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RIP Chauncey Bailey -- Fierce Advocate for the Black Community

by NAM (reposted)
Originally From New America Media

Thursday, August 2, 2007 : The New America Media family would like to extend our personal condolences to the family of Chauncey Bailey -- a consummate professional , friend, mentor and Black Media pioneer. Mr. Bailey was gunned down this morning in Oakland, California.
The New America Media family would like to extend our personal condolences to the family of Chauncey Bailey -- a consummate professional , friend, mentor and Black Media pioneer. Mr. Bailey was gunned down this morning in Oakland, California. He will be remembered as a fierce advocate for the African-American press and community, a loving father, a visionary media businessman and a friend of New America Media/Pacific News Service for over twenty years.

New America Media Executive Director Sandy Close said of Bailey, "Chauncey was a co-founder of New America Media and one of the best investigative journalists working bar none. He was brave in the face of whatever challenges he had to confront, especially any institution, public or private, that was not living up to the communities expectations and standards. He loved focusing on the local and global, he was adept at connecting the Bay Area Black community to the international African diaspora. He once said. "All of the ethnic media are like fingers on a hand. Only together will we be strong like a fist.' Chauncey Bailey was distinguished by his work in the Oakland Tribune, Oakland post, San Francisco Sun Reporter, San Franciscvo Bayview, Soul Beat TV and Our TV among others. He will be sorely missed."

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by Chris
Rumors are about that he was killed by the Bey's as he might have been looking into their bankruptcy.
by Deborah James
When I was in college many years ago, I met Chauncey at a party given by a friend who was a producer for Channel 9. When he learned I had an interest in writing, he made me the Entertainment Editor of the California Voice and a feature writer.

Chauncey was a very nice and encouraging person. Many years later, my son met Chauncey and was given pointers on writing by Chauncey.

Our sincere condolences to his family.
by Petmedome
Is there any more information on the homicide? Was it a random drive-by? Was he an intented target? What was the narcotics or payback angle?

Also, what is the "BOLO" info on the shooter(s)? Sex, race, height, weight, et cetera.

by sf chron repost
As this article notes, there may be a connection between this horrible crime and Your Black Muslim Bakery, not the Nation of Islam as a previous comment suggests.

Black Muslim bakery raided Matier, Jim Herron Zamora and Kantele Franko, Chronicle Staff Writers

Friday, August 3, 2007

(08-03) 09:00 PDT OAKLAND -- Police, SWAT teams and bomb units from throughout Alameda County detained more than a dozen suspects after raids at Your Black Muslim Bakery on San Pablo Avenue and three related locations this morning, police said.

The people are being held in connection with murder, kidnapping, assault and robbery investigations, Assistant Police Chief Howard Jordan said. San Pablo Avenue was cordoned off for several blocks near the bakery at 5832 San Pablo Ave.

Police said the North Oakland raids are part of an ongoing probe of businesses related to prominent Black Muslim leader Yusef Bey, who died in October 2003. They served search and arrest warrants on officials associated with the bakery, according to a news release from Oakland police.

It was not immediately clear whether the raids are directly connected to the Thursday slaying of Oakland Post editor Chauncey Bailey, who was investigating the bakery and its related businesses.

KTVU Channel 2 reported that Yusef Bey IV was among those detained, and that police also found a stash of shotguns, other weapons and ammunition.

The bakery and a related security firm have been under police scrutiny in the past. Several members of the group, which is not affiliated with the Nation of Islam, currently are charged with crimes related to the vandalism of two West Oakland liquor stores in 2005.

