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US: Stop the Guantanamo Circus

by Human Rights Watch (reposted)
Hicks Pleads Guilty; New Detainee Arrives
(Guantanamo Bay, March 27, 2007) – Two defense lawyers for Guantanamo detainee David Hicks were barred from representing their client yesterday, highlighting the failure of US military commissions to meet fair trial standards, Human Rights Watch said today. Hicks, the first person to be charged before the military commissions authorized by Congress in 2006, pleaded guilty to a single criminal charge.

Hicks’ plea came as the Defense Department announced the transfer of a new detainee to Guantanamo. The Kenyan detainee, taken into custody in Kenya, appears to be a criminal suspect who belongs in civilian criminal court.

“The antics at the Hicks hearing underline the illegitimacy of the Guantanamo tribunals,” said Jennifer Daskal, advocacy director of the US Program at Human Rights Watch and an observer at the hearing.

Hicks’ two civilian defense counsel were prevented from representing him as his hearing got underway on March 26. The presiding judge provisionally dismissed the assistant defense counsel, stating that the government was precluded from assigning civilian government employees to represent defendants, even though military commission rules allow the Department of Justice to assign its civilian lawyers to the prosecution. The judge then removed Joshua Dratel, Hicks’ longtime civilian counsel, because he agreed to abide by all “existent” rules, but refused to agree to “all” rules for the tribunal without first knowing what those rules stated. According to the judge, this ran afoul of civilian counsel’s obligations to agree to military regulations governing representation – regulations which have not yet been issued.

“Those who doubted these tribunals would be fair have been proved right,” said Daskal. “The commission can’t even establish basic rules for lawyers representing the defendant. There’s little reason to think that if Hicks had gone to trial he would have received a fair hearing.”

Hicks’ sole remaining lawyer, Major Michael Mori, had recently been threatened by the chief prosecutor of the military commission, Col. Morris Davis, who warned that Mori could be held criminally liable under Article 88 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice because he made public criticisms of President Bush’s detainee policies. Mori filed a prosecutorial misconduct motion about this matter, but because Hicks pleaded guilty the motion will likely never be heard.

Originally the US government had charged Hicks with attempted murder, among other offenses. Hicks pleaded guilty yesterday to one count of material support for terrorism – a crime typically prosecuted in civilian courts. Hicks will appear before the military commission for sentencing later this week and could receive a sentence of up to life imprisonment. He is expected to serve most of his term in Australia.

Human Rights Watch called again for the Bush administration to close the Guantanamo Bay detention facility, stating that the remaining detainees should either be charged and tried in federal court, or released. More than 380 detainees at Guantanamo have not been charged with crimes or held in accordance with the laws of war, and have been denied any opportunity for a meaningful review of the basis for their detention in an independent court.

Transfer of New Detainee

Human Rights Watch also raised concerns about the transfer of a criminal suspect to military custody at Guantanamo instead of to US civilian custody. The Department of Defense announced on March 26 that it had transferred Mohammad Abdul Malik to Guantanamo over the weekend.

“The Bush administration is still using the ‘war on terror’ to hold criminal suspects while denying them their basic rights,” said Daskal. “If Abdul Malik committed terrorist acts, I’m sure federal prosecutors would be happy to indict him.”

Abdul Malik is a Kenyan citizen. Kenyan authorities detained him in late February, and local human rights groups briefly saw him in detention in Nairobi. He reportedly disappeared from custody soon after. A March 14 Kenyan media article referred to police sources who stated that he had been flown to Guantanamo.

The Pentagon, which did not reveal where Abdul Malik has been held for the past three weeks, reported that he had confessed to participating in a 2002 hotel attack in Mombasa, Kenya, as well as involvement in a plot to shoot down an Israeli civilian airliner near Mombasa.

Human Rights Watch expressed concern that Abdul Malik was held incommunicado for several weeks and interrogated about alleged criminal activities under questionable circumstances.

“Where was Abdul Malik held these last weeks?” said Daskal “If he was held in secret detention, by the CIA or the military, it raises serious questions about the treatment he experienced and the value of his confession.”

Abdul Malik’s transfer to Guantanamo comes not long after the extradition of another terrorism suspect from Kenya to Houston, Texas, for prosecution in US federal court. Daniel Joseph Maldonado, a US citizen, was arrested in Kenya in late January for illegally entering the country from Somalia, sent to the United States, and charged with undergoing training in weapons and bomb-making. Abdul Malik was reportedly arrested at a foreign exchange bureau in Mombasa.

“The vastly different treatment of these two terrorism suspects shows the US sees Guantanamo as a parallel criminal justice system for foreigners,” said Daskal. “Americans suspected of terrorism rightly go before US courts, while foreigners get sent to Guantanamo for indefinite detention and unfair proceedings.”

Human Rights Watch called on the United States to bring Abdul Malik to trial in US federal court, pointing out that discrimination on the basis of nationality in criminal proceedings is prohibited under international law. In an important UK decision in December 2004, the House of Lords struck down a law that permitted the indefinite detention of foreign terrorism suspects, but not UK nationals.

Except for 14 detainees transferred to Guantanamo from CIA custody in September 2006, transfers to Guantanamo had stopped in September 2004.
§David Hicks pleads guilty on one count. AI observer attends arraignment at Guantánamo
by Amnesty International (reposted)
27 March 2007 AI Index: AMR 51/052/2007

At a hearing in Guantánamo on 26 March 2007, in his sixth year of detention and at the start of the US administration’s second attempt in the last three years to try him before a military commission, Australian national David Hicks pleaded guilty to one specification under the charge of "providing material support for terrorism".

