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San Francisco Bike ride against G8

by Synoeve
On Friday June 8, 2007, there was a critical mass-style bicycle ride with an anti-G8 theme which initially gathered at Justin Herman plaza, and then proceeded along the Embarcadero, Columbus Avenue, Market Street, Valencia St., and then ended at Dolores Park. Everything proceeded peacefully, and the size of the group was good for being able to be aware of everyone's location. There was a large police presence the entire time. This might have stemmed from a fiasco of police response to the 2005 G8 protest which resulted in commanders getting reassigned, inventive charges against participants and FBI visits to journalists.
On the final day of the annual G8 summit occurred this Friday in Heiligendamm, Germany.
Most people on the sidewalks appeared happy to see us, or at least had no negative reaction. Sometimes call-in radio shows and ranting sections on youtube and newspaper websites give the feeling that the public has a lot of antibicycle fanatics, but we didn't see any.
Appearances were made by both Gabe Myers, who was basically arrested during the 2005 protest as a 'sucker' and charged (and later let go) with felony lynching after dropping a foam sign in the road as a police car drove at high speed towards him, and also Josh Wolf, who spent a record amount of time in jail for refusing to speak to a grand jury formed to probe the battery of the other officer who was driving the vehicle. Grand juries gathering evidence and issuing indictments are allowed unrestricted questioning of witnesses, unlike regular courtroom practice, and a witness is not allowed to have a lawyer present. In situations where a political group is involved (such as the Red Scare of the 1950s), these juries are capable of vastly overreaching and gathering long lists of names of people uninvolved in crimes, who could be branded as suspects. Press reports created a confusing picture, but Wolf was not considered in contempt of court for refusing to testify about the injury of the officer, or to show his video tape, but rather he didn't agree to unrestricted questions about participants who he had a confidential journalistic relationship with.

The ride was pretty nice. It was very sunny, and most of the route had long stretches uninterrupted by short cycle lights. The nature of the large police response was interesting in that only a small group of friendly bicycle officers, plus some Harley and motorbike riding police officers were mixed together in the crowd. We had no trouble splitting the road and tunnel with cars, and things felt much safer than during ordinary times when you inevitably split the right lane with buses and right-turning cabs. In a few cases, there was mixed body language when some officers objected to the tail-end of the group continuing to move on a red light, so people became worried and stopped. Yet other officers appeared to be hurrying the group through on the red by stopping traffic. In any case, every so often one could squint two blocks down and make out police vans, Chevy Suburban/Tahoes, and cars moving by, sometimes briefly sounding a horn as though they were trying to get around traffic. Occasionally the ride would come across a new group of police parked well away from the start, such as Columbus avenue. Then at the end where people listened to music, while a smaller group stood across the street, it seemed like more vans with police emblem kept turning the corner to drive by.
Reasons behind the negative response by thousands of people (from the left, right, and center) to the G8 are difficult to summarize briefly. On the surface, a meeting of world leaders might appear to be a positive thing, akin to the creation of the UN. In addition, it isn't clear how much could really get discussed during 2-3 days of talks, or how anything so ominous could arise out of this.
The easiest way to explain it is that the era of colonialism never ended. Governments (spanning multiple presidents) have spent the last few decades working closely with large companies and are controlling the economies and governments of most of the third world against the interests of their populations. It is easy to let your eyes glaze over and think "yes, we just need to invest in Africa" and not realize that the areas of Africa with the most foreign 'investment' are the most impoverished, for instance the horrible resource wars in the Congo (where the United States helped assassinate their democratic leader in the 60s, and installed a dictator), or Shell Oil destroying the land base in the Nigerian Delta while sharing none of its profits.
Much of the decisions and content of these meetings is worked out beforehand. Institutions such as the World Bank are where the details of public/private plans are worked out by small committees. One of the most common mechanisms for creating third world poverty is the forcing of countries to take loans for large infrastructure projects such as dams, waterworks and power grids which aren't used by working class, are carried out by first world corporations (such as Bechtel in Bolivia) and end up indebting the population for decades.
Finally, while it seems like individuals have little chance of influencing such powerful institutions, it is important to remember that the WTO has had to make major concessions to emboldened latin american, african, and SE asian contingents after the major turning point after the 1999 protests. The signing of Merkel's Climate statement was regarded as a big success during this meeting, although the lack of concrete actions promised in this agreement makes it seem like the public was just successful in making the leaders want to seem responsive. You as an individual might not be able to change it all by yourself, but it is coming about as an emergent property of a movement of less than 10% of the population who become activists.
§sunny day on embarcadero
by Synoeve
§turn at Columbus. People eating
by Synoeve
§PD helps give space, provide safety
by Synoeve
Copy the code below to embed this movie into a web page:
§Broadway Tunnel - shared with cars
by Synoeve
§light in the tunnel
by Synoeve
Copy the code below to embed this movie into a web page:
§cruising down Valencia
by Synoeve
Copy the code below to embed this movie into a web page:
§bike shadow
by Synoeve
§going to the park
by Synoeve
§sun from behind fog
by Synoeve
§Quite a few officers standing afterwards
by Synoeve
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by Synoeve
This list is by no means comprehensive - I haven't visited the different sites on the indymedia sidebar yet.

