also gives further support to the much talked-about “third man,” who may have been the shooter and fled the scene.

Schiffmann and others have discussed the various indicators that such a third man was present. These include:

(a) testimony from defense witnesses Dessie Hightower and Veronica Jones (and reports by others) claiming that they saw one or more other persons running from the crime scene after the shooting;

(b) testimony at a 1995 Post-Conviction Relief hearing that a driver’s “license” document found in Officer Faulkner’s shirt pocket after the crime, had been lent to one, Kenneth Freeman, Billy Cook’s business partner and friend who often rode with him in his car. (Freeman, an African-American with dreadlocks, could easily have been confused by police with Mumia when he was emerging from the passenger seat of the VW.)

(c) testimony by one of the prosecution’s own star witnesses, Cynthia White, that two distinct figures, both a driver and a passenger, emerged from Billy Cook’s Volkswagen when it was stopped by Faulkner. This testimony is in the transcript of the earlier March 1982 trial of Billy Cook.

This passenger, this third man, Kenneth Freeman, according to a deposition by journalist Linn Washington, Jr., frequently reported his experiences of police brutality to the Philadelphia Tribune where Washington worked. Washington knew Freeman as a person who had been victimized by police abuse. The person eyewitnesses saw leaving the scene is consistent with the physical description of Freeman. (For more context on Washington’s observations, see his sworn Declaration.)

Billy Cook and Mumia Abu-Jamal did not testify about Freeman, which could have meant pinning criminal blame on a friend of the family.

Kenneth Freeman died on May13/14, 1985, the night of the fire-bombing of the MOVE house, “handcuffed and shot up with drugs and dumped upon a Grink’s lot on Roosevelt Blvd, buck naked” (from testimony at a 1995 PCRA hearing).

No jury heard testimony about Kenneth Freeman, this third man at the crime scene.

(written by Mark L. Taylor, for EMAJ)

View the PDF version of this press release, featuring the “7 KEY POINTS ON THE POLAKOFF PHOTOS,” which gives in capsule form the significance of the Polakoff photos:

View The Photos:

by Free Mumia
- 10/20 - Organizing Meeting - SF, CA (new address below)
- 10/27 - March - SF, CA
- Date TBA - Stand with MUMIA the day after the U.S. Court of Appeals announcement in PA, NY, SF (in addition, rally in Philadelphia on the 3rd following Saturday)

Dear Mumia Abu-Jamal Supporters,

Please join with the Mobilization to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal at the following important events:

*Saturday, October 20th at 10:30am, Mobilization meeting at 625 Larkin Street, #202, at Eddy Street, above Lee's Sandwich deli (a few blocks north of Civic Center Bart).

*Saturday, October 27th at 11:00am, join with Mumia supporters at the massive anti-war demonstration, assembling at the Civic Center in San Francisco, with a march to Dolores Park at 18th and Dolores Streets. Join our contingent, carry Mumia signs and hand out fact sheets about Mumia's case. Look for the Mumia banners at the corner of Polk (aka Dr. Carleton Goodlett Place) and Grove Streets, just south of City Hall.

*ALERT: STAND WITH MUMIA THE DAY AFTER THE U.S. COURT OF APPEALS ANNOUNCES ITS DECISION -- GATHER AT THE U.S. FEDERAL COURTHOUSE, 7th and Mission Street, San Francisco, at 5:00pm the day AFTER the U.S. Court issues its decision. PA and NY info below.

The decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals is expected at any moment -- the court will rule on Mumia's petitions for a new trial and possible Freedom or grant the Government's demands for Execution! Whichever way the Court rules, join Mumia supporters at 5:00pm The Day After the Decision is Announced at 7th and Mission Streets, in San Francisco (Civic Center Bart). IF the Court announces its decision on a FRIDAY, the Demonstration will take place on the following MONDAY. PA and NY info below.


In solidarity,

Laura Herrera and Jeff Mackler, Co-coordinators
The Mobilization to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal


*Date TBA - Stand with MUMIA the day after the U.S. Court of Appeals announcement - PA, NY - for SF location, see above (in addition, rally in Philadelphia on the 3rd following Saturday)

PO Box 19709, Philadelphia 19143

September 22, 2007

Please circulate widely

We join the celebration of the people's victory in Texas supported by an international movement to save Kenneth Foster/Haramia KiNassor's life. May the movement continue until it frees Haramia altogether and abolishes the death penalty and the prison industrial complex. And congratulations to the tens of thousands of especially young Black people, who poured into the streets of Jena and around the country to stand up against injustice and racism, and the criminalization, brutalization, and railroading of young men of color into prison.

