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Indybay Feature

Update on Joyanna (aka Sadie) & Nathan (aka Exile)

by via Earth Liberation Prisoner Support Ntwk
ELP has just received the below e-mail which confirms Nathan Block & Joyanna
Zacher's new prison addresses. Please send urgent letters of support .
Urgent ELP! Bulletin (11th July 2007)

Dear friends

ELP has just received the below e-mail which confirms Nathan Block & Joyanna
Zacher's new prison addresses. Please send urgent letters of support to:

Joyanna Zacher I.D. #703794
(MCIC) Multnomah County Inverness Jail
11540 NE Inverness Drive
Portland, OR. 97220

Nathan Block #36359-086
Sheridan Federal Detention Center
P.O. Box 6000
Sheridan, OR 97378-6000

Also now the trial is over Joy & Nathan have decided to use their activist
names "Sadie" and "Exile". In accordance with this, the name of Sadie &
Exile's support campaign has also changed (please see below for more

ELP has pledged to support Sadie & Exile for the duration of their
imprisonment and we urge everyone to send them letters of support.

ELP Support Network

The following e-mail was sent out by Sadie & Exile's newly named support
campaign and contains a statement by Sadie & Exile:

From: solidaritywithsadieandexile [at]

Warm Greetings,

This is the first update from the Supporters of Nathan and Joyanna for
some time. We have been waiting to send further updates until they
could speak for themselves. Firstly, Nathan and Joyanna have elected
to now return to the names that they chose for themselves years ago,
Exile and Sadie. Although many friends have been surprised never
having heard them before, these names are simply the names that
express who they feel themselves to be (and were used in all areas of
their lives). Now that the nightmare of prosecution is over, Sadie
and Exile are excited to have this part of their lives back and
pleased to be able to end the charade of referring to themselves by
names they no longer relate to.

After having been sentenced on June 1st to 92 months each, they are
both faring well as they transition into the bizarre labyrinth of
Federal Prison. They have elegantly endured this first month since
their absurdly punitive sentencing. Finally out of Lane County, they
find themselves in different circumstances on the move to their final
prison assignments.

Currently, Sadie is still at Multnomah County Inverness Jail with no
indication how long she will be held there while waiting to hear where
she will end up. She has been uplifted by many wonderful friends
visiting, receiving mail, phone conversations, better food and even
getting to sit in the sun to read. For the most part, she is in great

Joyanna Zacher I.D. #703794
(MCIC) Multnomah County Inverness Jail
11540 NE Inverness Drive
Portland, OR. 97220, USA

Exile is still at the Sheridan Detention Center where, although he
cannot have visitors, can make some phone calls, and remains resilient
and upbeat with adequate reading material. He has just recently
learned that he has been designated and, although yet to get the final
word on location, he believes it will be in the Southwest as he was
given a "low" designation. When he will be moved and where he will be
housed remain questions.

Nathan Block #36359-086
Sheridan Federal Detention Center
P.O. Box 6000
Sheridan, OR 97378-6000, USA

Both have asked that folks hold off on sending books but always
welcome mail. We strongly encourage you to send images at this time,
particularly pictures and drawings of the natural world as well as
spiritual imagery and depictions of spiritual practice. Words may not
be the most useful tools for assuaging the alienation they must both
be feeling at this time.

As always, donations for their ongoing support help to ensure that
they have adequate money in their commissary funds and on their phone
accounts which are both critical to their long term survival. All
past fundraising on their behalf has been greatly appreciated and
helped keep their spirits sharp and their minds strong. Thanks to all
who have helped with this, individually and collectively. Any
continued support can be sent to:

Support for Sadie and Exile (SSE)
c/o Maureen Block
328 Slab City Rd.
Lincolnville, ME 04849

You are receiving the initial release of the following statement, the
first by Sadie and Exile, due to having signed up for updates with the
Supporters of Nathan and Joyanna. It has been attached as a separate
file as well as being printed in the body of this e-mail. Please
distribute it at will.

The e-mail address known as "supportersofnathanandjoyanna" will now
become defunct, and all further correspondence will need to be routed
through this address: solidaritywithsadieandexile [at]

If you maintain a database related to supporting the non-cooperating
defendants in the legal quagmire that has come to be known as "The
Green Scare," please update your information as soon as possible.

