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John Graham Released, Robert Robideau speaks about Anna Mae Aquash

by antoinette nora claypoole
Details about the events surrounding hearings of John Graham, accused murderer of Anna Mae Pictou Aquash. Includes updated (May 17th) info regarding Robert Robideau and his cousin Leonard Peltier. The current flap about a letter written by Peltier is also discussed.
As this article goes to print, May 17th, 2007, John Graham's appeal regarding extradition is under "reserved judgement" in the Court of Appeals of Vancouver, B.C. That means that at anytime the 3 judges can rule to either extradite OR free him. He was released on bail, under house arrest per his prior conditions.

Murder, Wrapped in a Blanket
by antoinette nora claypoole

"It is wonderful to write to you. I am actually pleased to be able to take the time to write to you all. I love you all very much."
--Anna Mae Pictou Aquash, Mikmaq, Nov. 1975

A 21st century interview. With a survivor of the Indian Wars, 20th century style. I sit in a humble duplex on the eastern edge of Portland, Oregon. Fog shifting around like the shadows of ancestors. Haunted by the murders of their People. Another time and place consumes our talk. Sitting with Robert Robideau, member of the American Indian Movement who has worked tirelessly for his cousin, Leonard Peltier. Remembering when they all had so much to gain.

"She asked me once, there at the Jumping Bull Camp, 'Can I be part of the Northwest AIM group, with you?" Annie Mae Pictou Aquash. Talking to Robert Robideau back in 1975. Just a few months before she was found brutally murdered. They were young warriors trying to survive the FBI agents sent to destroy the movement. Robideau remembers more: "She was in with so many of our leaders. I didn't know then that she was in danger. I live with the fact that we in the Northwest could have protected her".

Robideau takes this knowledge, this memory seriously. As he tours for his cousin, Peltier, he talks about who killed Annie Mae. He believes John Graham, Tuchone from the Yukon Territory is guilty. And said so on a recent tour in Vancouver, B.C. There Robideau met attacks on his position. He was confronted by people who called him a Fed. And mostly he realized that supporting his cousin, Peltier, is as dangerous now as it was when he first met Annie Mae.

Robideau is currently being attacked by supporters of John Graham. Some people loathe him. Others know that his work and committment to his cousin's freedom are undying. Peltier distanced himself from Graham, the accused murderer of Anna Mae and Robideau has supported that position. Something which causes stirs into a pot ready to boil over. Peltier's recent attorney, Barry Bachrach, stepped down due to Peltier's inability to track/trust efforts made on his behalf. Still, his sentiments run deep. Today I say: "Robideau certainly created quite a stir while supporting his cousin, Leonard Peltier, would you agree?" Bachrach's reply a wellspring, a generosity of spirit: "Yes he does, and for me it has been my privilege to know him."

Despite the controversy which surrounds the murder of Annie Mae Pictou Aquash, and Peltier's understandable struggle to remain lucid after 30 years of wrongful incarceration, Robideau continues to believe his work is essential. His recent tour to Vancouver, B.C. a testament. To the worldwide efforts to free his cousin.

Robideau says he didn't go north to talk about Graham, as his opponents accuse him of doing. A serious, perplexed explanation prevails. " They didnt want to hear about the freedom campaign for Leonard..only about Graham. I went to Canada to speak solely about the freedom campaign for Leonard, which Graham's supporters disrupted". But where is Graham in all this? "I offered to meet with Graham under any conditions they choose. They declined", Robideau explains with a certainty he knows to be fact. I couldn't get a clear response from Graham or his supporters about whether he himself was aware of Robideau's wanting to meet.

And now. A random letter Peltier wrote in late April. Surfaces. On May 13th Graham supporters begin blasting Robideau. Again. The letter is posted publicly. A sad rant by Peltier, against his cousin. Robideau says he will resign from the committee. Peltier refuses to accept and as I write this is suppposedly preparing a public apology. To his cousin and to former attorney, Barry Bachrach. At best it will relect the fact that Leonard Peltier trusts his cousin with his life". And at least we imagine it will reveal what happens to someone who has been suffering under the gun of injustice.

The entire story is complex. Represents the nature of living in Indian Country. On both sides of any border indigenous people continue their struggle to survive all that has been to done to them.

The story keeps repeating itself. The paradoxes of a Patriot Act foreshadowed in Wounded Knee. So long ago by now. A replay, agents of fear abound. One person claims innocence while others yell “lynch”. Me? I keep saying let's not silence truth. The words of Matthew Lien, an in-the-trenches friend, a Graham supporter, resound: "I'm only hoping for justice and truth, which translates into John's (Graham) freedom, and that those responsible for Anna Mea's death be identified.”

The tape recorder not quite an MP3 player. Robideau says alot more to me. About what he believes of Graham’s guilt. But why all this fury against you, I ask him. His reply resonates still... “ They are afraid of me. Fear can be your worst enemy......"

