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Hamburg protest against ASEM and the G8

by tristan
5,000 people march in Hamburg against the ASEM and G8
Energy to protest the G8 (June 6-8 summit) grows with preparatory march in Hamburg. Today there was a large march Against the European Union economics ministers and Asian economics ministers from ASEM. Their summit is today and tomorrow.

The march gathered at 12:00 and police were all around. The march was permitted and had been organized by the Autonomen or radical "black block" style activists. There had been good work with other groups and thousands of other people came. When the route was all settled with police the march started. Sound vans made constant announcements and kept us informed about what was happening. They also played music to get us pumped up.

The march had 4,000-6,000 participants and there were up to 5,000 cops. So the odds were not good of getting away with much. The march was surrounded on all side by a wall at least two thick of riot police. Dozens of water cannon tanks and armored personnel carries with bulldozer blades stood by.

The march was led by a "black block" of over 1,000. In Germany it is illegal to cover your face but everyone dressed in black with hoods, hats and sunglasses.

Police controlled the rate of the march but the marchers jumped and ran for bits and had fun. Several times flares or fireworks were shot up. At one point police tried to squeeze the march and were resisted. They peppersprayed the crowd on a street called Peper-something. The march continued and was stopped by water cannons in the road several times but then went on again. There were also stops for speeches.

The organizers finally decided to end the march early as a protest of police tactics. There had been arrests and other harassment. The march began to disperse but cops blocked the street. People tried to break through then eventually sat in the street. Others left through spaces at the sides. Several more arrests were made.

Many people headed back to the Rota Flora social center. Eventually hundreds outside built barricades. Hundreds of cops came and this led to several hours of minor barricades and some thrown objects and cops blocking streets. The police blasted with their water cannon tanks. By 8:00 the situation was calm again it seems.

Indymedia timeline:

mainstream German news with pictures:
by tristan
by tristan
by tristan
by tristan
by tristan
by tristan
by tristan
Police State - No thanks
by tristan
by tristan
by tristan
by tristan
by tristan
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by German Girl

please garble the faces before you publish the pictures. german police have also internet and they are very good and assiduous in collection pictures of activists!
by German Girl
here you can see a typical german demonstration. dont forget, german politicals call us all terrorists!
by author
around 15 minutes ago civil police men entered the infoshop schwarzmarkt in hamburg to take around 8 people out. right now they are no longer inside the infoshop. but a prisoner-transport arrived so it seems likely that they want to take some people with them. Around the squat Rote flora, which is hosting the convergence center hamburg these days, civil cops are observing, so watch out if you go in or out, because yesterday as well as today people were arrested from the streets. solidarity is our strength, meeting point at 8 pm at the rote flora for a demonstration in solidarity with the prisoners!

Right now there are still some people in prison and at least one they want to keep for 14 days (confirmed by lawyers) and around 25 are facing evidences (as media said)
by tristan
Here is a link to German Indymedia where they have compiled a bunch of posts and links:
by posted by F Espinoza
The G-8 Meeting

Fidel Castro Ruz

For those who are not informed –and I am one of them-, G-8 refers to the group of most developed countries, including Russia. The anticipated meeting which begins in 6 days has awakened great expectations due to the profound political and economic crisis threatening the world.
Let's read the news services.
The German news agency DPA announces that the German minister of Transportation and Urbanism, Wolfgang Tiefensee, declared "that the European Union countries have agreed on a common strategy."
"The European ministers of Urbanism meeting in the eastern city of Leipzig in an informal council under the motto of 'Urban Development and Territorial Cohesion’, will employ a common strategy for the protection of the environment and the halting of climatic change."
"For example," Tiefensee warned, "in the south of Europe the summer temperatures are expected to increase up to six degrees, while on the coasts we can expect strong winter storms.
"The drought threatening Spain and the lack of water in Poland are two more examples of the challenges facing the European Union, the German added at the end of the council."
Meanwhile, AFP reports that "the German minister of the environment, Sigmar Gabriel, judged it to be ‘very difficult’ that in the next G-8 summit any success could be achieved in the matter of climatic warming due to United States opposition."
"Germany will be the host country to the summit which will be held on June 6 to 8 in Heiligendamm with the eight most highly industrialized countries on the planet.
"Even though there are many in the United States who would like to see another kind of policy on climatic warming, ‘unfortunately, Washington prevents’ such a position to materialize, according to the German Social-Democratic minister.
"The German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, will put forth a ‘strong signal’ about the need to act urgently on this matter; the United States administration multiplies its opposition signals."
Reuters, the English agency, reports: "The United States has refused the German proposal to see that the Group of Eight agrees to tougher restrictions for carbon emissions that are producing global warming, according to the draft of the communiqué which will be presented at the meeting.
"The United States still has serious and fundamental concerns about this declaratory draft, to which Reuters had access.
"Treatment of climatic change goes completely counter to our position and crosses many ‘red lines’ in terms of which we simply cannot be in agreement, explained the American negotiators.
"This document is called FINAL, but we were never in agreement with any of the climatic language present in the text", they added.
"Germany would like an agreement to contain the increase of temperatures, in order to cut back global emissions by 50 percent lower than 1990 levels for the year 2050 and to increase energy efficiency by 20 percent for 2020.
"Washington rejects all those objectives."
While Blair declares that he would persuade his friend George, the only thing certain is that he added another submarine to the three that are now being built in Great Britain; with this, the expenses for sophisticated armament increases another 2.5 billion dollars. Perhaps someone with one of those new computer programs developed by Bill Gates could calculate the resources being used for war expenses at the cost of education, healthcare and culture for humanity.
George must say what he really thinks at the G-8 meeting, including the subject of the dangers threatening peace and food for human beings. Someone should ask him and he should not try to escape with the advice of his friend Blair.

Fidel Castro Ruz

May 29, 2007.

6:45 p.m.

TODAY-HOY, Mesa Redonda Informativa:

Un nuevo encuentro de los poderosos.

30 de mayo de 2007

Cubavisión, el Canal Educativo, Radio Rebelde y Radio Habana Cuba transmitirán hoy, desde las 6:30 p.m.(hora de CUBA), la mesa redonda informativa "Un nuevo encuentro de los poderosos", en la que se analizarán las nuevas Reflexiones de nuestro Comandante en Jefe sobre la venidera Reunión del Grupo de los 8 y la posición norteamericana en relación con temas cruciales para la supervivencia humana.

Sintonizar (*)en:

(*) All of them with a daily programation.

Other Websites: (The complete Serie of Fidel's Reflections)


edhcuba [at]

by viewer
that photo (asemdemo8_v-gallery.jpg) with the cops all surrounding the crowd is amazing, as is the photo in the feature ( German police react repressively to ASEM protest in Hamburg). Where can I get larger versions of those two images?
by sympnode

there is no need to protect the faces of protestors on media/news websites.

the police have their own cameras!
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