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Message of the Cuban Five to the United States Social Forum...

by posted by F Espinoza
Gerardo Hernandez sent a message on behalf of the Cuban Five to the participants and organizers of the Atlanta Social Forum: "Your cause is our cause and we know that with people like you, the future will be one of justice and peace. A better world is possible! Venceremos!"
Message of the Cuban Five to the United States Social Forum


Gerardo Hernandez sent a message on behalf of the Cuban Five to the participants and organizers of the Atlanta Social Forum: "Your cause is our cause and we know that with people like you, the future will be one of justice and peace. A better world is possible! Venceremos!"
Dear participants and organizers of the Atlanta Social Forum,

Please receive a warm greeting from Five Cubans who are serving long and injustice sentences in US prisons for defending our country against terrorism.

Many of you are coming to Atlanta from all over the country and from abroad to share your experiences and to seek a more just world.

From inside the prisons, we have been following the just struggles that all of you are involved in, from immigrant rights, to women’s equality, to working towards a safe environment, to the struggle against racism and discrimination, and to end the war and occupation of Iraq and elsewhere. You can be sure that all of your efforts only make our admiration for you grow.

Since 1998 we have been hostages of the failed US policy toward our country, Cuba. When we were arrested, no guns or explosives were found in our apartments, we never hurt anyone; yet, we have been sentenced collectively to four live sentences plus 75 years. Cuba like any other people of the world has the right to defend itself against terrorism. And that is exactly what we were doing. We were monitoring terrorist organizations based in Miami to prevent more violent actions against our homeland. Since 1959, almost 3,500 Cubans have been killed and many more have been disabled.

While the world has been pushed towards a so-called “war on terror”, just last month, a notorious terrorist of Cuban origin, Luis Posada Carriles was freed. Another one, Orlando Bosch, his partner in crime is walking free in the streets of Miami. These two dangerous terrorists were the masterminds in the blowing up of a Cuban plane in 1976. Seventy-three innocent people were killed. The fact that crimes like that still lingers with no justice is a sign that we still have a long struggle in the world we live in.

Dear compañeras and compañeros, we wish you a great success in the Atlanta Social Forum. Your cause is our cause and we know that with people like you, the future will be one of justice and peace

A better world is possible!

Rene González,

Antonio Guerrero

Ramón Labañino

Fernando González

Gerardo Hernández

June, 27, 2007

Message from the Cuban Organizations to the United States Social Forum

Correo: digital [at]

28 de junio de 2007

The Cuban and international organizations based in Cuba, joined together on the Cuban Committee of the World Social Forum, would like to express our appreciation of and solidarity with the United States Social Forum, which will be an important political contribution to the struggle for that other world that is possible and necessary, and that together we are committed to building.
It was in the greatest interest of our organizations to be present at the Social Forum in Atlanta. Unfortunately, restrictions currently in force on the granting of visas — the result of the stubborn and hostile policy against Cuba followed by the United States government — prevent us from being with you on this occasion.
Atlanta would have been another platform for denouncing the unjust economic, commercial and financial blockade to which our people have been and are being subjected; for opposing the demented, unbridled militaristic escalation of the United States government and its wars of aggression and plunder against other peoples; for demanding freedom for the Cuban Five, unjustly imprisoned in the United States for fighting the terrorist actions of Cuban-American right-wing forces based in the United States that have cost Cuba thousands of innocent victims; and for condemning the impunity and hypocrisy of the Bush administration in providing protection and refuge to the notorious Cuban-born terrorist Luis Posada Carriles, recently exonerated from charges and set free in the United States, among other important issues. We very much would have liked, as well, to explain to you the successes achieved through the modest work of cooperation in solidarity carried out by the Cuban Revolution in the interest of the well-being and social justice of other peoples, whom for centuries had been denied their right to health, knowledge and hope.
However, those who believed that Cuba’s voice would be silenced in Atlanta were wrong once again. We feel that we are represented by numerous friends and social actors from the United States and other corners of the planet, and that in solidarity they will raise our banners of struggle and multiply our ideas. We stand together with the noble people of the United States who are mobilizing and uniting to celebrate their first Social Forum. It is to them that this message of gratitude and unwavering solidarity goes.



Havana, Cuba, June 25th, 2007

Mensaje de las organizaciones cubanas al Foro Social de los Estados Unidos

Correo: digital [at]

28 de junio de 2007

Las organizaciones cubanas e internacionales con sede en Cuba, articuladas en el Comité Cubano del Foro Social Mundial, expresamos nuestro reconocimiento y solidaridad al Foro Social de los Estados Unidos, el cual será una importante contribución política a la lucha en favor de ese otro mundo posible y necesario, que juntos estamos comprometidos a construir.
Para nuestras organizaciones resultaba del mayor interés estar presentes en el Foro Social de Atlanta. Lamentablemente, las restricciones vigentes para el otorgamiento de visas, fruto de la empecinada y hostil política que sigue el gobierno de los Estados Unidos contra Cuba, nos impiden acompañarles en esta ocasión.
Atlanta habría sido un nuevo escenario para denunciar el injusto bloqueo económico, comercial y financiero a que ha sido y es sometido nuestro pueblo; para rechazar la demencial y desenfrenada escalada militarista del gobierno de los Estados Unidos y sus guerras de agresión y saqueo contra otros pueblos; para reclamar libertad para los cinco jóvenes cubanos encarcelados injustamente en los Estados Unidos por luchar contra las acciones terroristas de la derecha cubanoamericana asentada en territorio estadounidense que ha costado a Cuba miles de víctimas inocentes; y para condenar la impunidad y la hipocresía de la Administración Bush al brindar protección y abrigo al connotado terrorista de origen cubano Luis Posada Carriles, recientemente exonerado de cargos y puesto en libertad en Estados Unidos; entre otros relevantes temas. Mucho nos habría gustado también explicarles los resultados ya alcanzados por la modesta obra de colaboración solidaria que desarrolla la Revolución Cubana en aras del bienestar y la justicia social de otros pueblos, a quienes les había sido negado por siglos el derecho a la salud, al conocimiento y a la esperanza.
Pero quienes creyeron que la voz de Cuba sería silenciada en Atlanta, volvieron a equivocarse. Nos sentimos representados por numerosos amigos y actores sociales de los Estados Unidos y de otros rincones del planeta, que solidariamente levantarán nuestras banderas de lucha y multiplicarán nuestras ideas. Estamos junto al noble pueblo de los Estados Unidos que se moviliza y une para celebrar su primer Foro Social. A él va dirigido este mensaje de gratitud e invariable solidaridad.



