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Indybay Feature
The Scapegoat's Tale: An Interview with Gabe Meyers
Fault Lines interviewed Josh Wolf and Gabe Meyers, the two people targeted by the federal and local authorities after the July 8, 2005 Anarchist Action Anti-G8 demonstration in San Francisco. Anti-capitalist protests and demonstrations
against the G8, WTO, and other institutions that represent neo-colonial domination and corporate globalization
have always been met with more aggression and hostility than normal marches for peace. Granted, these demonstrators are often much more militant. With a police officer injured and a police car damaged, the authorities felt
a need to subpoena and prosecute.

Fault Lines: What happened after the
squad car started toward the crowd?
Gabe Meyers: That guy was just driving through there like it’s the Indy 500
or something. And I don’t really see any
reason he would drive into this crowd
other than to run people over...I ran out
of the way and dropped my sign. It went
under the wheels and that’s when he hit
the brakes.
His partner got out, chased me, tackled me, strangled me, and put me in a
chokehold in front of all these people, and
people took a picture and it was on video--Josh Wolf’s video. Then the driver [who]
had barreled into a crowd, he gets out of
his car—and this is even confirmed in the
police report—and he starts using his baton on some people...So somebody hit
him over the head.
He’s gotten a lot of sympathy because
he got his skull cracked, which has kind
of made him out to be the good guy. I
mean, just because that happened to him
shouldn’t get him off the hook for trying to
run people over with a car...I don’t really
condone hitting him in the head, it could
have killed him...But you know, if you try
to run people over with your car, and then
you beat them with your nightstick, well,
duh, what do you think’s going to happen? Nobody’s going to put up with that
shit...I’m sorry the guy got beaten up but
you know, he initiated the whole incident.
When they talk about it in public,
with the media and so forth, the real story
is not being told...All that you saw on TV
was ‘whatever, it was a violent anarchist
protest and this police officer had his head
cracked in and his police car was set on fire’
and, you know, that’s not the whole story
there—this guy started the whole thing by
trying to run people over.
FL: So what exactly were the charges they
tried you for?
GM: This is really weird; getting charged
with lynching is pretty rare and most of
the time when people get charged with it
they’re trying to
do it to somebody
else. Meaning
they’re trying to
take someone out
of [police] custody...This police
officer who was
and videotaped
trying to strangle
me ‘til my face
was bright red—this guy decided
to charge me
with a felony of lynching myself--in other
words saying that I tried to take myself out
of his custody by trying to incite a crowd.
By saying the words “help me” while he
had me in this chokehold.
FL: How long were you detained?
GM: I was only in custody for less than
a week.
FL: What was it like after that?
GM: It was a major pain in the ass. Having to show up for court. Other than that
it was just kind of psychological, even
though I knew it was bullshit...
The police were mad because they
didn’t catch who they were looking for,
and they wanted a scapegoat and they
wanted it to be me. I was the only person
they charged with a felony.
FL: Did you feel like you had a lot of
support during all of this?
GM: I got some supporters who came
out. There were a lot of hearings. There
were always a few people, and I think that’s
where you really see who your friends are.
I think a criticism of some of the organizers is that
they didn’t
show me that
much support. I didn’t
really see a lot
of them show
up. But I had
some good
people show
up, some of
the grand jury
resistors. It’s
important. I
think it’s really
cool when people show their support. You
really can build a bond through a thing
like this.
I was just some guy who got arrested
and got caught in the wrong place at the
wrong time. I think they just want to be
mean and harass you for 18 months and
shit like that. I just had to put up with this
shit and watch everything else go down,
like Josh Wolf.
I kind of feel like Josh Wolf wouldn’t
have been in prison if people would have
spoken up more. In hindsight I think I
should have made more noise about it as
well. But my lawyers had advised me just
to keep quiet. There were a lot of witness-
es who saw the cops beating on people. I
saw a lot of stuff posted on Indybay. I saw
one legal observer, who was also a law-
yer, had made a statement at one of Josh
Wolf’s first appearances in federal court
and in a press conference, and basically he
said what happened--that they just drove
into the crowd and started beating people
with batons and choking people—well,
me. But I guess that’s the whole thing
with the media control issue—that those
sorts of things were able to get hushed up
or played down even though people were
saying them publicly. There just wasn’t
enough people saying them.
Maybe I should have started getting
the story out earlier, it’s just hard when
there’s charges coming against you.
FL: Having been the one person blamed
for the actions of an entire group of people,
what did you think about the behavior of
the rest of the crowd?
GM: To me, going into a working-class
neighborhood like the Mission and causing chaos and smashing windows, even
though those are corporate structures and
so forth, we’re still in a neighborhood—I
think the energy could have been directed
better...I think a lot of people in the Mission, just because they might not want
these big corporations, they don’t necessarily want all this chaos going on.
I don’t necessarily have a problem
with people being militant but you’ve got
be smart about it. I want those corporations out of the Mission. I don’t like their
domination here in trying to take everything over. That’s one of the effects of the
G8, and it makes me want to protest. It’s
good to go to the Mission and say, “Get
out of our neighborhood, we don’t want
you taking everything over and exploiting
But I think that just to go in there and
kinda go nuts and throw things through
windows and shit like that, I mean there’s
people inside there too...It could be a person that lives here in the Mission that’s
working this shitty job because they need
the money. I guess it’s just one of those
things that you’ve got to be smart about.
Read Josh Wolf's interview here.
From Fault Lines #21
Read Josh Wolf's interview here.
From Fault Lines #21
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