On the heels of these important challenges to the racist death machine in Texas, and to the intense racism and injustice we see across this country, perpetrated and supported by all aspects of the government, we await the Third Circuit Court of Appeals decision on Mumia. As the decision could come down any day, we are making a tentative plan for the "DAY AFTER" should the decision be a negative one. In other words, if Mumia's death sentence is either affirmed or life in prison is imposed, we immediately take to the streets. Mumia should be released, based on his innocence and his so-called "trial". But we demand, at the very least, that he be granted a new and fair trial.

In an inter-city consultation, we have decided on three steps in our response:

1. An immediate press conference in Philadelphia upon announcement of the decision (that day, if possible, or at the latest the following morning),


3. NATIONAL DEMONSTRATION on the third Saturday after the decision, in Philadelphia.

Some of the planned local activities for the "day after" are: in Philadelphia there will be a march from 13th and Locust, the scene of the original confrontation on December 9, 1981, to the Federal Building. It will be the following evening if that turns out to be a week day, or the following Saturday at noon. In New York City, the Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition and the Harlem Campaign to Name a Street in Honor of Mumia Abu-Jamal are calling for people to gather at the Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. State Office Building on 125th Street from 5 to 8 PM, if it is on a weekday, and from 1 to 4 PM if it is a Saturday. We will let the community know what happened, mobilize for greater support for the street naming campaign, and organize people to join us in Philadelphia for the national demonstration scheduled for three weeks later. The Partisan Defense Committee has called for a "day after"demonstration at the Federal Building in Lower Manhattan at 5 PM if on a weekday and from 1 to 4 PM if on a Saturday. In San Francisco, the Mobilization to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal has called for a demonstration on the "day after" at 5 PM at the Federal Court House, 7th and Mission Street (NOT the Federal Building.). Call your local committee to find out what is being planned, or organize an activity. But everyone's voice of protest should be heard in some way if the decision is a bad one. We must free our Brother now!

As soon as we know what other local committees are planning for the "day after", we will send that information out. Please call the Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition Hotline in NYC (212) 330-8029 to leave a message as to your plan for a local response with both your phone number and your e-mail address. You can also call Pam Africa at (215) 476-8812 or Suzanne Ross (917) 584-2135 if you want to speak with someone in person.

Free Mumia and All Political Prisoners! Abolish the Death Penalty and the Prison Industrial Complex! Stop Police and Government Terrorism!

(list still in formation)
Pam Africa, International Concerned Family & Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal (ICFFMAJ)
The MOVE Organization
Amiri and Amina Baraka, Poets/Activists
Albany Political Prisoners Support Committee
Ashanti Alston, National Jericho Movement
Elombe Brath, Patrice Lumumba Coalition/ Harlem Campaign to Name a
Street in Honor of Mumia Abu-Jamal
Comite de Soutien a Mumia Abu-Jamal de Marseille (France)
Comite Mumia de Saint-Denis (France)
Dhoruba Bin Wahad, National Jericho Movement
Tameka Cage, Educators for Mumia Abu-Jamal
Martha Conley, Pittsburgh Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Committee
Colia Clark, Grandmother, Mothers, Daughters, Sisters and Granddaughters
on the Move to Free Mumia and More; Richard Wright Centennial,
International Liason Committee; Socialist Party, Pennsylvania;
Solidarity Committee, Capital District New York
Gwen Debrow, Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition (NYC)
Johanna Fernandez, Educators for Mumia Abu-Jamal
Frances Goldin, Mumia's literary agent
Lawrence Hamm, People's Organization for Progress (New Jersey)
Chairman Fred Hampton, Prisoners of Conscience Committee (P.O.C.C.)
Noelle Hanrahan, Prison Radio
Leslie Jones, International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu
Jamal, (Ithaca, NY)
Phoebe Jones, Global Women's Strike/ Philadelphia, on behalf of
international network
JR, Prisoners of Conscience Committee/POCC, Block Report Radio
Jeff Mackler, Mobilization to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal (California)
Esperanza Martell, Harlem Campaign to Name a Street in Honor of Mumia
Abu-Jamal/Iglesia San Romero de las Americas
Monica Moorehead, Millions for Mumia of International Action Center
Suzanne Ross, Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition (NYC)
Sundiata Sadiq, Ossining NAACP In Exile, Free Mumia Abu-Jamal
Coalition (NYC)
Comite Mumia de Saint-Denis, France
Johnnie Stevens, Ad Hoc Committee to stop police terror
Taina Asili, Activist/Poet
Mark Taylor, Educators for Mumia Abu-Jamal
Kazi Toure, The National Jericho Movement
Harold C. Wilson, 122nd Exonerated Death Row Prisoner (Philadelphia)
Kema C. Washington, Father Paul Washington Committee (Philadelphia)
Julia Wright, International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-
Jamal (Paris, France)