Oakland police plan to release more details about the raid this afternoon.

by Chris
It is true that YBMB does not have direct ties with the NOI, due to a spat between the elder Bey years ago and Farrakhan's group (largely over funding/payments), but the tactics and operations are the same between the bakery and the national cult that to differentiate is to merely signify differences in location and specific rackets in any given black community.
Police: Black Muslim bakery linked to ambush killing of Oakland Post editor
By Harry Harris, Angela Hill and Kristin Bender
Article Launched: 08/03/2007 08:08:49 AM

A sharpshooter keeps watch atop Your Black Muslim Bakery in Oakland, Calif.,... ( Noah Berger )
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Evidence recovered during the police raid at Your Black Muslim Bakery this morning links members of the organization to the ambush killing of Oakland Post Editor Chauncey Bailey, authorities said.
Officials would not say what the evidence is, but sources told the Oakland Tribune that it was a shotgun seized at the bakery that was used to kill Bailey, 57, Thursday morning in downtown Oakland.
Bailey, a former Oakland Tribune reporter, was walking to the Oakland Post, where he was recently named editor when he was gunned down at 14th and Alice streets. He had been working on a story about the organization.
During a raid of Your Black Muslim Bakery in North Oakland early today, where weapons were confiscated and 19 people detained, authorities also uncovered conditions so unsanitary that the Alameda County Health Department has closed down the popular bakery and cafe.
More than 200 heavily armed police raided the San Pablo Avenue bakery before dawn, recovering several guns and spent ammunition possibly linked to killings, shootings, robberies and a kidnapping, authorities said. Nearly 20 people, including organization leader Yusef Bey IV, were detained in the raid, that also included homes near the bakery in the 5800 block of San Pablo Avenue.
Police also found filth and waste - including dead rats on the roof and rat droppings in the bakery - that they believe was leaking into drainage lines, prompting them to call in Vector Control, the city's
code compliance unit, State Fish and Game and the Alameda County's District Attorney's environmental crimes unit. Fines for such violations can be up to $5,000 a day.
Police broke down doors and used stun grenades to disorient people to gain entry. No one was hurt in the raids, which began at 5 a.m.
Police also raided homes on Herzog, 60th and Aileen streets, but it was not clear what was found there.
Police said they had arrest warrants for several men with ties to the Black Muslim Bakery organization but were still trying to determine if they were among those detained. Police said some of those detained had arrest warrants from other police agencies and or had parolee violations.
Police would not give specific details about the cases they believe are linked to the people associated with the bakery, but did say some were committed last year and earlier this year.
Two are believed to be shooting deaths of two men last month within a few blocks of the bakery, in pre-dawn hours. One was the July 12 shooting death of Michael J. Wills Jr., 36, who had addresses in both Oakland and Fremont. He was gunned down in the 6200 block of San Pablo Avenue.
Four days earlier, Odell Roberson Jr., 31, was shot to death in the 1000 block of 60th Street. Police suspected the murders were connected because of the circumstances and similarities of weapons used.
At least one case possibly linked to the bakery involves the kidnapping several weeks ago of some women whom a ransom was demanded for before they were able to escape, sources said.
And one of the shootings possibly resulted from a love triangle, sources said. The search and probable cause warrants served Friday were signed by a judge several days ago, authorities said.
Asst. Chief Howard Jordan said the warrants were obtained so that police could seek evidence needed "to further our investigations into these different crimes."
He said the men named in the probable cause warrants "are very violent individuals who need to be in custody." More than 200 law enforcement officers, mainly from Oakland with assistance from the Alameda County Sheriff's Office, Fremont, Hayward, Livermore and Alameda police took part in the raids.
Jordan said none of the suspected crimes involving the organization happened in those other jurisdictions but their assistance was needed because Oakland police entry teams train with them.
Your Black Muslim Bakery and its affiliated businesses, which fill several storefronts along both sides of San Pablo Avenue near the Emeryville and Berkeley borders, have long been alternately praised and vilified. Police said the Nation of Islam, an umbrella organization for Muslims nationwide, is not affiliated with the bakery. "We do not have any reason to believe that the Nation of Islam is involved in any of this activity," said Assistant Chief Howard Jordan.
The late Black Muslim patriarch Yusuf Bey founded the bakery in 1968, building his organization on ideals of black empowerment, respect and self-reliance. For many years, he was highly regarded among many sectors of the community as a formidable businessman, trying to better the lives of young African-American men. His group grew beyond the bakery, eventually including a security company, dry cleaning stores, a school and a health and beauty store, becoming the most visible Black Muslim organization in the Bay Area.
Then a year before his death from cancer in 2003, the man who had once been seen as an upstanding role model for young black men was charged with 27 counts in the alleged rapes of four girls under the age of 14. He was awaiting trial on one of those charges when he died.
Through all this, he still had staunch supporters. But critics cited rumors of racism and violence related to Bey, his organization and his "family" of young black men.
And since the elder Bey's death, some say the group has been deteriorating into a little more than a street gang suffering from an internal power struggle. Two heirs to Bey's leadership have been killed. The badly decomposed body of Waajid Aliawaad Bey, 51, was found in a shallow grave in the Oakland hills in 2004. He was the CEO of the bakery at the time.
Then Yusuf Bey's son Antar Bey, 23, was shot to death in 2005 in failed carjacking attempt at a gas station on Martin Luther King Jr. Way. And Bey's third successor, Yusuf Bey IV, 23 _ detained in Friday morning's raids _ has had numerous previous contacts with law enforcement. In a pending case, he is accused of leading a 2005 vandalism attack on two liquor stores in West Oakland. According to the charges, eyewitnesses identified Bey and others after viewing a security camera videotape that showed a group of men in black suits and bow ties smashing liquor cases and bottles of booze.
Police were told by store owners and employees that the vandals chastised clerks for selling alcohol to African Americans, which they said is against the tenets of their Muslim faith.
In addition, Bey IV was arrested in 2006 on assault charges in San Francisco after allegedly trying to run down three security guards with his car outside a nightclub. He has also missed several court dates.
Some say there is still good in the Muslim group, but that positive aspects of the elder Bey's legacy might be eclipsed by this current atmosphere of crime and violence.
The press has repeated the long history of rape and other violence perpetrated by Yusef Bey & his gang, and yet it has been allowed to continue to exist. These stories have appeared many times over the years and since nothing was done we could only conclude that they were agents of the police and the Oakland capitalist class. It is thus safe to conclude that all of the gang violence perpetrated in all of the workingclass neighborhoods is aided and abeted by the police at the behest of the capitalist class to keep the workingclass in a constant state of terror and unable to fight for decent wages, better schools, housing and all other things human beings need.
From SF Chronicle, 8/4/07, at
"In his filing, Bey also wrote that he met with Oakland Mayor Ron Dellums and Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Oakland, both of whom promised to support him in maintaining the bakery. Dellums "has even pointed out his official support of me continuing in my father's successful pattern of running the business," Bey wrote. Dellums' office said the mayor had no comment. Lee spokesman Nathan Britton said Friday, "Congresswoman Barbara Lee is on record supporting the bakery as a community institution." ""

