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Los Angeles Police shoot projectiles at rally

by LA Indymedia
There are some scattered reports coming in about police opening fire with rubber bullets at the MacArthur Park endpoint of a very large march supporting amnesty for undocumented immigrants. A TV news station gave an estimate of 150,000, so you could set that as a conservative estimate. More complete newswire stories should be submitted in a few hours, so I'll just link to the front page of their site.
Because there were a couple CNN cameramen right in the middle of this, great footage was already shown on national TV, of many police in riot gear spreading across a park, with quite a few shooting many rounds of rubber bullets or wooden dowels. Quite a few very old and young people were seen in the fleeing crowd, and people with heavy bags, or popsicle and hot dog carts had a difficult time getting out of the way. Right in front of the CNN cameraman, several police really didn't give a damn what this appeared like, and continued to prod and shove a lady who had fallen on the ground over her purse as someone else was helping her up. At the same time, some individual officers were leaving some people (such as a vendor) alone, and weren't sweeping them all along.

The reporter there was as confused as anyone, and was saying that there was no announcement ordering people to leave the area, and that police were refusing to make comments, so they'd have to update everyone on the reason in a few hours. They said that it was basically an overreaction to a small altercation, and so they retaliated against everyone. Overall, the video of the people hit by bullets and families fleeing the police tell the story.

This whole scene gave an strong sense of deja vu of a similar scene in 2000 at the Democratic convention (so long ago... yet Bush is still here!). There was a convergence station by MacArthur park, and several of the same businesses visible. At the Staples center, police opened fire at the Rage Against the Machine Concert because they said that snapple bottles were thrown over the fence surrounding the 'free speech zone' some distance from the convention center. There had initially been a ring of trees around this parking lot, but they were chopped down after one day. Then, with only a small 1-2 carlength gap in the fence to allow people to enter and exit, they started opening fire with hard rubber balls at the crowd of young people who came for the concert.

Here, a local news station says that the justification today was essentially the same thing, that someone had thrown a bottle.
In the video clip there, the news anchor is calling an event where police and some demonstrators are pushing a 'riot' even though it's unclear how that started.
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5/1 (7:45PM PST) Alert! Los Angeles Police Brutally Attacks Immigrant

This just in! according to the Los Angeles Independent Media Center
(_http://la.indymedia.org_ ( ) and the local media sources,
police are now using tear gas and rubber bullets to attack peaceful immigrant
rally marchers at McArthur Park (the end rally site), here's the news from LA

Update: 6:20 PM, 6:20 PM (PST): The police has sent tear gas into the crowd
at Alvarado and 6th street. Thousands of people are panicking and running
away. The police is also firing rubber bullets into the crowd. They have
declared unlawful assembly to a family crowd in McArthur Park.

We'll be carefully following the story and any updates will be highly

We'll issue a formal statement soon.

Lee Siu Hin
National Coordinator

National Immigrant Solidarity Network
No Immigrant Bashing! Support Immigrant Rights!
webpage: _http://www.ImmigrantSolidarity.org_
e-mail: _info [at] ImmigrantSolidarity.org_
(mailto:infor [at]
New York: (212)330-8172
Los Angeles: (213)403-0131
Washington D.C.: (202)595-8990
by cp
There are a few more LA indymedia stories, but I don't think that most of the people have gotten home yet.

Here is some of LA Times text about the police subduing people. Hopefully you don't have to register to read this,0,3947088.story?coll=la-home-headlines

by Lee Siu Hin (reposted by danielsan)
National Immigrant Solidarity Network, ActionLA Coalition
Statement on LAPD Brutally Attacks May Day Immigrant Marchers at McArthur Park

Lee Siu Hin
National Coordinator
National Immigrant Solidarity Network
Action LA Coalition

May 1, 2007 10:00 PM PST

National Immigrant Solidarity Network and Action LA is outraged to learn that at about 6:30 PM, May 1, the LAPD fired rubber bullets and tear gas into crowds of hundreds of people at the May Day rally in McArthur Park. This was after the police had declared an unlawful assembly. Most of the people present did not hear or know about the police declaration..

The LAPD failed to act professionally and demonstrate restraint when it used excess force against a peaceful rally of families which included mothers, babies and young children. The LAPD lacked recognition of the consequences of it's actions.

Shame on the LAPD for failing to careful think before using brutal force to attack peaceful marchers.

We are calling community members, civil leaders to Immediately call LAPD chief William Bratton, and LA Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa office, to demand the following:

1) An immediate independent police investigation of the May Day incident at McArthur Park, and demand officers who violated the police guidelines be punished.

2) The immediate and full disclosure from LAPD of any people arrested and detained, we further demand that the LAPD not act as immigrant agents to enforce Federal immigrant law. Due-process of any detainees must be respected.

We encourage anyone if you have information about the May Day McArthur Park incident, please contact us: (213)403-0131 or e-mail: info [at]

We'll issue another detail statement soon and your support is highly appreciated.

Lee Siu Hin
National Coordinator
National Immigrant Solidarity Network
ActionLA Coalition

LAPD Hotline:
Toll Free (1-877-275-5273)
Spanish Line (Español)

LA Mayor's Office:
by Reporter
This event was crazy. Telemundo 52 got the worse of it. Three of their crew members ended up in the hospital. One of their reporters was hit with a rubber bullet during an interview.
by link

Here is the link to Telemundo video - pick the march from the right

Wow. Fox news right now even is showing them shoving around the Fox photographer, and explained that police aren't allowed to do that, and are also claiming that no orders were given to disperse. This is pretty good, given that they're Fox. They did get a bystander to say that young men provoked it all, in unsaid ways.
Their video is actually much more dramatic than the CNN video which was inside the park rather than on the Boulevard. The Fox video shows the Fox reporters being hit with batons along with Telemundo as they were trying to get to their van, and the reporter starts shrieking. There is a shot of a guy with a flag being batoned next to them.
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