Mumia Legal Defense Fund Benefit - Oakland, CA 10/13/07

Dear Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal,

Here's an important notification we received from Nona Farrar, the organizer of a national concert tour of Gospel Music and civil rights politics. The Saturday, October 13 Oakland, California tour stop includes, in addition to a day of top notch Gospel Music, Mumia's lead attorney, Robert R. Bryan, who will be receiving a special award during the evening ceremonies. (See details, schedule below).

Also receiving awards will be Geronimo ji jaga (Pratt) attorney Stewart Hanlon and Oakland civil rights attorney, John Burris.

The event is scheduled for this Saturday, 11:00 am to 8:00 pm, October 13 at the Oakland Museum. Robert Bryan will also be receiving a contribution to Mumia's legal defense. We urge all Mobe friends and supporters to attend.

The Mobilization to Free Mumia will have a literature table. Mobe members, 2-4, who staff the table will be given free admission. Otherwise, the all-day event is: $27 for advance tickets, $37 at the door.

Please contact Laura Herrera (415-364-9715) if you would like to help staff the Mobe table. Otherwise, you can call the numbers below for advance reservations.

In solidarity,

Laura Herrera and Jeff Mackler, Co-Coordinators
The Mobilization to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal


Letter from Nona Farrar:

The Mumia Abu Jamal Legal Defense Fund
is a Benefiting Partner of The Civil Rights Concert

My target market for our tour is the African American Faith Based Community ( the Churches ) because they've been absent as a whole on the issue of wrongful convictions.

I'm hoping you can help to get the grassroots troops out to support this historic event.

The Rights Concert Series and Courage Awards National Tour is in over 10 different cities.

Visit us at:

The purpose of The Civil Rights Concert Series and
Courage Awards National Tour is to:

1. Honor various Civil Rights Icons

2. Raise awareness around the issue of wrongful convictions (Exonerations/Innocence proven by DNA testing or some other form of investigation

3. Honor Lawyers, Investigators and Journalists whose work was responsible for or contributed to the freeing or the wrongfully convicted

When: Saturday, 10/13/07
Where: Oakland Museum - Great Courts outdoor venue
Time: 11:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Venue Holds - 2,000

Benefiting Partner - The Mumia Abu Jamal Legal Defense Fund

Advance General Admission: $27.00 per person
Admission at Door: $37.00
Purchase Tickets:
Food Plates: $15.00

Courage Award Recipients: Attorneys John Burris, Stuart Hanlon and Robert R. Bryan

It will be a day of food and gospel performances!


Visit Us: (click all tabs)

Thanks much,
Nona Farrar (312)375-3651 ( click all tabs )

The Power of Truth is Final -- Free Mumia!

International Concerned Family & Friends of MAJ
P.O. Box 19709
Philadelphia, PA 19143
Phone - 215-476-8812/ Fax - 215-476-6180
E-mail - icffmaj [at]
Web -

Send our brotha some LOVE and LIGHT at:
Mumia Abu-Jamal
AM 8335
175 Progress Drive
Waynesburg, PA 15370


Subscribe: mumiacolumns-subscribe [at]
Subscribe ICFFMAJ email updates list by e-mailing
icffmaj [at]!

[Check out Mumia's latest: *WE WANT FREEDOM:
A Life in the Black Panther Party*, from South
End Press (; Ph.
by not!
I am a person who reads and works nearly full-time. I only have time to read about a total of 5 pages a day (2 in 2 different books, and 1 in a magazine). What about people who aren't accustomed to reading that much? How would they ever make it through your lengthy fact "sheet"?
To read about the Fact Sheet (summary) click here:

To go directly to the Fact sheet click here:

To see the 2006 pamphlet "The Fight to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal—Mumia Is Innocent" with declarations and affidavits, including Arnold Beverly's confession that he, not Mumia, shot Officer Faulkner click on:
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