Dellums & Lee were preceded in their collaboration with this criminal gang that apparently has nothing to do with any church by all other Oakland political officials as we know from the many articles printed in the Bay Area press over the years since 1976 when this so-called bakery was started.

This is the latest description from the same article of this so-called bakery, a front for gang activity:
"Oakland police believe members of the Your Black Muslim Bakery were involved in "cleansing" the area surrounding its business of undesirables, possibly including two men shot and killed last month."

"Among the evidence taken during Friday's raids were 100 empty assault-weapon cartridges, according to police. Police believe people at the bakery fired assault weapons in the air, lending a menacing aura to the neighborhood."

"There are residents who live around Your Black Muslim Bakery who are living in fear," Joyner said, noting that witnesses have been reluctant to come forward. "They were using the bakery as a sanctuary, for lack of a better word, where they could not be touched." "

"After Friday's raid, Alameda County health inspectors shut down the bakery after finding health-code violations, authorities said. "

"Sources said the July slayings of Michael John Wills Jr., 36, and Odell Roberson Jr., 31, were being investigated as possibly linked to Your Black Muslim Bakery's effort to rid the area of transients. Both were gunned down not far from the bakery. "

"The bakery and a related security firm have been under police scrutiny in the past. Several of those arrested Friday also face charges connected to the vandalism of two West Oakland liquor stores in 2005."

