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Town Hall meetings held every Thursday to educate constituents about Lennar BVHP LLC.

by Francisco Da Costa
Every Thursday at 6 p.m. at the Grace Tabernacle Community Church situated at Ingalls and Oakdale in the Bayview a Town Hall is held to educate constituents about the adverse impacts initiated Lennar BVHP LLC. LENNAR - the most corrupt and irresponsible Real Estate Developer in the United States. Lick your chops Kofi Bonner the President of Lennar Corp. Bay Area, who hails from Ghana and thinks he is doing the right thing with all the wrong decisions. Kofi will say all the right things for all the wrong reasons.
Every Thursdays a Town Hall meeting is held to inform the constituents adversely affected by the
project on Parcel A. The Town Hall meetings at held at Ingalls and Oakdale - Grace Tabernacle Community Church in the Bayview. Pastor Ernest Jackson presiding.

In charge of the project on Parcel A which is part of Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - Lennar BVHP LLC the most corrupt and failing Real Estate Developer in the Nation. Millions are suffering all over this Nation because of Lennar.

Lennar Corp. has failed to abide by rules and regulation laid down in the Disposition and Development Agreement. The DDA is a legal document and Lennar has failed to abide by this legal document - tied to the development of Parcel A and an agreement signed jointly by Lennar and the SF Redevelopment Agency.

Lennar agreed to abide by the rules and regulations and put together a Dust Control Plan linked to Phase A and has failed miserably.

Lennar is of the opinion that since it has spread so much money around - buying power and having City officials on its pay roll - including the San Francisco Health Department that it can do as it pleases. W R O N G !

It is a shame that the SF Health Department is paid indirectly and directly by Lennar to visit and conduct other investigations required by the SF Health Department and linked to Parcel A that is Lennar's project.

Now, tell me how can the any entity bite the hand that feeds it? Lennar is paying an enforcement agency and if this is NOT conflict of interests what is?

This blatant corruption must stop and stop at once.

With the proof we have Drs. Mitch Katz and Rajiv Bhatia must go to jail. It is time the Federal Bureau of Investigation and its Environmental Branch investigate this matter. Both these doctors work for the City and County of San Francisco and are very corrupt.

It is time the State of California and the Governor's Office - investigate Lennar and Nancy Pelosi.
The Governor has the information on record and all that is required is for the Governor to assign some one to look into Lennar and the Notice of Violations - all documented and easily accessible.

In the Interim kudos to the packed Town Hall meetings and especially to Minister Christopher Muhammad who has taken care to study the issues and have experts on hand to explain to the people and the victims that have suffered at the hand of the very corrupt Lennar Corp's actions.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Department of Toxic and Substances Control (DTSC), The SF Health Department (SFHD), Occupation Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) both State and Federal have all failed to come to the rescue of the victims.

We notice that when the constituents are rich - the EPA and other enforcement agencies will rush to the rescue. Not so in the Bayview Hunters Point and in San Francisco where the regulatory agencies are located.

This bias was shown in El Dorado County very near Sacramento where the EPA and others stop the work and abated the area. Lennar Corp was involved in this case too.

The Regulatory Agencies have read the detail reports.

Have been telephoned by the victims.

Have been informed by the hospitals that are daily taking in patients suffering from breathing problems, nose bleeds, stomach pains, fainting spells, children passing out, the Elderly suffering from all sorts of ailments - and NO ONE is doing anything.

We even went of KPOO the local radio station and pleaded with the authorities and no one is doing anything.

The Chronicle and Examiner do not have investigative reporters. The little they have mentioned is very general in nature. The SF Bay Guardian took the lead - perhaps from reading my articles on IndyMedia.

Well, the world has not seen anything yet. We have sufficient documentation to take Lennar to Court - but we will do it when we want to do it.

In the interim thousands are joining our forces and it is this people power that counts.

In the mean time we feel that the City and County of San Francisco that has proposed at $6.1 Billion dollar budget - yes Billion Dollar budget - should be responsible and be liable. We want the City and County of San Francisco to pay for all the testing done by a private entity of the "people choosing".

Parcel A is surrounded by other parcels all very polluted and part of a Superfund Site. Is any one thinking about Cumulative Pollution?

The EPA and the Bay Area Air Management District know that the prevailing condition before Lennar came on board were bad - they have the empirical data - now with Lennar's rampant pollution and bombarding the air with Asbestos Particles and other polluting elements - Lennar is contributing to the death of many innocent constituents living and working in and around the Project A and Parcel A.

We will continue this fight and joined by others in Florida, New Mexico, Sacramento, North Carolina, here in San Francisco and else where. The forces are joining to take on the very corrupt Lennar Corporation.

If any of you want to join the fight - now is the opportunity to stand with those that have suffered too much for the longest time ever. This is America and the crooks must NOT be in the cockpit - these scum bags must be brought to justice. Lennar must be shut down - now.

Call 1.866.475.6907 for further information.

Join the Family Event Day to learn more on Saturday, June 23, 2007 at 195 Kiska Road the bus 44 and 54 takes you very near to the place.

There will be events for every one, good information, Child Care, Security, and the best experts to answer all your questions.

Free good food - not junk food. Lots of clean drink water and other healthy information.

Mostly, you will find out first hand what is happening in San Francisco in your back yard.


Francisco Da Costa
Environmental Justice Advocacy

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leon delaney
Fri, Jun 8, 2007 4:55PM
BV/HP Residents
Fri, Jun 8, 2007 8:39AM
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