La Habana, Cuba, 25 de junio de 2007

Workshops related to the Cuban Five, Posada, and Cuba at the U.S. Social Forum

June 28-30 (Thurs-Sat)
Atlanta, GA


Workshops on the Campaign to Free the Cuban Five, Posada, and Cuba at the U.S. Social Forum.

Event details:

Thursday, June 28:

* Torture, Terror and Political Repression from Cointelpro and Attica to Guantanamo and the Patriot Act

Speakers include Gloria La Riva, coordinator of the National Committee to Free the Cuban Five, Marjorie Cohn, President of National Lawyers Guild, and Fred Hampton, Jr.

10:30 Thursday . Westin Hotel

* The Campaign to Free the Cuban Five

3:30 Thursday . Renaissance Atlanta Hotel

Speakers include Leonard Weinglass, appeals attorney, Gloria La Riva, coordinator of the National Committee to Free the Cuban Five, Roberto González, brother of René González, and Marjorie Cohn, President of National Lawyers Guild. Chair: Alicia Jrapko, Intl. Ctte. to Free the Cuban Five

Friday, June 29:

* Study Medicine in Cuba on Full Scholarship . IFCO/Pastors for Peace . 1:00 Friday . Marriot Hotel
* The Legacy of Martin Luther King: From Atlanta to Cuba .
IFCO/Pastors for Peace . 3:30 Friday . Auburn Library
* FTAA/ALCA (ALBA as a response to the FTAA) .
National Network on Cuba . 3:30 Friday . Westin Hotel
* The II Great American Boycott, Immigrant Rights and May Day 2007 .
National Network On Cuba 1:00 Friday . Westin Hotel

Saturday, June 30:

* Unity and Struggle: Transcontinental Strategies for Resistance in the Global South; Plan Bush, Sanctions and other Acts of War .
National Network on Cuba . 3:30 Saturday . Westin Hotel
* Why Women? Why Cuba? Building a Women's Movement . US Women and Cuba Collaboration
10:30 Saturday. Breakout Room Our Lady of Lourdes
* Advancing U.S. Women's Rights Through Global Feminism. US Women and Cuba
Collaboration 1:00 Saturday. Breakout Room Our Lady of Lourdes
* Cuba's role in Global Health . Medical Education Cooperation with Cuba (MEDICC) (Check program for time and location)
* Che's Living legacy of Internationalism: A Guide for the Antiwar Movement
Fight imperialism Stand Together (FIST) 10:30 Saturday Westin Hotel

For more information on all workshops:

Sponsored by:

National Network on Cuba and others

Film showings of "Posada Carriles: Terrorism Made in USA"

People from all over the world are protesting the protection that the U.S. government has given to the terrorist Luis Posada Carriles. He was recently judged by a U.S. court for violating immigration laws, instead of being prosecuted for the numerous terrorist acts for which he is responsible. Twenty years ago, he escaped from a Venezuelan prison where he was being tried for his involvement in the bombing of a Cuban airplane that killed all 73 passengers on board. The Venezuelan government has filed a petition before U.S. authorities asking for his extradition. However, the Bush administration has failed to respond to this demand for justice.
The Venezuelan documentary film "Posada Carriles: Terrorism Made in USA", a Telesur and PanaFilms co-production, reveals the terrorist path of Posada Carriles and his longstanding relation with the CIA, dating back to the 1960's. It is the result of two years of meticulous research of an investigative team that examined declassified documents and criminal files, and interviewed witnesses and survivors from several Latin American countries.
The network of terror that the CIA established in Latin America – in which Posada Carriles (alias "Bambi", alias "Basilio") acted as one of the key figure – is exposed step by step through the courageous testimonies of victims whose family members were killed by him or under his orders. It also includes the findings of anti-terrorist specialists and investigative journalists, and the experience of counter-intelligence agents.
The demand for justice for the survivors and those who lost family members because of Posada Carriles' actions comes to life on the screen to remind us all that terrorism cannot be justified under any circumstances, and that as said by George W. Bush himself, "Those that harbor terrorists, are also terrorists."

To schedule a showing of the film in your area, or to obtain a copy of the film:

Atlanta details:
Friday, June 29, 2007, 1 pm
George State University, Sparks Hall, Room 300
33 Gilmer Street (corner of Gilmer and Courtland)
For more information contact:


§Free the Cuban Five!
by posted by F Espinoza
Free the Cuban Five!
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