40 people passing out flyers, plus someone throwing incendiary material in Santiago Chile.

South Korean street theater and bike ride

Kiew, Ukraine. Lots of people with flags and pamphlets and friendly faces. The Food not Bombs symbol is universal?

Russians in Moscow barricade the embassy on Friday, in solidarity with germany

Leafletting in Thessaloniki, Greece

Sao Paolo - arrests at a sit-in by a large building

Barcelona, Spain. There was a large group holding a demo with lots of interesting shaped police buses controlling traffic

Demo in Ecuador

New Zealand - a bike ride plus patrol cars with interesting checkered pattern

by Bay Rising Affinity Group
report from Bay Rising Affinity Group:


Painted yellow flags flapping in the evening sun read "V8, not G8," "No G8,
No Climate Change," "Climate Justice," "Rising Tide," "Bay Rising; Not
Capitalism, Not Rising Bay," and Flood the Streets Before the Ocean Does."
The resurgent European global justice and anti-capitalist movements
successfull battle with the G8 were being celebrated in San Francisco along
with other cities across the planet.

Towards a hundred bicyclist participated through the evening's solidarity
anti-G8 and anti-climate change ride in a winding ride through the street
and neighborhoods of San Francisco. Rising Tide, a radical international
anti-climate change network, had called for a day of action, and cites
around the US and the planet responded.

The local Bay Rising Affinity Group call read in part:
"Use pedal power to challenge oil addiction, to show solidarity with anti-G8
mass mobilizations in Germany and resist the polluting economic and
political system of the G8. This global system is at the root of our
ecological and social problems; climate chaos, lack of heath care, housing
and education, war and empire, more prisons, the rich getting richer, low
wages and lousy jobs, pollution, and attacks on immigrant, worker and civil
rights. As the megalomaniac G8 leaders meet in police-state Germany, behind
fences, cops and soldiers, intent on leading us further towards catastrophic
and irreversible climate chaos, we must shout, scream and roar 'no more'."

Occasional chants of "fight warming, not wars," Fuck the G8" and "we all
live in a police state" to the tune of the Beatles "yellow submarine" as a
heavy presence of police in cars, on bikes and on motorcycles, Highway
Patrol and Sheriffs following the ride, harassing a few band a motorcade of
block away for much of the ride. People ignored their provocations as the
mobile pedal powered festival snaked through the city. Neighbors and
tourists stopped watched, took photos or waved.
Leaflets were passed out. City busses honked support. We ended the ride
with a bike drawn soundsystem at at Dolores Park, the heart of the city and
across the street from the house where Alexander Berkman and Emma Goldman
contributed to "The Blast" newspaper on the verge of the worldwide
revolutions of the early 1900's.

At the beginning of the ride Bay Area anti-capitalist activists calling from
Germany described the mass blockades of all roads leading to the G8 with ten
of thousands with bikes playing a key role. Their short sentences over a
cell phone were repeated, yelled out to the assembled bike mass.

A widely circulated letter from the same activist reported on the massive G8
Because today's planned march to the fence had been banned, blockading
the gates had been taken up again. Five hundred campers stayed at Gate
1 last night and 1200 at Gate 2. In the early morning hours,
thousands returned to the gates from the nearby camps. It's a two-hour
walk in the hot sun with limited water supplies.

We head over to Gate I on the west side of the fence surrounding Bad
Heiligendamm. Again, we bike over gentle hills, passing through wheat
fields and by farmhouses with thatched or red-orange brick tile roofs.
The towns en route - Reddelich and Steffenshagen – are home to 300
residents each. The entire way there consists of narrow country roads,
often made of cobbled stones.

Arriving at the blockade, we see a young woman being pulled through
the police lines by three cops. She has just been pepper-sprayed and
is screaming in agony and cannot stand. The police drag her over to a
nearby tree, where two medics dowse her face with water and a few
photojournalists lean in for a close up. Three, no four, green water
cannons target the crowd with highly pressurized water that emits a
low mechanical hum as it is released from the turrets. In front of the
behemoth cannons, lines of cops. Methodically, the cannons and cops
push everyone back. Spray. Push. Pause. Spray. Push. Pause. Slowly,
the police retake the hill and the road leading to the gate, which
yesterday the blockaders had occupied.

Then comes a police announcement: "Gatherings of more than two are not
allowed in Zone 2. This is an order to disperse." Numbers begin to
dwindle seriously. Should we stay or should we go? To the left, among
a cluster of trees, two squads of heavily protected police await
orders. To the right, more cops and eight mounted police horses at the
edge of the meadow. It looks as though they're surrounding us.

Water cannons again douse the crowd. People run. They wind up in the
field shivering uncontrollably, their teeth chattering loudly.
Affinity groups organize as medics quickly arrive and provide blankets
for warmth. A man stumbles past with a terrible gash on his head. A
friend tends to him.

"The battle is lost. The battle is lost," says a hippy in a tie-dye
looking up the hill toward the towering vehicles. Streams of people
flow through the fields away from the fence.