If you don't wish to receive further updates from Sadie and Exile,
please reply to this with a blank message and you will receive no
further e-mails.
Be well.

First Epistle: Phoenix From the Flames

By Sadie and Exile (prosecuted by the state as Joyanna Zacher and Nathan

Now that we have been sentenced we have the opportunity to ease our
concerning our situation and would like to candidly address a few points.

Firstly, we would like to offer our sincere and heartfelt gratitude to
everyone who has offered support and solidarity with us since we were
kidnapped by the state and held prisoner for these past sixteen
months. To each and every individual who has offered material support
through monetary, postal or other means, and also to those who through
their voice or in their hearts have stood in alignment with us, and in
opposition to cooperation with or apology to the state--we would
extend a most honest thanks. Your flame burns bright.

It has been extremely heartening to know that there are those who
stand with us when it seems that so many whose strength we once
considered unassailable have had their roots dislodged and their honor
torn asunder. Those who hear the call of Direct Action should not
fear the prospect of imprisonment if those, or those similar to, who
have supported us continue to act in such a responsible and dignified
manner in support and solidarity with those of us who have attracted
the wrath of the state. Again, a great thanks to all who have
assisted us and continue to do so.

That said, it has come to our attention that perhaps through naivete
and perhaps through the deliberate spreading of misinformation, there
has been some confusion over who amongst the indictees is worthy of
prisoner support; meaning to us: who has NOT made statements
implicating others, as the purpose of such statements is the further
prosecution and imprisonment of others. Let us make this clear: all
those amongst the indictees who have been apprehended, other than Ms.
Waters, Mr. McGowen, Mr. Paul, obviously the authors of this piece;
the so-called Ms. Zacher and Mr. Block, and sadly Mr. Rodgers, have
dishonored themselves, their families and the very lineage of struggle
which they themselves were once an integral part of, by becoming
vicious traitors and handmaids of the state. To actively support
these indictees who have been apprehended but not aforementioned is to
support not only our incarceration but to wish that same fate upon
many others currently living as fugitives or being sought similarly.
If there are those amongst you reading this who feel the need to make
excuses for those responsible for our imprisonment, we would ask you
to refrain from offering a Janus-faced 'support' to us also, as it is
completely antithetical to the reasons for our captivity.

Those who have signed their cowardly allegiance to the state and
through the state to those powers that seek to prostitute and
obliterate the natural world, as well as strip-mine our souls,
clearcut our minds and pollute our very being, are not only directly
responsible for our imprisonment, having given the state our physical
description, names and legal names, along with statements on our
involvement in Direct Action, both witnessed and in conjecture.

No, they hold not only that burden of responsibility. Some of them
hold responsibility, and the others a deep dishonor, for the death of
a dear friend and one of the most gentle and pure-hearted beings ever
to be found, namely Avalon (or Bill Rodgers).

Most importantly, those who now work in collaboration (under the
innocuous term 'cooperation') with the same powers which they once
felt compelled to raise themselves in opposition to, have in their
wicked apostasy, desecrated the sacred covenant that exists between
nature and those who align themselves with the very Element of Fire
and the very Essence of Destruction in the defense of the Wild.

Perhaps these vile turncoats deserve compassion, in the same way that
all creatures deserve compassion, and indeed they once deserved
acclaim for their physical deeds, but now they deserve neither praise
nor forgiveness, for in the hour when the struggle returned for them,
when the predator had once again become the prey, they failed in
spirit and resolve cowardly breaking long held oaths and begging for
mercy from their captors, hoping to gain leniency by offering as a
sacrifice to the alter of a perverted 'justice' their former friends,
trusted colleagues and any dignity they once held.

Let the spirits of imprisonment, treason and weak delusion haunt the
atrophied vision of those who would turn their backs to the flame of
Green Fire that burns in all our beings; and let those of us who heed
the calls so often ignored stand upright, with clear vision, whether
illuminated by the great Sun or by a more obscure Light, which rides
with the night terror with all creatures of the hidden hours: the
clawed, the winged, the hoofed, and also with those beings referred to
by the euphemisms of 'the ancestors', 'the fair folk', or indeed, the

air trees water animals


British Earth Liberation Prisoners Support Network
BM Box 2407

Belgium ELP Support Network
elp_bel [at]

North American ELP Support Network

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