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by Fight Fascism
GOTO YouTube and find Aaron Russo's
"America: Freedom to Fascism."
Okay, someone asked if there are ways to stop the
insidious tramp of fascism in our country. I admittedly
was stumped. Because, with Congress in mental recess
or moral malaise, it did seem a rhetorical question.
It was depressing. And after fighting a good fight
for the past three decades (I saw it coming even then),
I was emotionally tired.

Today I punched up YouTube and found Aaron Russo's
"America: Freedom to Fascism." And first I was awe struck;
then I cried; then I revived myself and thought, hell,
why not! ("Some see things as they are and ask, why;
others see things as they might be and ask, why not.")

Russo meticulously chronicles our current descent into
the outer reaches of oblivion through the 1913 passage of
the Federal Reserve's (private banks) power-grabbing
putch, to the implementation of the personal income tax.

The Income Tax Law was never passed by Congress. Any
personal tax on labor or wages is a misreading of the
16th amendment, and was struck down by the Supreme
Court, though lower courts continually upheld the government's
right to tax individual income. Both the tax and the Fed
are clear and present dangers to our democracy; in tandum,
they represent power over our population and have designs
on global control.

I can't do justice to the complexities of the argument.
But please, ferret out the film and watch it with family
and friends. Russo takes on the NWO in a frontal assault,
giving no ground, never buying the BS. (I like that!)

You can buy the DVD at Alex Jone's Prison Planet site.
You can watch it free at YouTube (I punched up #7 page
at the bottom of selections.) I think it's worth the
$19.95 price, however. No one will believe you if you
try to explain especially if they are die-hard conservatives.

Russo says we can take back our freedom if we pull together,
strike, boycott, march in unison. Viva la America!


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