Yes fear our great demise. Love the reprise so many fear. Still. We want to keep oursleves safe from the heat, the turbulance of this flight. Into desire. For resolve.
Maybe Anna Mae can help with this. She explains it best. From a jail cell in Vancouver, Wa. Nov. 1975:

“ This jail is so cold I am sitting at this table with a blanket wrapped around me. We have a broken window that they tried to patch up but the winds are strong today. It dropped to 15 degrees last nite and I’m sure it colder today. On our way over here yesterday I had the opportunity to gaze upon Mt. Hood. What a beautiful sight. Got to sign off-lawyer to take letter out.Love forever
Annie Mae (Aquash)“Naguset Eask” Sun Woman.

The years have eased none of the pain. Her murder. Our loss will resound 200 years beyond the end of time.

May 16, 2007
Ashland, Or.


read John Graham's words:

read Annie Mae's words:

read chronicles of the hearings in Canada:


May 16, 2007. Ashland, Or. Two days ago Robert Robideau offered his resignation to the Leonard Peltier Defense Committee (LPDC). This morning, the Committee refused to accept his resignation stating "The Leonard Peltier Defense Committee (LPDC) and Leonard Peltier will not accept the recent resignation of Bob Robideau, who has and continues to be a valuable asset to the on going work to free Leonard Peltier." At the same time LPDC has asked for the removal of Jennifer Wade, of Amnesty Int'l, " because of her irresponcible release of a private letter writen her by Leonard Peltier."

With this recent series of events and despite the controversy of a May 17th hearing regarding John Graham, accused murderer of Anna Mae Pictou Aquash, Peltier's position on Graham's guilt is still considered crucial to Graham supporters. The Peltier committee has suffered greatly due to Peltier's long incarceration and their continued position on the guilt of John Graham. At the time of this release Peltier had expressed "unofficial statements" but nothing has been endorsed by LPDC on the final outcome of these events. A "formal" statement from Peltier about this controversy is expected by Friday, according to the LPDC. It is still unclear whether Robideau will remain with the committee.
Press Release
Re: The Extradition of John Graham charged with the Murder of Annie Mae Pictou Aquash (Canadian Mi’kmaq)

Date: 5/17/07

It has been over 31 years since our mother's body was discovered in
the Badlands of South Dakota in the United States. Over the course of
31 years, there seems to have been very few people, other than her
family who have considered her constitutional rights, or her right to
life as a key issue. Her name has been used by many for their own
personal agendas, and to redirect attention away from those
responsible for her death.

There have been no offers of assistance by those institutions
allegedly designated to protect victims of injustice. Our family has
been left in Canada, to our own resources, while we have waited, and
continue to wait patiently for this case to work its way through
the justice system.

Through 31 years of delays, our family has held fast to the
understanding that these delays provide every opportunity for those
accused, those indicted and those under investigation to have each
and every step of the case handled with the greatest scrutiny, to
ensure that "their rights" are considered. Annie Mae did not have
that opportunity before she was delivered a death sentence. It is
ironic, that those rights that our mother sought to be applied to all
citizens whether in the United States or Canada, have been used by
those accused of killing our mother to avoid, and delay justice for

We have tried not to judge her case based upon the court of public
opinion. And, an opinion, in our estimation, that has been
formulated, and managed by some, who have sought to point fingers at
anybody but those responsible for her murder. We continue to make
judgments based on testimony, documents and information we feel has
been vetted, from those who have no reason to avoid the truth.

We are still in a time of discovery as those who have been indicted
are brought to justice. The facts surrounding her case are becoming
clearly evident. Annie Mae Pictou Aquash, a Canadian First Nations
women was viciously beaten, raped and murdered with multiple
witnessed involved in different parts of her kidnapping,
interrogation, and murder. Many of these witnessed did nothing for
many years, and her murder sat un-addressed for over 25 years.

Mr. Graham has publicly admitted on the record, several times, to
several people, that he was with Annie Mae Pictou Aquash during this
time period, and even those moments, leading up to our mother's

Arlo Looking Cloud has now been tried and sentenced to life in prison
for our mother's murder. Twenty-three sworn witnesses, including
former members of the American Indian Movement gave testimony, a
video of Looking Cloud's confession was shown naming Mr. John Graham
a.k.a. John Boy Patton as the man who shot my mother. This was all
reviewed by a jury before they voted to find Mr Looking Cloud guilty.
Additional evidence and witnesses will no doubt be presented during a
trial for Mr. Graham. We look forward to scrutinizing that evidence
as well, in the pursuit of justice.

The federal investigation to discover who else was involved in our
mother's murder continues. We look forward to the eventual release of
any, and all documents to the public in the future, either through
the indictment of others, trial evidence, or a determination that the
investigation has been completed.