Clearly, the police knew all about the gang activity at this "bakery" and did nothing about it because they were told to leave it alone by all Oakland politicians in office during the existence of this "bakery," all of whom by defintiion represent the capitalist class. They did not need the health inspector to close this criminal haven down.

Then there is the question of bankruptcy filed last October since this gang owned the building housing the "bakery" worth $1.2 million. Clearly, they could have obtained a loan if they were operating a legitimate business.

In case anyone forgot the horrific rape charges made by many women, here are the references:

East Bay Express articles by Chris Thompson:
(1) 11/20/02: "The Enablers: Numerous Players Have Assisted the Beys" at
They are Keith Carson, Don Perata, Oakland Police Department, Oakland Tribune, Marriott Hotel, Oakland Redevelopment, Oakland City Council, Child Protective Services (did they allow the child rapes?), Port of Oakland, Soul Beat-Chuck Johnson's radio broadcasts.
Please also note this statement in the article:
"EAST BAY EXPRESS Wrote a 1994 profile of Yusuf Bey that glossed over his homophobia and anti- Semitism."
Please note that the security firm had no license to be a security firm: See the connection to the Marriott Hotel

(2) 11/20/02 "How Official Oakland Kept the Bey Empire Going" at

(3) 9/20/02 SF Chronicle on rape charges at:

(4) 10/4/02 Berkeley Daily Planet on the rape charges at

(5) 6/20/03 in SF Chronicle, describing 27 charges of rape & other similar sex crimes at

(6) July 7, 2003 KRON on the rape charges at

Please stop voting for the Democrats and instead vote Peace & Freedom or Green. This Democratic Party is rotten to the core just like the Republican Party. Anyone who promotes religion is promoting superstitution, and these churches are usually a cover for anti-women and anti-gay activity and terrorizing the workingclass to make themselves and their sponsors, the capitalist class, richer.
by East Bay Anglos Against Racism
The witness said he was on the 40 Bus heading toward downton and saw a person in black with a sotgun approach a man who was waiting for the bus on 1st and 14th, near the lake.

The bus arrived, and the intended victim (supposedly Baily) got on, so the gunman ran away.

The witness said that he saw the gunman approach the victim again at Alice and 14th, when the actual shooting happened.

When told who the victim was, the witness said, "I didn't know that they were targeting Chauncey".
The Sunday, 8/5/07, Chronicle identifies the suspected murderer, whom the Oakland Tribune says has confessed to the crime, a 19-year-old worker at this "bakery." Whether there is enough evidence remains to be seen, but there is certainly plenty of evidence that this "bakery" was a gang-organizing base, and that fact has been well known for decades. Between the rapes of black women and girls, the murders of black men, and the security firm without a security license (that is a group of people with guns who may or may not be professional criminals claiming to protect people with no license to do so), this Yusef Bey gang is clearly a terrorist arm of the Democratic Party and the captialist class it represents. This is not a labor organizing union, a women's liberation organization, a self defense club or the like. All of the gangs are mostly drug pushing businesses run by the capitalist class to terrorize the workingclass and maintain the prison-industrial complex. They all exist instead of labor organizing. We would have far better conditions in this country if people who took low wage jobs signed up everyone at their job to be in a union so that there would not need to be an NLRB election. In the event that people are threatened by la Migra and cannot join the union, the labor unions could put picket lines around such places as the workingclass immigrants do not cross picketlines. Labor organizing is how we fight racism, and we do not participate in sell-out deals like the latest one engineered by Democrat Dellums and the Teamsters, a long five year contract (one year should be the maximum) with a no strike clause and only a 5% raise over 5 years.
by Francis
Chauncey Bailey killed by organized crime

the bakery and other holdings under investigation by Bailey will be linked to an organized crime group working here in Oaktown. Chauncey was killed to cover this up. stand up and demand the closure of this crime ring!
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