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Emergency letter condemns radio host Michael Savage's statement about undocumented workers

by via list
“I would say, let them fast until they starve to deth then that solves the problem. Because then we won’t have a problem about giving them green cards because they’re illegal aliens, they don’t belong here to begin with.”

We of el Comite de Padres Unidos are asking that other organizactions sign on to this letter as soon as possible. You can sign on for your organizacion by replying to Leticia Zamora al zamoraleticia112727 [at] with the name of your organization. Please indicate if you wish to “sign on” to both paragraphs of the letter or just the first paragraph. If you don’t specifically indicate a preference, we will assume that you are signing on to the entire letter.

Here is a quote from Michael Savage’s July 5th broadcast when he discussed a fast organized by students from across California to show their support for the DREAM Act.

“I would say, let them fast until they starve to deth then that solves the problem. Because then we won’t have a problem about giving them green cards because they’re illegal aliens, they don’t belong here to begin with.”


On the 5th of July of this year, Mr. Savage who transmits from a Bay Area radio station, said the following: “El dia 5 de Julio de este ano, Sr. Savage que transmite de una radio estacion del Area de la Bahia, dijo lo siguiente sobre los estudiantes hacienda un ayuno apoyando el DREAM Act. “I would say, let them fast until they starve to death then that solves the problem. Because then we won’t have a problem about giving them green cards because they’re illegal aliens, they don’t belong here to begin with.”

We feel offended by Mr. Savage’s comments, that are only promoting hate among his listeners, to the point of wanting the death of these young people. We believe that this person is promoting hate against immigrant communities. We think that it is horrible tha a person who is listened to be by many people, is saying something so barbaric, wanting the death of these joung people who are very dedicated to their studies and whiose only sin is that they are children of immigrants who were brought without their own decision by their parents when they were very young. In addition, they are only dedicated to be good students, and among them there are many who have a 4.0 GPA (Grade Point Average). In addition, they are sacrificing so much for what they believe is a just cause.



Nosotros del Comite de Padres Unidos estamos pidiendo que otras organizaciones firman esta carta. Ud. Puede firmar por su organizacion enviandole un mensaje a Leticia Zamora al zamoraleticia112727 [at] , con el nombre de su organizacion. Por favor Indique si quiere “sign on” firmar toda la carta o si unicamente el primer parrafo. Si no indica nada, vamos a pensar que estan de acuerdo en firmar la carta completa. Gracias.
Puede encontrar el statement on Media Matters – Savage on immigrant students’ hunger strike. Hemos hecho la declaracion amplia para obtener el apoyo mas rapido possible.

Aqui es algo que dijo el Sr. Savage el 5 de julio cuando hablo del ayuna de estudiantes de California an apoyo del DREAM Act.
“I would say, let them fast until they starve to deth then that solves the problem. Because then we won’t have a problem about giving them green cards because they’re illegal aliens, they don’t belong here to begin with.”



El dia 5 de Julio de este ano, Sr. Savage que transmite de una radio estacion del Area de la Bahia, dijo lo siguiente: “Que debemos dejar morir de hambre a los estudiantes immigrantes que estan hacienda Fasting en San Francisco y otras ciudades”. Nos sentimos ofendidos por los comentarios del Sr. Savage, que solo esta promulgando odio entre los radio escuchas, hasta el punto de desear la muerte de estos jovenes. Creemos que esta personas esta promoviendo el odio en contra de las comunidades inmigrantes. Pensamos que es horrible que una persona que es escuchada por muchisima gente, este diciendo semejante barbaridad, inclusive deseando la muerte de estos jovenes que son muy dedicados a sus estudios y su unico pecado es ser hijos de immigrantes traidos involuntariamente por sus padres cuando ellos eran muy pequenos, ademas ellos solo se dedican a ser buenos estudiantes y entre ellos hay muchos que son 4. GPA, ademas de que estan haciendo tanto sacrificio por lo que creen es una causa justa.

