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Indybay Feature

San Jose Police Claim

by San Jose Copwatcher
San Jose City Hall, 12:00p
San Jose Police Chief Rob Davis spoke at a press conference today to refute the charges by San Jose Independent Police Auditor Barbara Attard that SJPD had downgraded hundreds of complaints to "Inquiries" to protect themselves from criticism. The Coalition for Justice and Accountability spoke out alongside survivors of SJPD abuse, contradicting the police, telling their experiences to the press, and demanding real investigation into the misconduct of the SJPD.
Last week, San Jose Independent Police Auditor Barbara Attard issued a report stating that SJPD's internal affairs department had downgraded the classification of hundreds of community complaints.

The internal affairs team only has to investigate "Formal Complaints" where a community member agrees to publicly testify that a police officer committed misconduct and to see the complaint process through to its conclusion. Community members are seldom willing to participate in such an extensive process due to fears of retaliation, investigation or deportation by the migra, especially if they are on parole/probation which could trigger automatic jail time if their complaint is not successful and there is retaliation or any extra attention of any kind.

Therefore, whenever a community member complains to internal affairs but is not willing to pursue a public complaint for any of the above reasons, the internal affairs crew labels the complaint as an "Inquiry" meaning that it was resolved with a simple discussion. According to the report from Independent Police Auditor Attard, 118 complaints (55% of all complaints) were downgraded to "Inquiries" last year which means that they do not go on the records of the police officer being complained about and which are not publicly available. This underreporting by SJPD's internal affairs has allowed Chief Davis to claim that there are no problems because there are so few complaints from the public and therefore there are no problems. Or at least no problems that can't be fixed with little internal reforms within the department.

Today, at the SJPD press conference Davis repeated his claims that everything is fine and that the SJPD has the trust and support of the community because there are so few complaints, ignoring the criticisms in the Independent Police Auditor's report which would wipe that smug arrogance off the face of a lesser man.

The Coalition for Justice and Accountability was present to contradict the Chief's smiling self-assured claims that all is well. Community members and representatives of organizations spoke out about the need for immediate investigation into the SJPD taser killing of Steve Salinas on May 25th and the tasing and beating of the Custodio Family in February of this year. Marilou Custodio told the story of how she and her youngest son witnessed the tasing and beating of her two elder sons, and then had her head slammed onto a police car three times and told to "Shut the f*** up!". The family now faces charges of "resisting arrest".

The movement against police brutality and for a real process for holding the police accountable is heating up in San Jose. People who want to bring an end to racial profiling, police brutality, and the murder of community members by the SJPD should email the following for more information on how to get involved:

svdebug [at]
JusticeForCustodios [at]
§Independent Police Auditor Barbara Attard
by San Jose Copwatcher
Independent Police Auditor Barbara Attard issued a report last week stating that SJPD was "downgrading" complaints from community members to be "Inquiries" which require no follow up or investigation and are never made part of the permanent record of the police officer involved.
§Chief Davis retreats from Community questions
by San Jose Copwatcher
§City administrator watches CJA press conference safely behind glass
by San Jose Copwatcher
§A community member explains his experiences.
by San Jose Copwatcher
This community activist has been harrassed, tased, arrested, and threatenned numerous times and explained that to the press.
§Coalition for Justice and Accountability members
by San Jose Copwatcher
§Marilou Custodio stands with her supporters
by San Jose Copwatcher
Representatives of the Justice for the Custodio Family committee and the CJA stood with Marilou as she recounted the brutality that the SJPD subjected her and her two sons to.
§Press and community activists
by San Jose Copwatcher
by San Jose Copwatcher
Every time the police attack someone, they charge that person with a crime like resisting arrest to justify their actions. In these post 9/11 times, people seem to be numbly accepting the new "Unitary Executive" principle that basically says that the executive branch, whether Bush, Gonzales, or your local cop have the right to do anything they want and that it is unpatriotic to hold them accountable when "we are at war". The only war I see is against the people of the world, especially the poor and brown. We stop it here, on the ground. Refuse to be abused!
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