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Cindy Sheehan v. Nancy Pelosi for Congress in 2008?

by @
Cindy Sheehan has threatened to run for Congress against Nancy Pelosi if Pelosi does not promote impeachment of Bush (and Cheney too, please). San Francisco voted 58% (133,042 votes) to impeach Bush and Cheney, Prop J, in November 2006. This would be a fun race as shaking up the worthless Democratic Party machine is needed.
Cindy Sheehan has threatened to run for Congress against Nancy Pelosi if Pelosi does not promote impeachment of Bush (and Cheney too, please). San Francisco voted 58% (133,042 votes) to impeach Bush and Cheney, Prop J, in November 2006. This would be a fun race as shaking up the worthless Democratic Party machine is needed.

This was announced on KPFA, 94.1 news on 7/8/07 at 6 p.m. and in an AP story in the SF Chronicle at

In the 2006 run for office, Pelosi, who represents 3/4 of San Francisco, EXCLUDING the Sunset district, received 80% of the vote, 148,435 votes, while the Republicans received 19,800 votes (10.71%) and the Green candidate Krissy Keefer received 13,653 vote (7.38%). Clearly, a lot of people did not vote on Proposition J, which was an advisory measure only. The largest vote for a Green Party candidate in SF was 19,052 votes or 8.52% of the vote for Todd Chretien for US Senate, and the largest Peace & Freedom Party vote was 5,436 votes or 2.35% of the vote for Elizabeth Barron for Controller. In a presidential election, which is November 2008, we can expect 360,000 voters citywide, with perhaps 270,000 voting in the 8th Congressional district of California currently represented by millionaire mouthpiece of the oil companies, Nancy Pelosi. This would be an interesting race and certainly a test to see how "progressive" San Francisco really is.
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by Tony Browne
She's got the right values and a very high media profile - so she should run for President in 2008 because she'd be a Shoo-In!!!
by martin
Listen carefully and you can hear heads explode over at, 'Democratic Underground, Daily Kos, SEIU headquarters and Progressive Dems of America. ( and Tom Hayden's house)
by Gordon Peterson (gep2 [at]
Even though I spent most of Saturday and Sunday in Crawford, TX at Camp Casey with Cindy Sheehan and Bree Walker (the new owner of Camp Casey) I was still stunned to hear the news that Cindy had announced her plan to unseat Nancy Pelosi.

Pelosi, of course, has failed her constituents both by not pursuing impeachment of the multiple criminal occupants of the Executive Branch, as well as by funding the continuation of the Iraq war. Despite a staggering array of crimes committed in the misAdministration, Pelosi has announced her own (and equally disastrous) "stay the course" strategy. If nothing is done to prevent it, Shrub will continue to produce continuing outrages. (As Lily Tomlin says, "No matter how cynical I get... I just can't keep up...!") Shrub, AND Cheney, simply MUST be removed from office (or at least served notice that they CAN be removed, and get their attention) before they start bombing Iran or pardon Scooter Libby or any of a number of other outrageous and/or criminal acts.

Cindy Sheehan, on the other hand, has manifestly proven her honesty, sincerity, determination, and leadershp. I believe that she will absolutely unseat Nancy Pelosi if Cindy runs against Pelosi.

In the determined effort to move Nancy Pelosi off square one, this dramatic declaration of "Check!" should definitely get Pelosi's attention...!

I wouldn't expect to see Cindy become Speaker of the House, but the fact that Pelosi is so likely to lose her House seat entirely if she doesn't act (and SOON) is certainly an INCREDIBLY interesting move in this high-stakes political chess game.
by Gordon Peterson (gep2 [at]
On Saturday night in Crawford, TX at Camp Casey, I actually was thinking about what a GREAT President Cindy would make.

On Sunday morning, I mentioned in our discussion there that I thought that Cindy would make a GREAT President, but she made it very clear that it was a job which she DOES NOT want. :-)

I'd like to think that our discussion circle at Camp Casey on Sunday morning led to Cindy's thinking about which kind of elective office she MIGHT want, but I'd imagine she had been considering a move like this for some time.
by Marc Baber (marc [at]
I've reserved a few domain names and set up a database for people to sign up to help the campaign-- unofficial so far, but I will cooperate with the campaign as it gets started. Check it out:

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