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White House Official Grilled on Alleged Censorship of Post-9/11 Contamination Risks

by Democracy Now (reposted)
Thursday, June 21, 2007 : A new congressional study has revealed the Environmental Protection Agency misled Lower Manhattan residents about levels of indoor air contamination after 9/11. The report was released during a Senate hearing Wednesday on the EPA's response after the collapse of the World Trade Center. James Connaughton, the Chair of the White House Council on Environmental Quality, was questioned about whether the Bush administration manipulated public information about the health dangers following the collapse.
Senators Hillary Clinton and Frank Lautenberg both questioned Connaughton about a 2003 EPA Inspector General report which claimed that he personally edited EPA press releases. Prior to his confirmation as the Chair of the White House Council on Environmental Quality, Connaughton worked as a lobbyist for the mining, chemical, utilities and asbestos industry.

Senators Hillary Clinton and Frank Lautenberg, questioning White House Council on Environmental Quality chair James Connaughton .

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by Shawn Cooper

I have been researching 9/11 for over four years and there are serious unanswered questions from that day, I will propose 5. I hope you investigate these for yourself…

1) Never in the history of steel structures has a building collapsed from fire yet 3 did on 9/11; WTC tower 1,2 & 7. All three buildings came down at free fall speed with no resistance; tower 7 was never hit by an airplane yet came down symmetrically in seven seconds? Additionally odd, tower 2 fell before tower 1 although tower 1 was hit first and tower 2 was hit with a glancing blow. The explosion/ collapse in tower 2 started above where the plane hit the tower? Jet fuel burns at only about 1500 Degrees Fahrenheit in the open air and structural steel does not melt or even get significantly weakened until more than a thousand degrees hotter with a melting point of near 3300 degrees F.

2) There is no large plane wreckage in front of the Pentagon from the 757 that hit it. Taking from the official story, the 757 that hit the pentagon flew over a highway, parallel and 5 to 10 feet above the ground and impacted the pentagon between the 1st and 2nd floor. You can see the video the pentagon released here, notice how the 757 is only flying several feet above the ground-

(official story) The airplane did not leave any markings or large debris (ex wings) on the front of the pentagon. the 757 supposedly was sucked into a 16ft by 24ft hole, before the ceiling collapsed a 1/2 hour later, and incinerated. how did this plane hit only 15 ft above the ground after descending so rapidly without ever hitting the ground and flown by an amateur pilot? The 3 slides the pentagon released to the public shows a small shaped device flying horizontally, very low to the ground and leaving a small smoke trail. Just recently Pilots for 9/11 Truth, an international organization of pilots and aviation professionals, petitioned the National Transportation and Safety Board (NTSB) in regards to the flight data recovered from Flight 77. The data provided by the NTSB contradicts the flight path given by the 9/11 commission report. The flight data that the NTSB provided shows the 757 that hit the pentagon at 300 feet above the highway and could not have clipped the light poles and subsequently struck the pentagon between the first and second floor. Please see the article here- . How come the Pentagon has not released video from the cameras mounted on the roof? lastly, after traveling through three rings of the Pentagon, the plane or whatever it was left a small circular exit hole in the third ring.

3. All four hijacked planes flew for an average of 40 minutes, 1 hour 50 minutes total, without any fighter jet intercept over NY and Washington. As you are aware, NY and Washington are some of the most protected airspace in the world.

4. Where is the plane wreckage from the plane crash in Shanksville, PA? in pictures and video all you see is a small ditch with no fires, plane debris, seats, bodies, etc.?

5. How was the Patriot Act and the War on Terror so quickly developed after 9/11? Was this new program a reaction to 9/11 or something that was worked on before September 11th and just conveniently ready for a terrorist attack?

9/11 was an inside job, a false flag operation. Sadly, the sophistication of this operation points more towards state sponsored terrorism than a small group of bandits inside a cave. I continue to hear government and military officials saying we are fighting Al Qaeda in Iraq and globally. Does this mean as the lone superpower we supposedly were attacked by this rag tag group on September 11th and have been fighting them for the last 6 years without 'mission accomplished'? How often have our leaders evoked the memory of 9/11 to rally our people for certain causes (i.e. Iraq)?

fight on in peace. I hope you decide to investigate the truth of 9/11 for yourself.

Shawn Cooper

PS For a summary and the best documentary of 9/11 I recommend watching Loose Change 2. You can watch it for free here-

or visit or and start your own research...

Lastly, allot of the public does not know that Rosie O'Donnell and Charlie Sheen are not the only ones questioning the official story of 9/11. Hundreds of scholars, public representatives, high ranking officials and survivors are questioning it as well. please see for more on this.
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