This plea was made after years of indefinite detention, isolation and allegations of torture and ill-treatment, and after a day in which Hicks’ legal representation was reduced by the military judge overseeing the commission. After the plea, proceedings were adjourned and were expected to be reconvened later in the week after the details of the plea had been worked out.

David Hicks was one of 10 detainees to be charged under military commissions established under President George W. Bush’s Military Order of 13 November 2001. Those proceedings were halted in November 2004 by a US District Court judge, and ruled unlawful by the US Supreme Court in Hamdan v. Rumsfeld in late June 2006. In early March 2007, David Hicks was the first person to be charged under the Military Commissions Act, legislation signed into law by President Bush on 17 October 2006 in response to the Hamdan ruling.

On 26 March 2007, David Hicks was arraigned on charges that he had never previously faced, in a system whose rules were issued two months ago. He came into the commission room in tan prison uniform and flip-flops with his hair hanging half way down his back. At his table was Major Dan Mori, his military defense counsel, Joshua Dratel, his civilian defense counsel, and Rebecca Snyder, his assistant military defense counsel.

When the military judge, Marine Colonel Ralph Kohlmann, asked David Hicks if he wanted to keep his current legal representation, Hicks answered that he did, and that he wanted them provided with more assistance. What followed was a direct result of attempting to create a system of justice based on a roughly 200-page manual and which will operate in something approaching a legal vacuum.

Although the afternoon started with David Hicks asking for more support for his legal team, the result was the exact opposite. First, the military judge raised a challenge to the participation of Rebecca Snyder. While insisting that he was not issuing a ruling at this time, Colonel Kohlmann asserted that under his interpretation of the rules she could not represent David Hicks as military defense counsel since she was a civilian in the reserves. He gave David Hicks a choice – Rebecca Snyder could stay and consult but not advocate on his behalf, or she could leave. David Hicks told the judge he did not want her at the table if she could not represent him.

Next, the judge raised an issue with David Hicks’ civilian defense counsel of three years, Joshua Dratel. He stated that Dratel had not complied with the commission rules because he had not signed the necessary certification. Joshua Dratel argued that the qualification of a civilian defense counsel under the Rules for Military Commissions requires that in order to appear before a commission, civilian counsel shall "Have signed the agreement prescribed by the Secretary [of Defense] pursuant to 10 U.S.C. § 949c(b)(3)(E)." The issue at hand was that the Secretary of Defense had failed to issue such an agreement. Colonel Kohlmann had issued an order that could be signed in its place, but Joshua Dratel argued that, not only was this order invalid since the judge did not have the authority to issue it, but also that it would violate Dratel’s ethical obligations to sign an agreement that had not been created. Colonel Kohlmann, as he had previously with Rebecca Snyder, decided that Joshua Dratel did not meet the criteria necessary to practice before the military commission. Dratel was offered the opportunity to stay on as a consultant, to which he replied "I am not a potted plant." When asked if he wanted Joshua Dratel to stay on as a consultant, David Hicks replied "I am shocked because I just lost another lawyer", adding that he was left only with "poor Mr. Mori."

An afternoon that started with a request for increased resources for the defense thus resulted in the reduction of David Hicks’ legal team by two-thirds due to regulations that had not been promulgated and rules that had not been tested.

These exchanges were observed by a room that included journalists, NGO delegates, Australian attorneys, Australian government and diplomatic officials, as well as David Hicks’ father and sister. David Hicks is the only detainee at Guantánamo to have had visits from family.

At the hearing, Major Mori challenged the military judge’s fitness to preside over the proceedings, arguing both bias and the appearance of bias. The judge ruled himself fit to serve, dealt with scheduling matters, and adjourned the proceedings.

Approximately three hours later, the commission was reconvened and David Hicks entered a guilty plea to one of two specifications of his charge of "providing material support for terrorism". The specification alleges that between December 2000 and December 2001, Hicks intentionally provided material support for al Qa’ida, and that this conduct took place in the context of an armed conflict. Yet the international armed conflict in Afghanistan only began in October 2001. The Military Commissions Act effectively backdates the "war on terror" to make offences committed even before 11 September 2001 triable by military commission.

David Hicks pleaded not guilty to a second specification, namely that during the same time period, he provided material support or resources for an act of terrorism.

The military judge questioned David Hicks as to whether his plea had been influenced by the removal of two of his three attorneys earlier in the day. Hicks replied that it had not. However, after more than five years of virtually incommunicado military detention, and facing unfair trial procedures, serious questions must be asked about whether such a guilty plea can have been a purely volitional act.

The maximum penalty that David Hicks faces is life imprisonment, but the prosecution has said that it does not intend to argue for a life sentence. Under the terms of a reported arrangement, Hicks would serve any prison sentence in Australia. The guilty plea thus begins a process which will end in his return to his home country, some predict before the end of the year. In this regard, what transpired yesterday can also be seen as part of an exit strategy from a source of diplomatic tension rather than of judicial proceedings at which justice would either be done or be seen to be done.

Yesterday’s proceedings do not bode well for the 60 to 80 people that the government claims it will prosecute under the military commission system. The proceedings reaffirm the need to close the Guantánamo detention camp as a matter of urgency and to end the lawlessness that it has come to symbolize.

The military commissions should be scrapped. Guantánamo detainees should be charged with recognizable criminal offences and brought to fair trial before a competent, independent and impartial tribunal, such as a US District Court, or else released with full protections against further abuse.

Jumana Musa observed David Hicks’ arraignment for Amnesty International. She is a lawyer and a staff member of Amnesty International's US section. She is a fluent Arabic speaker.

For further information, see USA: Justice delayed and justice denied? Trials under the Military Commissions Act, AI Index: AMR 51/044/2007, March 2007,
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