Tambien tenemos los siguientes grupos que estan apoyando el DREAM Act
Por que es justo por estos jovenes, y bueno para nuestra economia pensando que somos muchos los Americanos que nos vamos a retirar muy pronto de nuestros trabajos y los necesitamos a ellos para que puedan pagar nuestras cuotas del Seguro Social y esto solo va a ser si les dejamos terminar sus estudios, darles trabajo y hacerlos que paguen lo que todos debemos pagar.
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by Marc
I'm all for free speech, but condemning young students, ( legal or illegal) to die, is just way too foul and blatant. These comments are definitely up there with Don Imus', with the sound of hatred and demeaning words towards a group of people. Michael Savage should have had better judgment. In my opinion if Don Imus was fired for his statements, Michael should definitely be worried about his.
by cp
I think the reason Don Imus was fired was that the company paying him (was it MSNBC?) actually had standards, and had thought highly of him before. He interviews lots of politicians and mainstream people. They feared losing advertisers now that Imus's habit of occasionally making racist and vulgar statements became more noticed.

The people employing Michael Savage are well aware of his reputation. His show regularly gets worse than this, where he has gone off on rants about mud races and superiority of european civilization. He isn't on a public station, so there is no community judgment about who gets to stay on the airwaves. Yes, the airwaves are technically owned in common by the public and are leased to private stations, and in the past there were equal-time rules about the number of minutes alloted to different political groups, but that has all gone out the window in the past 15 years. The only FCC rule really enforced is against x-rated content, and not racist content. So from my perspective, this controversy probably is making Savage feel good about himself.
by Hugh Jardohn (n230099 [at]
Savage is very careful to pose his comments as opinion. All of our opinions are protected. Savage claims no "right" to be on the radio. Market forces make him viable. Radio Stations are a business. When the government stuck it's nose into content the stations simply stopped putting on poilitical shows. If they reinstitute it all political speech will again disappear because no one will listen. For an example of the only way "other" political shows like NPR exist is that they are paid for by money taken from Americans. It could never stand alone.

I tend to find NPR a bit biased in a liberal neo-con direction (justifying the US role as a world policeman in almost progressive sounding terms). NPR also is fairly pro- freemarket especially when you look at how often they go to Cato for opinion pieces and never go to the radical left.
NPR actually doesnt get that much of its money from the government and I think most public radio stations would do ok with zero government funding.

That said, it is a bit funny to hear a right-winger say that Socialized news is the only alternative to Michael Savage. Either you have government sponsored news or you have neo-Nazis on the air because people want entertaining people yelling about killing Muslims and Jews and are bored by news that doesn't cross the line into hate speech? The logical conclusion from what you say is that we need something like the BBC in the US since we have enough violence here and it would help to end all of the hatred in the US if we just Socialized the news (not that the BBC is proSocialist... it actually leans to the right on some issues... but its funding model is that of a state owned news agency)
by piminie t
“I would say, let them fast until they starve to deth then that solves the problem. Because then we won’t have a problem about giving them green cards because they’re illegal aliens, they don’t belong here to begin with.” Are u kidding me? how stupid and idiotic is this guy? how could he call himself a human when he is a narrow minded idiot? how could someone who has the power of voice be so stupid. Sure everyone has an opinion and i do respect them but wow, this guy has no humanity, no sympathy towards other human beings. correct me if i'm wrong, America is a nation of immigration. it is so ironic that people like this guy thinks he owns this country. who is he to say who should be here and who shouldn't? he knows nothing about our personal lives. Some people have tried to come to this country LEGALLY but sometimes things are out of their control so they have to resort to the last option. Please someone get him fired.
by KME
He has my vote.
by Russell Ford
Michael Savage is correct. If people are in this country illegally - they are not immigrants, they are illegal aliens and do not deserve to jump in front of the law abiding men, women and children trying to become citizens through legal channels.

Once these students reach the age of 18, they can apply for citizenship or better yet - go back to their country of origin and make it a better place. Mexico could surely use a revolution to change that corrupt place.
by Rick Merriam
The correct English spelling is "death" not "deth".

LANGUAGE, culture, borders.

All he said was ILLEGAL Aliens do not belong here. "ILLEGAL". He's right.

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