While we recognize that our mother's case presents an opportunity of
solidarity for those who feel they have been unjustly processed in
the justice system, have been denied their treaty rights, or oppose
uranium mining, there is no correlation to any other trial, cause or
issue, past or present. A human being was murdered, there are
witnesses, there is evidence, her murderers are known, and some of
them are still free to walk around. They need to be held accountable
for their actions.

There is no injustice in allowing Mr. Graham every opportunity to
exercise his constitutional rights. It has now been almost four years
since he was indicted on the charge of 1st Degree Murder. If
extradited, Mr Graham has a right to defend himself, he has a right
to tell his side of the story, in a court of law, in the United
States. Justice can prevail, when evidence is allowed to be publicly vetted.
It is time for Mr. Graham to allow the process to go forward.

Annie Mae Pictou Aquash was committed to, and driven by the call for
justice for Indigenous people and those who could not help
themselves. Our family and friends honor her spirit and name, and her
right to obtain justice for those who so unjustly ended her life.

In the Spirit of Our Mother and Sister
The Maloney Pictou Family
by private investigator
The Leonard Peltier Defense Committee is based in El Paso, Texas, not Ashland, Oregon as the "press release" above states. The Committee's website has been updated but does not include this above "press release".

Leonard Peltier's many statements on the Anna Mae case can be found here:

Here's Leonard Peltier's May 4, 2007, postmarked letter on the matter, transcribed with added notes by Rex Wyler:

Leonard Peltier
US Penitentiary
Box # 1000
Lewisburg, PA, 17837


Dr. Jennifer Wade
[address withheld]
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Dear Jennifer!

Please allow me to begin by apologizing for not responding to
your letters, it was not [that] there is anything personal etc,
al, it¹s just that I have so much on my plate at times I don¹t
know if I¹m coming or going, and to even have the time to answer
my friends becomes a hassle!

"Do I support Bob [Robideau] in his efforts to get John [Graham]
railroaded into prison? Hell No! I¹d be a goddamn hypocrite if I
did. Because I know just about as much as Bob knows about Anna
Mae¹s murder and that is not a goddamn thing. I know Bob is full
of shit and that if the truth be known he did not even know her.
He my have spoken a casual Hello or something like that,
otherwise he did not know her.

What is his alternative(s)? Well, in his mind, which as far as
I'm concerned is very small!, this keeps his name in front of the
public and he has an issue to keep his name in Indian issues. You
will notice Bob does not go and make these statements on Pine
Ridge or anywhere in Indian Country. He would get his ass beat
down bad! A dry snitch is just as bad as a snitch! And that is
what he is doing, dry snitching, saying shit he has no proof of.
Hey, if he had real proof, he would have sold it along time ago,
because this is his real motive, $ $.

Bob got hooked up with B[arry] Bachrach while he was still living
in Spain. He actually became Bob¹s lawyer more than mine. I told
them repeatedly I did not want any involvement in what they were
trying to do with John G. [Graham]. Finally last month I accepted
Barry¹s resignation, and I¹m waiting for Bob to do the same.
Remember Jennifer, I am damned if I do and damned if I don't, and
believe me that is one Hell of a burden to have to endure. So I
have to wait for his [Robideau's] resignation. [small angry face
drawn on original]

The government does not want the whole truth to come out about
Indian peoples' struggles. Clear up to the current day & time,
they have always denied their genocidal attacks and continue to
do so today. And any Indian who works with them supports their
claims [that] the genocide never happened.

Look, I don¹t know if John is guilty or innocent. What I do know
is this: He will not receive a fair trial if he is returned, so
we will not know any more than we know now what happened to her
[Anna Mae Aquash]. I don¹t know how I can help. I cannot even
help myself. It looks more & more every day that I will die in
prison. Personally, I know the government was involved some how?
This is how COINTEL works.

Well my friend, I need to end this. Please contact the director
Toni of the L.P.D.C. [Leonard Peltier Defense Committee; phone #
withheld, available on request]. We need to keep in touch. Take

In the spirit of Crazy Horse,

[signed] Leonard

P.S. Yes, I heard Harriet died.
[Harriet Nahanee, Salish elder; small sad-face drawn on original.]

by Ogichdaa
I will remember Bob as he was 35 years ago,A warrior. Unfortunately, Bob died a cop. He fled to Spain years ago to avoid dealing with the fact that he vollagorated with the FBI to try and have the leadership of AIM accused of murder. I heard Bob on more than one occasion say ridiculous things about the American Indian Movement. Those who would make him a hero in his death consider this. Bob was acquitted of the murder that Leonard Peltier went to jail for. He called for the extradition of John Graham to the USA to stand trial and it caused him to get thrown off of the Leonard Peltier Defense Committee. His suffering is over.
by Ogichidaa
Means and Churchill supported the Conntras what more do you need to know. David Hill once got catch and release for explosive possession. Cops
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