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Lennar BVHP LLC and the spiraling homes sales bites Lennar Corporation in the butt

by Francisco Da Costa
Lennar Corporation has sent a message about distrust in the Real Estate business here in San Francisco and Nation wide. This message combined with the spiraling homes sales have forced many to think hard when it comes to buying any real estate. It is for this reason - I subjectively favor smaller developers - that give quality attention to customers and a follow up that is homely and condusive to long lasting relationships. With Lennar Corporation all you hear is horror stories.
The City and Count of San Francisco made a pact with the devil and that devil was Lennar Corporation. Closer at home know at Lennar BVHP LLC.

In the pipeline thousands of homes would be built on land that would be given practically free to Lennar Corporation. Lennar Corporation made sure it set in place the proxy Limited Liability Corporation - such as Lennar BVHP LLC the one that has made a mess of Hunters Point.

Lennar BVHP LLC was all set to build thousands of home and sell them at Market Price and jump ship. But wait a minute!

If one for example reads the original Disposition and Development Agreement and looked at the Community Benefits and Housing needs - there was clear language about rental units.

Lennar BVHP LLC went back on its word - and amended the Disposition and Development (DDA) to remove that language and stated that the price of building material was going rapidly up - could ill afford to build rental unites - and so amended the DDA.

Poor folks hoping against hope for rental units - were told to take a hike. Get that Sophie Maxwell, Aurelious Walker, Boyd, Bishop Green, Calvin Jones and you others from the Tabernacle Group.

Amending the DDA because of the building material rise in prices as a sole reason is deception.

This is a LIE. This is a BIG lie. This LIE is one that mocks decency and trust.

Lennar BVHP LLC through the City and County of San Francisco and the SF Redevelopment Agency got the land for one measly dollar. Yes, one measly dollar.

Lennar BVHP LLC could have kept its word - and built some rental units. But, from the inception in my observation - I knew and know that Lennar BVHP LLC was selling " snake oil ".

Today, Lennar BVHP LLC has polluted Parcel A by its misdeeds. Ultramaphic Serpentine Rock - a rare dense rock found only in certain parts of San Francisco. There are three sites, the Hunters Point area, Potrero Hill, and a very small vein at the Presidio of San Francisco - where this dense, toxic rock is found.

When the Utramaphic Serpentine Rock is crushed is creates Asbestos Structures and these Asbestos structures can kill anyone down the years. If you witness anyone dying from Asbestosis - God forbid - this diseases or cancer is one you would not wish on your worst enemy.

Parcel A is very polluted - now, first by the misdeeds of Lennar BVHP LLC. Pay close attention to what I am saying - you, Board of Directors of the Lennar Corporation. I know some of you have the sense to comprehend what I am stating - and can at this late date - bring about some resolution.

Life is about resolution and solutions not creating problems and having people swim in a cesspool.

So, now we have Parcel A that is polluted. Add to this that the whole Shipyard that is Parcel B, C, D, E, and F is polluted.

We have to deal with Cumulative Pollution of the worst order - because the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard was a Superfund Site. The worst types of radiological experiments took place and were documented and are now available for review.

I have reviewed some of the documents when I worked for Sixth United States Army and Presidio of San Francisco. And I reviewed some as recently as two months ago under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

I know Mayor Gavin Newsom, his Base Closure Czar Michael Cohen, his side kick Jesse Blout, his newly appointed ignorant SF Redevelopment Director Fred Blackwell, others that think they know about Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - but I know they have not seen the documents I have seen.

The United States Navy will NOT go out of its way to reveal the truth. Why should they. For example if they really state the contents of Parcel E2 - it will come as a great shock to all concerned - especially Mayor Gavin Newsom and Congressperson Nancy Pelosi.

It is for this reason that we should not think ever, of building a stadium on Parcel E. You just cannot cap the radiological contents and other very dangerous toxic material that has already polluted the watershed and millions of tons of earth. Most of it landfill.

Parcel A is a mess. The other parcels God Willing should be abated and mitigated. The hazardous material removed in toto and taken to a remote site for remediation. Most sane people are agreed on this solution - not so Mayor Gavin Newsom, Jesse Blout, and of course Lennar BVHP LLC with all the evil plans it has in the pipeline.

The Bayview Hunters Point community is now being informed about the details and what really is going on at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.

It is not easy for the community to believe Lennar BVHP LLC and more to understand the technicalities that arise from any dialog related to the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.

The layperson assumes the Government will come to her and his aid - W R O N G.

The people educated, united, will not be defeated.

Thanks to the Nation of Islam, Minister Christopher Muhammad, Bishop Ernest Jackson, Archbishop Franzo King, Jim Queen, Espanola Jackson, Lynne Brown, Curtis Oaks, Daniel Landery, Willie Ratcliff, Joe Cassidy, Alicia Schwartz, Chris Carpenter, Brothers Miles, Marks, Leon Muhammad, Pastor Soleberg, Pastor Joe of the Samoan Church, and many others - our community is getting to a place where we can tackle the forces of corruption.

Lennar BVHP LLC and the other corrupt forces have to deal with the present spiraling of home sales - no one is their rabid ass mind wants to buy homes built on a toxic site.

Call: 1.866.475.6907

Francisco Da Costa
Environmental Justice Advocacy
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