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Cindy Sheehan and Norman Solomon Blast Democrats for their Role in Funding War

by Daniel Bacher
Cindy Sheehan and Norman Solomon castigated Congressional Democrats for funding Bush's war in a presentation in Sacramento on April 4, the anniversary of the deaths of Casey Sheehan and fellow soldier Mike Mitchell in Iraq in 2004 and Martin Luther King's assassination in 1968.
Cindy Sheehan and Norman Solomon Blast Democrats for their Role in Funding War

by Dan Bacher

Cindy Sheehan, who appeared with author Norman Solomon at a packed event presented by Sacramento for Democracy and Progressive Democrats of America on April 4 at the Coloma Center, had as harsh words for the Democrats who voted for the supplemental funding bill for the Iraq war as she did for the Bush administration and Congressional Republicans.

“We have a crazy leader in the White House,” she said. “Why would you give a crazy leader like Bush more power by voting for his request for more funding for the war? We have to hold the Democrats just as accountable as we do the Republicans.”

She pointed out that it isn't just Bush and the Republicans that are committed to war and military intervention, but the Democrats as well. She said that Democrats and Republicans both constitute “the War Party,” with the exception of brave Congress members like Barbara Lee, Lynn Woolsey, Maxine Waters and the seven other Representatives that voted against Bush's supplemental funding request.

“Bush is not the problem; he's just a boil on the ass of democracy,” said Sheehan. “If you lance the boil, you will just get another boil to replace it. You have to cure the disease of militarism or you will get another Bush.”

To cure this disease, she urged people to not pay their taxes, as well as dedicating themselves to increased personal sacrifice in their roles as anti-war activists.

“One way to cure the disease of militarism is not to pay taxes,” she said. “If millions across the country did this, there would be no money for war. I refuse to subsidize their killing. It is a moral decision that I have made not to pay my taxes any more for war and militarism.”

The widely publicized event was held on the same day that Casey, Sheehan's son, died in combat in Iraq in 2004, along with his fellow soldier, Mike Mitchell. It was also the anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. in 1968.

In addition, Sheehan noted that April 4 was the 40th anniversary of MLK's “Riverside” speech at Riverside Church in New York City against the Vietnam War in 1967. In one of the most important speeches in U.S. history, King named the sickness eating the American soul as "the giant triplets of racism, extreme materialism, and militarism.”

Sheehan made her speech just prior to leaving for Camp Casey in Crawford, Texas, located on the five acres she bought last year, for Easter Weekend. Sheehan and Solomon spoke behind a memorial table with flowers and photos dedicated to the lives of Casey Sheehan, Mike Mitchell and Martin Luther King, Jr.

Solomon and Sheehan appeared at the event, presented by Sacramento for Democracy and Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) and sponsored by the Ruth Holbrook Memorial Forum, to discuss the topic, “Meeting the Historic Challenge: War, Peace and the 2007 California Democratic Convention.” The event was part of PDA's “Organize, Mobilize and Deliver the Progressive Vote” Tour. Solomon's appearance kicked off a barnstorming of the state leading up to the California Democratic Party Convention in San Diego, on April 27 - 29.

Solomon showed a rough cut preview of the documentary film “War Made Easy: How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death,” based on his recent book. Solomon is a nationally syndicated columnist on media and politics and a newly elected delegate to the State Democratic Party from the 6th Assembly District.

“I'm for working inside, outside and any side for peace and justice,” Solomon quipped, in reference to the upcoming Democratic Convention, before showing the film.

Solomon is particularly alarmed by recent statements by Presidential candidates Barrack Obama, Hillary Clinton and John Edwards, as quoted in the New York Times, that “all options” against Iran must be on the table, including the President retaining the right to launch a nuclear war.

At the same time that the Democrat presidential candidates are talking about “all options” against Iran, the Democratic leadership had put impeachment off the table, noted Solomon.

“The Democrats are still the party of war,” he said, “and we will be inside and outside of the convention. We want the nuclear option against Iran to be taken off the table.”

The movie breaks apart the web that presidents and pundits have spun and scrutinizes the media's techniques that have promoted American wars since Vietnam. Much of this, he said, was how the media was able to channel people's fear with nationalism. This set the stage for America's bombing and killing machine.

“Every president has gone out of their way of having said they want peace, even while ordering military action,” Solomon said in the film.

Sheehan suggested another title for Soloman's film - “Cavalcade of War Criminals” - and praised Solomon's inclusion of clips for President Clinton speaking about the “need” for the U.S. attacks on Yugoslavia, Iraq and the Sudan.

“There is no such thing as a good war - ever, ever,” she emphasized. “People who say there is such a thing as a good war don't know history. For example, if it wasn't for World War I, there would have been no World War II. There is no such thing as bombing for peace, only preventing war to achieve peace.”

Sheehan reflected on what keeps her going in her role as the nation's “Peace Mom.”

“I cry to sleep every night, not wanting to get on a plane, and wanting to stay home with my children and have a normal life,” she said. “What keeps me going are the millions of people that have been put in harm's way because of what our government is doing to them. I want to have grandchildren - but I don't want them to have the same country that Uncle Casey had.”

Karen Bernal of Sacramento for Democracy finished the evening by urging people to attend the Democratic Convention both inside as delegates, activists and observers and outside as demonstrators.

“We are the insurgents,” said Bernal. “We are here and we are going to resist you and your wars!”

For future events of Sacramento For Democracy, go to

Monica Krauth contributed to this report.
§Norman Solomon
by Daniel Bacher
§Karen Bernal
by Daniel Bacher
§Memorial to Casey Sheehan, Mike Mitchell and MLK, Jr.
by Daniel Bacher
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