The violence has been heavy at Gate 1. Yesterday, police attacked
blockaders with clubs and pepper spray. Today, it is with water
cannons. "It was less violent today than yesterday," says a young
German woman. A protest medic sums up the day's casualties: a broken
arm, one broken shin, many concussions and broken eardrums, and
someone who lost an eye.

But as hundreds retreat, the hardcore make barricades, some five feet
high and six feet long, of logs and brush along the road leading to
the gate. A small cadre of black-blockers and some militant clowns are
making a stand. Had the past two days emphasis on non-escalation
reached its conclusion, or was this a tactic meant only to delay the
advancing cops? Before a coherent picture can emerge, squads of cops
move in, re-take the road, and dismantle the barriers. We retreat
farther back.

As we walk our bikes, we come across the woman who had been
pepper-sprayed earlier. She's putting her shoes on over a pair of
mismatched socks. Her knee is heavily bandaged and her face is red
from the burning. As she hops up to join the line of blockaders taking
up a new position down the road, she says: "Its important to give
everything you can." Undoubtedly, she'll be back tomorrow, at the
gates, like the thousands of others heading returning to the camps to get
some sleep, water, and food before coming back for another day of

Blockade Photos/Video:
by pb bikonaut
Article with links here:

Critical Mass International Day Of Action : G8 Policy on Climate Change, Game Over !

If the G8 policy on climate change will be anything like the glorious successes of its Aid-To-Africa genius ( its focus in Scotland in 2005; read these assessments in the Guardian UK by 1.Monbiot and 2.Larry Elliott and Kate Connolly ), we can all be sure that Planet Inc. will be facing a bleak no-holds-barred, every-man /corpo-nation-for-himself future ! But is anyone really expecting them to come through with anything other than a seppuku theater ritual??

The G8 dirtbags and warmongers haven’t a clue how to cooperate on the most challenging issues of our times, and its long overdue to begin our own independent paths and community/global citizen strategies to sustainable living together in a complex environment. For the G8 leaders the game’s over; They’re flailing like corporate puppets who’ve got their strings tangled round their necks and are so busy with the PR SHOWS to simulate that everything’s under control, they haven’t realized that the planetary consciousness is already moving on to other paradigms without them.

Nevertheless, in a little bit of a retrograde motion, there’s still a massive international mobilization of the global citizenry gathering in Germany ( Rostock, Heiligendamm,etc.) and on June 8th, a global wide day of action.

This is NOT a pointless exercise. Repeat: This is NOt a PointLESS EXERCISE ! The leaders of these countries are still obviously inflicting immense damage to our lives and well being ( with the weakest and most vulnerable so often their primary targets), and way too many people around the world still think what the corporate media tells them: i.e. that these pathetic avatars of transnational corporate power are real people with plans to run the world in some ethical manner which will keep everything running “safely” as is.

Perhaps there are a few windows of opportunity in these reactive measures : 1. to crack the delusion wherever possible, and 2. to communicate the reality of the situation so that anyone with any brain cells left COULD NOT POSSIBLY DESIRE MORE Of THE SAME, and that 3. to reveal that there are so many options OUT and so many more inspiring worlds that WE CAN MAKE RIGHT NOW, and that 4. as soon as we EXIT THE G8 THEATER, the closer we will be to managing our own brighter existence.

So What are some of these alternate realities you ask?!! Well that’s obviously a loooooooong topic, and one that each one of us needs to contemplate further both individually and within the groups that we work and play in every day. But HERE’s ONE, that’s simple:

The BICYCLE is one of humankind’s most brilliant inventions, and it plays a central role in weaning us from our addiction to Oil not just here in the West but as a solution for real people everywhere… well, at the very least it,s one small piece of the puzzle that most of us can plug into NOW...

So come out JUNE 8th, wherever you are, in solidarity for alternate worlds NOW.


And stay tune, as more XLT analysis will attempt to reveal in the coming days, the battles for new direction do not have much chance of surfacing on these virtual tug-of-war stages set up by the G8 summits and the various protests, at least not as much as in the revolution of our everyday lives. But as to whether the G8 showboat will stay afloat that,s another screen that’s certainly going to be a dramatic episode to watch. And all power to the brave citizens who have gathered there to wave goodbye to the old and tired regime(s).

And we’ll take a deeper look into the Politics Of Fear that has so many populations still catatonic in the Spectacle game. And examining a very fringe perspective which Alexander Cockburn has been taking up on Counterpunch: Is there the possibility that global warming is a sham?? And if not as far as a similar ruse by G8 leaders to fabricate and/or construct more ubiquitous enemies (i.e.sinister terrorist organizations, that only our governments could save and protect us from), still they are certainly capable of adding it to their manipulative toolbox in their desperate maintaining of power over the increasingly awakening mass.
by Gabe (styrofoam [at]
Why was I called a 'sucker' ? I don't think that is necessary. We need soldiarity not name calling. It will bring down a movement faster than
by Gabe
I appologize if someone was refering to me being a 'sucker' just for falsely being arrested. I meant no disrespect and sure you didn't either. Thanks for the support.

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