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Where is Red or Green Candidate for SF Mayor?

by ?
All politics are local and the fact that the pro-rent control community, the workingclass, who are 2/3 of the residents, still has no candidate for mayor of San Francisco, is insulting and makes a mockery of all the marching around town that goes on for all kinds of causes, mostly very far away. We are not of very much use to ourselves or the rest of the world if we do not have a strong political base and that can only be achieved by using every opportunity including elections to rally and increase supporters for rent control, affordable housing for the workingclass, viable, free public transit, an end to police brutality and an end to the Navy's Blue Death Flights and Fleet Week.
All politics are local and the fact that the pro-rent control community, the workingclass, who are 2/3 of the residents, still has no candidate for mayor of San Francisco, is insulting and makes a mockery of all the marching around town that goes on for all kinds of causes, mostly very far away. We are not of very much use to ourselves or the rest of the world if we do not have a strong political base and that can only be achieved by using every opportunity including elections to rally and increase supporters for rent control, affordable housing for the workingclass, viable, free public transit, an end to police brutality and an end to the Navy's Blue Death Flights and Fleet Week.

The Green Party has made much about needing to build a political base but their failure to run anyone, and anyone will do, on the Green Party pro-rent control, pro public transit, pro affordable housing and anti-police brutality platform means they are not serious about building a political base. Having the Board of Supervisors vote one way or another does not build any political base. You have to do mass mobilizations, even in the face of the inevitable election fraud that was perpetrated by Democratic "mayor" Gavin Newsom in 2003 when Green Party Supervisor Matt Gonzalez actually won. It was the same election fraud the Democrats committed in 1997 and 1999. See

We also have a significant socialist community in San Francisco, which community by the way has existed for over 100 years in San Francisco. This is as good a time as any to build a mass base for the socialist Peace & Freedom Party. For their program, see Their website has an excellent article to the local Democratic Party Rep, Nancy Pelosi: "Pelosi and the Democrats, Put Up or Shut Up!" Gavin Newsom is her nephew, and we certainly do not want the election frauding anti-rent control puppet of the real estate industry, Gavin Newsom, to have a free ride for his phony "re-election."

In case anyone is unaware, a brief list of issues should be sufficient to inspire either party to put up a candidate, any candidate from their respective paty, to run on their party's platform, which is what all candidates should do:
1. Defending Rent Control, Promoting Affordable Housing for the Workingclass and Housing the Homeless Permanently
While the Democrats in the state house have failed to implement vacancy control, proving there is nothing liberal about any of them, we do have rent control which helps considerably after 1 year of residence, insuring housing stability for many working people for decades. This litmus test issue is extremely important and always worth defending from the anti-rent control, real estate hustlers like Democrat Gavin Newsom. We also need millions of studios, one bedroom, two bedroom, three bedroom and four bedroom apartments affordable to the workingclass, those who sell their labor for less than $76,000 a year, usually much less. That housing will have to be subsidized by federal tax dollars and it takes a mass movement to restore federally funded housing, whether public or private. Rents should never be more than 1/4 of one's net income, so we should have rents in the $500-$700 rent in workingclass housing. We still have 15,000 homeless who could easily be housed with the use of eminent domain to take over all the empty buildings in San Francisco and convert them to affordable housing. We are seeing some office buildings being converted to condominiums so the rich can have a second or third home. Most do not even need the huge first homes they have; they just need an apartment. This housing issue also includes stopping the gentrification of Bayview Hunters Point, a racist anti-workingclass program being promoted by Democrats "mayor" Newsom and Democrat city attorney Herrera, the latter with phony anti-gang ordinances. The biggest most vicious gang in this City is the Democratic Party machine at City Hall and their thug police.

2. The issue of police brutality is constant and inexcusable. We have plenty of organizations which could put a stop to it but there is no rallying point. A mayor's race is always a good rallying point to bring out the horrors being perpetrated by the police and in the jail system, as well as on the street where apparently deputy sheriffs are using taser guns and this is being denied by the "liberal" Democratic Sheriff Michael Hennesseey, the same one who claimed to not know anything about the strip searching of all prisoners and housing them naked in cement isolation cells. The very idea of jailing homeless people for being homeless is outrageous and a waste of our tax dollars. Then there is the phony "community courts" issue being promoted by Democrat Newsom to gentrify the Tenderloin. It is in reality more criminalization of the workingclass for being poor. It will not end poverty; it will cost the taxpayers too much for absolutely nothing good.

3. The biggest headline grabbing outrage is the Muni Metro fiasco, highlighted by the T Train debacle, but in existence before then. This waste of millions of our tax dollars consists of trains that are delayed something like a half hour, including sitting underground with no idea when the train will move. Most people who live here are forced to take buses which are not as direct and are often overcrowded. This outrage alone mandates a Red or Green candidate for mayor. The only response on the mass transit issue we have heard from the Democratic Party is a viciously anti-labor proposed charter amendment by Democratic Supervisors Chris Daly and Aaron Peskin, attacking Municipal Railway workers' wages and working conditions. This is an issue that should be protested loudly, clearly and vigorously by any Red or Green candidate for mayor, and tha same candidate should demand free public transit, making the Financial District a transit tax district for purposes of taxing the profits of the large corporations to pay for Muni, rather than the ever increasing fares, with corresponding cuts in service as fares cannot possibly pay for public transit. For the infamous statement by Daly and Peskin, see the Bay Guardian of April 18, 2007 at:
This was preceded by Aaron Peskin's statement in the Sunday, April 15, 2007 Chronicle at:
and was further promoted by Aaron Peskin in the May 22, 2007 Chronicle at:

As we know, we cannot have guns and butter. The way to end the war machine is to demand our tax dollars be spent right here on the needs and interests of the workingclass. We can also demand the end of the Navy's Blue Death flights and Fleet Week war promotion during Columbus Genocide weekend, about 3 weeks before election day, in San Francisco, a major issue in San Francisco and these Navy strafing death flights are overwhelmingly opposed by the majority of San Francisco voters. One of the pilots just died in an air show accident. See the San Francisco Chronicle, 4/23/07 at:

If there is no Red or Green candidate for mayor, we can skip that race and all other races with no Red or Green candidate and just vote on the propositions. We can also continue to witness no progress on more housing for the workingclass, better public transit or an end to police brutality and an end to the Navy's Blue Death flights over San Francisco and Fleet Week in San Francisco. Lots of us are ready to walk precincts and do phone banking, the best way to mobilize the workingclass. The pro-rent control vote is 50% of the voters in a high voter turnout election, which a mayor's race can be if we have a Red or Green candidate for mayor. Is Peace & Freedom Party or Green Party running a candidate for mayor of San Francisco?
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